735 Repositories
Rust simple-syntax Libraries
My solutions for the 2021 edition of the Advent of Code, using Rust and SOM (Simple Object Machine)
Advent of Code 2021 These are my solutions for the 2021 edition of the Advent of Code. The solutions are all implemented using both Rust and SOM (Simp
A Web-App written in Rust with Yew, using the same SyntaxHighlighter from Google Code Archive as planetb.ca
PlanetB SyntaxHighlighter About This is a small app, providing static files to have a frontend to format your code so you can paste it with styles to
Hotwire allows you to study network traffic of a few popular protocols in a simple way
Hotwire Hotwire is a gtk GUI application that leverages the wireshark and tshark infrastructure to capture traffic and explore the contents of tcpdump
A simple CLI to build VEXCode V5 Pro projects and download them to the V5 brain.
vexer A simple CLI to build VEXCode V5 Pro projects and download them to the V5 brain. (WIP) This currently is only tested on and only works on window
A simple, plug-and-play Rust-implementation of D3vd/Meme_API
🌃 Rua A simplified Rust-implementation of D3vd/Meme_API. You can self-host this with ease through Docker, but you can also opt to use our free servic
Rust = Solidity
POC harness for writing Solidity tests in Rust using ethers-rs. Usage Run forge tests forge test Run rust tests forge build cargo test Notes The usag
🎵 A super simple VST written in Rust
DigiDist This is a simple little VST plugin, developed in Rust using the vst2 crate. It doesn't sound particularly great, but it demonstrates just how
A very simple audio synthesizer with a tuix gui
In this tutorial we'll create a very simple audio synthesiser application from scratch with a ui using tuix. The finished code for this tutorial can b
simple-eq is a crate that implements a simple audio equalizer in Rust.
simple-eq A Simple Audio Equalizer simple-eq is a crate that implements a simple audio equalizer in Rust. It supports a maximum of 32 filter bands. Us
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
Fast Node Manager (fnm) 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust Features 🌎 Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux) ✨ Single
Simple examples to demonstrate full-stack Rust audio plugin dev with baseplug and iced_audio
iced baseplug examples Simple examples to demonstrate full-stack Rust audio plugin dev with baseplug and iced_audio WIP (The GUI knobs do nothing curr
Simple prepender virus written in Rust
Linux.Fe2O3 This is a POC ELF prepender written in Rust. I like writting prependers on languages that I'm learning and find interesting. As for the na
Simple verification of Rust programs via functional purification in Lean 2(!)
electrolysis About A tool for formally verifying Rust programs by transpiling them into definitions in the Lean theorem prover. Masters thesis: Simple
Conditional compilation using boolean expression syntax, rather than any(), all(), not()
Conditional compilation expressions Conditional compilation using boolean expression syntax, rather than any(), all(), not(). [dependencies] efg = "0.
Simple and efficient time representation in Rust.
timens-rs Simple and efficient timestamp representation. The main objective being interoperability with OCaml Core_kernel.Time_ns. A significant part
This is a simple lnd poller and web front-end to see and read boosts and boostagrams.
Helipad This package will poll a Lightning LND node for invoices related to Podcasting 2.0 and display them in a web interface. It's intended for use
A fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet penetration, port forwarding tool supports multiple connections, cascading proxy, and transmission encryption
A fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet penetration, port forwarding tool supports multiple connections, cascading proxy, and transmission encryption
A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output
Get Started Install delta and add this to your ~/.gitconfig: [core] pager = delta [interactive] diffFilter = delta --color-only [delta]
Simple example for building a blockchain in Rust
rust-blockchain-example Simple example for building a blockchain in Rust Start using RUST_LOG=info cargo run This starts the client locally. The block
Wiz - A simple, frameless, lightweight browser for screenshots
Wiz, A simple, frameless, lightweight browser for screenshots. Intallation You can find the suitable installer for your system in the releases page. W
Simple document-based NoSQL DBMS from scratch
cudb (a.k.a. cuda++) Simple document-based noSQL DBMS modelled after MongoDB. (Has nothing to do with CUDA, has a lot to do with the Cooper Union and
pt is a simple tabbed terminal built with gtk-rs and vte-rs.
pt pt is a simple tabbed terminal built with gtk-rs and vte-rs. how to build You need to have gtk3 glib vte pcre2 dev packages installed on your syste
A simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javascript.
FnXY Programming Language Quick move: CONTRIBUTING | LICENSE What? FnXY is a simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javas
A simple utility for multithreading a/synchronization
Flowync Quick Example use flowync::Flower; fn main() { let flower = Flower::i32, String::new(1); std::thread::spawn({ let handle =
A clean and simple network looking glass application
lg lg is my custom Looking Glass server software for use in ZZANet. The whole application is lightweight, self-contained, and easy to use even outside
LR(1) grammar parser of simple expression
LR(1)语法分析程序 实验内容 编写LR(1)语法分析程序,实现对算术表达式的语法分析。要求所分析算数表达式由如下的文法产生: E - E+T | E-T | T T - T*F | T/F | F F - (E) | num 程序设计与实现 使用方式:运行.\lr1-parser.exe
A simple command line based RPN calculator
stak A simple command line based RPN calculator Usage stak can be used in two modes: one-shot from the command line, or in an interactive shell One-sh
A simple camera for properly displaying tile-based low resolution pixel perfect 2D games in bevy.
Bevy Tiled Camera A simple camera for properly displaying low resolution pixel perfect 2D games in bevy. The camera will adjust the viewport to scale
A simple string interner / symbol table for Rust projects.
Symbol Interner A small Rust crate that provides a naïve string interner. Consult the documentation to learn about the types that are exposed. Install
Simple timings profiler
profl Simple timings profiler Example fn main() - std::io::Result() { profl::init("timings.data"); let mut total = 0; for i in 0..1000
A simple note taking application written in Rust and GTK4
Rnote A simple note taking application written in Rust and GTK4. Rnote aims to be a simple but functional note taking application for freehand drawing
Simple WIP GPGPU framework for Rust built on top of wgpu
gpgpu A simple GPU compute library based on wgpu. It is meant to be used alongside wgpu if desired. To start using gpgpu, just create a Framework inst
A simple CLI for combining json and yaml files
A simple CLI for combining json and yaml files
A simple and elegant, pipewire graph editor
pw-viz A simple and elegant, pipewire graph editor This is still a WIP, node layouting is kinda jank at the moment. Installation A compiled binary is
A simple compile-to-WebAssembly language rewritten in Rust
chasm A very simple compile-to-WebAssembly language You can play with chasm online. This is a rewrite in Rust of the compiler for the language chasm.
Small and simple CLI app to generate .editorconfig based on a given settings.
add-editorconfig Small and simple CLI app to generate .editorconfig based on a given settings. Usage # Will create an .editorconfig in the current dir
Simple console input macros with the goal of being implemented in the standard library.
Simple console input macros with the goal of being implemented in the standard library.
This contract implements simple vote for the best coffe in indonesia using near protocol.
vote-coffe-near Description This contract implements simple vote for the best coffe in indonesia using near protocol. Contract in contract/src/lib.rs
A simple Pokedex API
A simple Pokedex API
Simple template for building smart contract(Rust) and RPC Client(web3.js) on Solana (WIP) ⛏👷🚧⚠️
Solana BPF Boilerplate Simple template for building smart contract(Rust) and RPC Client(web3.js) on Solana This boilerplate provides the following. Si
A simple code boilerplate generator written in Rust.
💻 Cgen What is Cgen? A modern, cross-platform, multi-language boilerplate generator aimed to make your code generation less hectic! If you wish to su
kindly is a simple Rust implementation of a set-user-ID-root program, similar to sudo but in a much reduced way.
kindly is a simple Rust implementation of a set-user-ID-root program, similar to sudo but in a much reduced way.
Program analysis playground for a simple, imperative language
Proggers Proggers is a program analysis playground for a simple, imperative language. Features Numerical analysis using abstract interpretation Type-c
Simple system monitoring app that runs on terminal. Made purely with Rust.
What is it? RCTOP is a simple WIP system monitoring app that runs purely on terminal and doesn't feature GUI. One can compare it to htop, but more str
A fast & simple boilerplate generator, built with Rust. 🦀
Boom 💥 A fast & simple boilerplate generator, built with Rust. Installing boom This package is not yet downloadable on Brew or other package managers
A simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life using Fully homomorphic Encryption
Game of life using Fully homomorphic encryption A simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life built using Zama's concrete-boolean library. Build Ju
Simple project to test grpc between ruby (client) and rust (server)
grpc-example Simple project to test grpc between ruby (client) and rust (server). Usage To simplify a lot this project uses docker and docker compose
A Simple Rust Game Engine For 2D
VeeBee VeeBee Is A Nice And Simple Game Engine For 2D. Features Sprites & Images! Btw There Is A Built In 2D Pack (But The Textures Are REALY BAD, Sor
A simple CLI audio player with strange features.
legacylisten legacylisten is a simple CLI audio player I wrote because no existing one fulfilled my needs. The main feature is that you can change how
A simple GUI version of the pH calibration tool written in egui, based on the eframe template.
caliphui A simple GUI version of the pH calibration tool written in egui, based on the eframe template. Usage Native binaries are provided under relea
A simple port scanner built using rust-lang
A simple port scanner built using rust-lang
A syntax exploration of eventually stable Rust Iterator items
Rust Iterator Items: a syntax exploration This crate is a thin wrapper around the unstable generator feature, allowing users to create new items that
PackDb is a simple messagepack based database in rust
PackDb is a simple key value messagepack store Inspired by kwik It uses your local storage
A very simple Among Us mod launcher
Sussy Launcher ඞ A very simple mod launcher/loader for the game Among Us (Also referred to as Amogus ඞ). This Project is written with the Rust program
A Simple Image to Ascii converter in Rust
Image to Ascii A Simple Image to Ascii converter in Rust Brief 📖 In my way to learn Rust i decided to make this converter. Challenges 🐢 new to Rust
Simple tray application which shows battery level for HyperX Cloud Flight Wireless Headset.
HyperX Cloud Flight Battery Monitoring Introduction Simple tray application which shows battery level for HyperX Cloud Flight Wireless Headset. Screen
A CLI for fast and simple TODOs
taskus: a simple, but powerful TODO CLI taskus is a tool for managing TODOs. It has support for most operating systems. Shell completions are availabl
Simple Peer-to-Peer Exchange
Near Cetificate Devoloper - Demo Simple Peer-to-Peer Exchange On NEAR How it works? See how p2p exchange work here. Exploring The Code The contract co
Drill is an HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
Drill is an HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
Modrinth API is a simple library for using Modrinth's API in Rust projects
Ferinth is a simple library for using the Modrinth API in Rust projects. It uses reqwest as its HTTP(S) client and deserialises responses to typed structs using serde.
A simple, efficient spring animation library for smooth, natural motion in Rust
Natura A simple, efficient spring animation library for smooth, natural motion in Rust Usage Natura is framework-agnostic and works well in 2D and 3D
A simple command line tool for creating font palettes for engines like libtcod
palscii A simple command line tool for creating font palettes for engines like libtcod. Usage This can also be viewed by running palscii --help. palsc
An ultra simple static site generator designed to appeal to technical as well as non technical users.
Hulk is an ultra simple static site generator designed to appeal to both technical and non technical users.
Extract tokens by simple condition expression.
Condex Extract tokens by simple condition expression. | Docs | Latest Note | [dependencies]
Fast, simple and REST compliant file-server with public/private key authentication written in Rust
stormi Stormi is a fast and simple file-server with public/private key authentication How does it work? Stormi accepts multipart/form-data form with m
Modrinth API is a simple library for using, you guessed it, the Modrinth API in Rust projects
Modrinth API is a simple library for using, you guessed it, the Modrinth API in Rust projects. It uses reqwest as its HTTP(S) client and deserialises responses to typed structs using serde.
Simple file sharing with client-side encryption, powered by Rust and WebAssembly
Hako Simple file sharing with client-side encryption, powered by Rust and WebAssembly Not feature-packed, but basic functionalities are just working.
Teleport is a simple application for sending files from Point A to Point B
Teleporter Teleporter is a small utility in the vein of netcat to send files quickly from point A to point B. It is more convenient than netcat in tha
A 2D side-scrolling 'endless runner' game, with simple generative music.
Lonely Star Space is a lonely place, but at least you've got the music to keep you company. Lonely Star is a 2D side-scrolling 'endless runner' game,
Simple and fast layer 4 proxy in Rust
Fourth 这一波在第四层。 English Fourth是一个Rust实现的Layer 4代理,用于监听指定端口TCP流量,并根据规则转发到指定目标。 功能 监听指定端口代理到本地或远端指定端口 监听指定端口,通过TLS ClientHello消息中的SNI进行分流 安装方法 为了确保获得您架构
Simple MHV6 extension used to download custom songs efficiently and effectively.
nong-downloader-extension A simple MegaHack v6 extension that helps you download NONG songs directly to GD. Compiling. Why would you want to compile??
A fast and simple command-line tool for common operations over JSON-lines files
rjp: Rapid JSON-lines processor A fast and simple command-line tool for common operations over JSON-lines files, such as: converting to and from text
A simple tcp server that written in rustlang
rust_tcp A simple tcp server that written in rustlang How to build In the root dir cargo run Then you can do a test by using telnet as a client telne
A tiny, super simple and portable benchmarking library.
benchmark-simple A tiny benchmarking library for Rust. Trivial to use Works pretty much everywhere, including WebAssembly (WASI, but also in-browser)
Simple ansi colors
Simple ansi colors
Simple CLI program to generate zoomable tiled images
zoomtiler Simple CLI program to generate deepzoom zoomable tiled images. The input can either be a single image or multiple images of the same height,
A simple authoritative server networking library for Bevy.
Bevy Networking Plugin This is a simple networking plugin for the Bevy game engine. This plugin provides the building blocks which game developers can
a simple program to make i3 open windows in alternating orientations
i3-alternating 1 use i3ipc::{reply::NodeLayout, I3Connection, I3EventListener, Subscription, event::{Event, WindowEventInfo}, event::inner::Windo
tr-lang is a language that aims to bring programming language syntax closer to Turkish.
tr-lang Made with ❤️ in 🇹🇷 tr-lang is a language that aims to bring programming language syntax closer to Turkish. tr-lang is a stack based language
Collects accurate files while running in parallel through directories. (Simple, Fast, Powerful)
collectfiles Collects accurate files while running in parallel through directories. (Simple, Fast, Powerful) | Docs | Latest Note | [dependencies] col
An extension to Rust std for beginner exercises
note: this is for practicing rust only, do not use this in actual production programs! really, don't. [dependencies] simple-std = "0.1.1" simple-std i
Logpeek is a simple logfile regex matcher program
Logpeek is a simple logfile regex matcher program. It allows matching a file line by line using regular expressions and can be configured using a JSON based configuration file.
Simple 2d pinball game for testing of bevy and rapier.
Pinball2D Using the Bevy game engine and Rapier physics engine for a simple 2D pinball game. pinball2d.mov Wrote a short piece about how the game was
Pure and simple Vulkan bindings generated from Vulkan-Headers!
mira Pure and simple Vulkan bindings generated from Vulkan-Headers! Mira provides a simple and straightforward way to interact with Vulkan. Everything
Grep with human-friendly search output
hgrep: Human-friendly GREP hgrep is a grep tool to search files with given pattern and print the matched code snippets with human-friendly syntax high
Simple cli clipboard manager written in rust
Simple cli clipboard manager written in rust
A simple induction and BMC engine.
Mikino is a (relatively) simple induction and BMC engine. Its goal is to serve as a simple yet interesting tool for those interested in formal verification, especially SMT-based induction.
A simple news reading GUI app built in Rust
Headlines [WIP] A native GUI app built with Rust using egui. Uses newsapi.org as the source to fetch news articles. This is a WIP and the current stat
A simple Vec-based Map inspired on JavaScript for rust.
A simple alternative to HashMap inspired on JavaScript's Map.
simple multi-threaded port scanner written in rust
knockson simple multi-threaded port scanner written in rust Install Using AUR https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/knockson-bin/ yay -Syu knockson-bin M
Analogous, indented syntax for the Rust programming language.
Note: After experimenting with this in the wild, I have found representing keywords as symbols to be far less readable in large codebases. Additionall
A simple rust library to help create octrees and quadtrees for chunked level of detail
LodTree LodTree, a simple tree data structure for doing chunk-based level of detail. Goals The aim of this crate is to provide a generic, easy to use
Super lightweight and dead-simple CI detection.
This crate tells you if you're in a CI environment or not. It does not tell you which you're in, but it makes a good effort to make sure to accurately
A library for calculating simple moving averages
simple_moving_average This crate provides several algorithms for calculating the simple moving average (SMA) of a series of data samples. SMAs are com
Experimental syntax for Rust
Osy.rs Experimental syntax for Rust Hey everyone, this readme needs work! The spec has been roughed out in Osy.rs_spec.alpha, but the file could be be
Rust syntax in Turkish
pas pas (Turkish for Rust) allows to write Rust programs in Turkish, using Turkish keywords and function names, adapted from the original French imple
Simple in-network file transfer with barely any overhead.
fftp fftp is the "Fast File Transport Protocol". It transfers files quickly between computers on a network with low overhead. Motivation FTP uses two
Simple utility to ping a TCP port.
TcpPing Simple utility to ping a TCP port. Example tcpping 53 -b en0 -i 1 -t 4 Connected to in 21 ms Connected to in 3
A simple command-line utility (and Rust crate!) for converting from a conventional image file (e.g. a PNG file) into a pixel-art version constructed with emoji
EmojiPix This is a simple command-line utility (and Rust crate!) for converting from a conventional image file (e.g. a PNG file) into a pixel-art vers
🔎 A simple in-memory search for collections and key-value stores.
Indicium Search 🔎 A simple in-memory search for collections (Vec, HashMap, BTreeMap, etc) and key-value stores. Features autocompletion. There are ma