Modrinth API is a simple library for using Modrinth's API in Rust projects



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Ferinth is a simple library for using the Modrinth API in Rust projects. It uses reqwest as its HTTP(S) client and deserialises responses to typed structs using serde.

As of now, the following features have been implemented

This means that the following features have not yet been implemented

  • Search mods
  • User authentication
  • Get current user (constrained by lack of user authentication)

Unfortunately, I am not planning to implement any of these features in version 1 due to poor documentation. I will add these features in version 2.


The major version of this crate's version directly corresponds to the API version it uses. So if you want to use the Modrinth API version 1, then specify this crate version as "1", and so on.
After you have decided the API version to use, you can add this crate to your Cargo.toml like so

ferinth = "1"
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  • Allow getting a Version with a file hash

    Allow getting a Version with a file hash

    opened by 4JX 8
  • V2 bringup

    V2 bringup

    This is still a WIP, but I might as well open it already. V1 to V2 migration guide can be found here

    • Routes have been corrected to account for the new naming (mod > project).
    • Checked for feature parity with the API repo and added/renamed accordingly

    To consider:

    • The wording of comments, methods and structs is most likely going to need to be changed as mods are now called projects in preparation for modpack support
    • permissions in TeamMember is defined here
    • Using #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] to catch inconsistencies earlier may be useful
    • Re-export Bytes to avoid having to explicitly add it to the dependency list if not used anywhere else.

    I'd want to see support added for using filters in the queries. Maybe something like the following could work to still keep the text based ones simple:

    struct Query {}
    impl From<String> for Query {}

    And then some logic inside each function (get_mod, list_mods, etc) to handle the filters that are valid for the endpoint being reached.

    opened by 4JX 5
  • Implements `/search` endpoint

    Implements `/search` endpoint

    This pull request implements the /search endpoint according to the Modrinth API Specification.

    In order to implement said endpoint, a new helper method for HTTP GET was created, get_with_optional_query, since either meilisearch or labirinth doesn't handle the passing of empty optional queries (e.g &facets=[], &filters="", &version="", etc.), that method solves that function by filtering the key-value pairs that have a value of None out, and as such they aren't added to the request.

    It also adds utilities for safely interacting with the facet api, FacetBuilder and ModrinthFacet.

    This API is subject to change, since this is my first time writing rust code and I don't know what is idiomatic or not.

    opened by roridev 2
  • Remove option from file hashes

    Remove option from file hashes

    Corresponding to the current API specs (and I read it in the announcement channel of Modrinth's Discord) all old versions got their file hashes generated

    opened by Eskaan 0
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