Implementing Bendersnatch curve using Arkwork's framework in Rust.



This is a reference implementation of Bendersnatch curve using Arkwork's framework in Rust. The spec of the curve is available here. There was also a Python reference implementation here.


  • This code is released under MIT license.
  • This code is not audited and may contain severe security flaws. Use at your own risk.
  • Version 0.1.0.
  • This repo is upstreamed to Arkworks curve crate.
  • Todos:
    • GVL multiplication
    • R1CS for GLV multiplication
    • Documentation coverage
    • Test coverage
    • Update benchmark data for Benchmark section.


API docs

cargo doc --open


cargo bench


Counting the number of constraints in group operations

cargo run --example constraint_count_bandersnatch
cargo run --example constraint_count_jubjub
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