High performance I/O framework written by Rust inspired by Netty



Retty is a High performance I/O framework written by Rust inspired by Netty



  • Rayon 线程池包装 EventLoop / EventLoopGroup
  • IO多路复用模型
  • 内置Bytebuf数据容器
  • ChannelPipeline 模型
  • 默认支持TCP 未来支持UDP

还没写完,刚实现了一部分功能。 我会努力的。。。。。。

  • 2022-1-28 : 完成出入站handler分离

Channel_Handler_Context 分离

Channel_Handler_Context_Pipeline 分离

包装TCPStream 和 Channel

// todo: implement

  • 内置固定消息长度字段解码器
  • 内置HTTP 协议解码器
  • 内置WebSocket 协议解码器
  • 内置flatBuffer 解码器
  • 内置protoBuffer 解码器

Quick Start

: channel_active 新连接上线: {}", addr); channel_handler_ctx.write_and_flush(&mut format!("::: 欢迎你:==>{}", addr)); let attr = channel_handler_ctx.channel().get_attribute("User".to_string()); let attr = attr.lock().unwrap(); let attr = attr.downcast_ref::().unwrap(); println!("========================================================:att:::: {}", attr); } fn channel_inactive(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) { println!("is_active:{}", channel_handler_ctx.channel().is_active()); println!("远端断开连接: Inactive: channel_id : {}", channel_handler_ctx.channel().id()) } fn channel_read(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) { let msg = message.downcast_ref::().unwrap(); println!("业务处理 Handler --> :收到消息:{}", msg); println!("reactor-excutor :{}", thread::current().name().unwrap()); channel_handler_ctx.write_and_flush(&mut format!("::: I Love You !!!! :==>{}", msg)); let attr = channel_handler_ctx.channel().get_attribute("User".to_string()); let attr = attr.lock().unwrap(); let attr = attr.downcast_ref::().unwrap(); println!("========================================================:att:::: {}", attr); } fn channel_exception(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, error: RettyErrorKind) { channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_exception(error); } } struct Decoder { excutor: Arc, } impl ChannelInboundHandler for Decoder { fn id(&self) -> String { return "decoder_handler".to_string(); } fn channel_active(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) { // set attribute channel_handler_ctx.channel().set_attribute("User".to_string(), Box::new("lgphp".to_string())); println!("解码 Handler --> : channel_active 新连接上线: {}", channel_handler_ctx.channel().remote_addr().unwrap()); channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_active(); } fn channel_inactive(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) { channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_inactive() } fn channel_read(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) { let mut buf = message.downcast_mut::().unwrap(); println!("解码 Handler --> 收到Bytebuf:"); // 解码 let _pkt_len = buf.read_u32_be(); let _ver = buf.read_u32_be(); let mut msg = buf.read_string_with_u8_be_len(); channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_read(&mut msg); } fn channel_exception(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, error: RettyErrorKind) { channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_exception(error); } } impl Decoder { fn new() -> Self { Decoder { excutor: Arc::new(rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap()) } } } /// /// 入站异常handler 通常在最后一个 /// struct InboundExceptionHandler {} impl ChannelInboundHandler for InboundExceptionHandler { fn id(&self) -> String { String::from("InboundExceptionHandler") } fn channel_active(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {} fn channel_inactive(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {} fn channel_read(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) {} fn channel_exception(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, error: RettyErrorKind) { let mut ch = channel_handler_ctx.channel(); // 处理 ReadIdleTimeout if error.kind == ErrorKind::TimedOut { println!("channel_id:{} 在 {}", ch.id(), format!("{} ms 没有读到数据! , error_message:{}", ch.read_idle_timeout_ms(), error.message)); ch.close() } } } impl InboundExceptionHandler { fn new() -> Self { InboundExceptionHandler {} } } struct Encoder { excutor: Arc, } impl ChannelOutboundHandler for Encoder { fn id(&self) -> String { return "encoder_handler".to_string(); } fn channel_write(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelOutboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) { let msg = message.downcast_ref::().unwrap(); println!("回执消息,编码器 :====>Encoder Handler:{}", msg); let mut buf = ByteBuf::new_with_capacity(0); let re = format!("回执消息,编码器 :====>Encoder Handler:{}", msg); buf.write_u32_be((1 + re.as_bytes().len()) as u32); buf.write_string_with_u8_be_len(re); channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_write(&mut buf); } } impl Encoder { fn new() -> Self { Encoder { excutor: Arc::new(rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap()) } } } fn main() { let mut bootstrap = Bootstrap::new_server_bootstrap(); bootstrap.worker_group(8) .bind("", 1512) .opt_ttl_ms(1000) .opt_keep_alive_ms(30000) .opt_nodelay(false) .opt_send_buf_size(65535) .opt_recv_buf_size(65535) .opt_read_idle_timeout_ms(3000) .initialize_inbound_handler_pipeline(|| { let mut handler_pipe = ChannelInboundHandlerPipe::new(); let decoder_handler = Box::new(Decoder::new()); let biz_handler = Box::new(BizHandler::new()); let excetion_handler = Box::new(InboundExceptionHandler::new()); handler_pipe.add_last(Box::new(FirstIntegerLengthFieldDecoder::new())); handler_pipe.add_last(decoder_handler); handler_pipe.add_last(biz_handler); handler_pipe.add_last(excetion_handler); handler_pipe }) .initialize_outbound_handler_pipeline(|| { let mut handler_pipe = ChannelOutboundHandlerPipe::new(); let encoder_handler = Box::new(Encoder::new()); handler_pipe.add_last(encoder_handler); handler_pipe }).start(); // use default_event_loop let mut new_default_event_loop_group = EventLoopGroup::new_default_event_loop_group(9); new_default_event_loop_group.execute(|| { println!(" default_event_loop execute Task ..... is here") }); WaitGroup::new().clone().wait(); } ">
use std::any::Any;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

use bytebuf_rs::bytebuf::ByteBuf;
use crossbeam::sync::WaitGroup;
use rayon_core::ThreadPool;
use uuid::Uuid;

use retty::core::bootstrap::Bootstrap;
use retty::core::eventloop::EventLoopGroup;
use retty::errors::RettyErrorKind;
use retty::handler::channel_handler_ctx::{ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, ChannelOutboundHandlerCtx};
use retty::handler::codec::first_integer_length_field_decoder::FirstIntegerLengthFieldDecoder;
use retty::handler::handler::{ChannelInboundHandler, ChannelOutboundHandler};
use retty::handler::handler_pipe::{ChannelInboundHandlerPipe, ChannelOutboundHandlerPipe};
struct BizHandler {
    excutor: Arc<ThreadPool>,

impl BizHandler {
    fn new() -> Self {
        BizHandler {
            excutor: Arc::new(rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap())

impl ChannelInboundHandler for BizHandler {
    fn id(&self) -> String {
        return "biz_handler".to_string();

    fn channel_active(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {
        let addr = channel_handler_ctx.channel().remote_addr().unwrap();
        println!("业务处理 Handler --> : channel_active 新连接上线: {}", addr);
        channel_handler_ctx.write_and_flush(&mut format!("::: 欢迎你:==>{}", addr));
        let attr = channel_handler_ctx.channel().get_attribute("User".to_string());
        let attr = attr.lock().unwrap();
        let attr = attr.downcast_ref::<String>().unwrap();
        println!("========================================================:att:::: {}", attr);

    fn channel_inactive(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {
        println!("is_active:{}", channel_handler_ctx.channel().is_active());
        println!("远端断开连接: Inactive: channel_id : {}", channel_handler_ctx.channel().id())

    fn channel_read(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) {
        let msg = message.downcast_ref::<String>().unwrap();
        println!("业务处理 Handler  --> :收到消息:{}", msg);
        println!("reactor-excutor :{}", thread::current().name().unwrap());
        channel_handler_ctx.write_and_flush(&mut format!("::: I Love You !!!! :==>{}", msg));
        let attr = channel_handler_ctx.channel().get_attribute("User".to_string());
        let attr = attr.lock().unwrap();
        let attr = attr.downcast_ref::<String>().unwrap();
        println!("========================================================:att:::: {}", attr);

    fn channel_exception(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, error: RettyErrorKind) {

struct Decoder {
    excutor: Arc<ThreadPool>,

impl ChannelInboundHandler for Decoder {
    fn id(&self) -> String {
        return "decoder_handler".to_string();

    fn channel_active(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {
        // set attribute
        channel_handler_ctx.channel().set_attribute("User".to_string(), Box::new("lgphp".to_string()));
        println!("解码 Handler --> : channel_active 新连接上线: {}", channel_handler_ctx.channel().remote_addr().unwrap());

    fn channel_inactive(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {

    fn channel_read(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) {
        let mut buf = message.downcast_mut::().unwrap();
        println!("解码 Handler --> 收到Bytebuf:");
        // 解码
        let _pkt_len = buf.read_u32_be();
        let _ver = buf.read_u32_be();
        let mut msg = buf.read_string_with_u8_be_len();
        channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_read(&mut msg);

    fn channel_exception(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, error: RettyErrorKind) {

impl Decoder {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Decoder {
            excutor: Arc::new(rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap())

/// 入站异常handler 通常在最后一个
struct InboundExceptionHandler {}

impl ChannelInboundHandler for InboundExceptionHandler {
    fn id(&self) -> String {

    fn channel_active(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {}

    fn channel_inactive(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx) {}

    fn channel_read(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) {}

    fn channel_exception(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelInboundHandlerCtx, error: RettyErrorKind) {
        let mut ch = channel_handler_ctx.channel();

        // 处理 ReadIdleTimeout

        if error.kind == ErrorKind::TimedOut {
            println!("channel_id:{} 在 {}", ch.id(), format!("{} ms 没有读到数据! , error_message:{}", ch.read_idle_timeout_ms(), error.message));

impl InboundExceptionHandler {
    fn new() -> Self {
        InboundExceptionHandler {}

struct Encoder {
    excutor: Arc<ThreadPool>,

impl ChannelOutboundHandler for Encoder {
    fn id(&self) -> String {
        return "encoder_handler".to_string();

    fn channel_write(&mut self, channel_handler_ctx: &mut ChannelOutboundHandlerCtx, message: &mut dyn Any) {
        let msg = message.downcast_ref::<String>().unwrap();
        println!("回执消息,编码器 :====>Encoder Handler:{}", msg);
        let mut buf = ByteBuf::new_with_capacity(0);
        let re = format!("回执消息,编码器 :====>Encoder Handler:{}", msg);
        buf.write_u32_be((1 + re.as_bytes().len()) as u32);
        channel_handler_ctx.fire_channel_write(&mut buf);

impl Encoder {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Encoder {
            excutor: Arc::new(rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap())

fn main() {
    let mut bootstrap = Bootstrap::new_server_bootstrap();
        .bind("", 1512)
        .initialize_inbound_handler_pipeline(|| {
            let mut handler_pipe = ChannelInboundHandlerPipe::new();
            let decoder_handler = Box::new(Decoder::new());
            let biz_handler = Box::new(BizHandler::new());
            let excetion_handler = Box::new(InboundExceptionHandler::new());
        .initialize_outbound_handler_pipeline(|| {
            let mut handler_pipe = ChannelOutboundHandlerPipe::new();
            let encoder_handler = Box::new(Encoder::new());

    // use  default_event_loop
    let mut new_default_event_loop_group = EventLoopGroup::new_default_event_loop_group(9);
    new_default_event_loop_group.execute(|| {
        println!(" default_event_loop  execute Task ..... is here")
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