A high-performance, lightweight, and cross-platform QUIC library



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TQUIC is a high-performance, lightweight, and cross-platform library for the IETF QUIC protocol.


  • High performance: TQUIC is designed for high performance and low latency. Relevant details can be found in the benchmark result.

  • Pluggable congestion control: TQUIC supports various congestion control algorithms, including CUBIC, BBR, BBRv3, and COPA.

  • Multipath QUIC: TQUIC supports Multipath to enable the simultaneous usage of multiple paths for a single connection.

  • Easy to Use: TQUIC is easy to use. It supports flexible settings and detailed observability.

  • Cross platform: TQUIC runs on almost anything to which Rust compiles. It provides APIs for Rust/C/C++.

  • Powered by Rust: TQUIC is written in a memory safety language and immune to Buffer Overflow vulnerability and other memory-related bugs.

  • High quality: Extensive automated testing, including unit testing, fuzz testing, integration testing, performance benchmarking, interoperability testing, and more.

  • Protocol Compliance: TQUIC has been verified by formal specification using the Ivy tool. It has also passed IETF interoperability tests.

  • Rich features: TQUIC supports all big features conforming with QUIC, HTTP/3 RFCs.

Getting Started

Running the tests



  • Please create an issue in issue list.
  • Contact Committers/Owners for further discussion if needed.
  • See the CONTRIBUTING file for details.



TQUIC is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

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