Drpc-Correct, high performance, robust, easy use Remote invocation framework



Drpc - Correct, high performance, robust, easy use Remote invocation framework


  • Super high performance, double performance(qps) as fast as Tarpc (Google)
  • based T-L-V.for example: [Tag][Length][Value]
  • support Custom Serialization crate. for example: bincode,json,bson...any serde Serialization
  • support Load Balance.(Round/Random/Hash/MinConnect)
  • support Custom registry, microservices. see redis_registry
  • support tokio,this is async/await crate
  • zero overhead, Accept/Response only serialize the once and deserialization once

T-L-V layout

// Frame layout
// id(u64) + ok(u8) + len(u64) + payload([u8; len])

// request frame layout. payload = method([u8;len])+'\n'(u8)+arg_data([u8;len])
// id(u64) + ok(u8) + len(u64) + payload([u8; len])

// response frame layout.ok=0? payload = error string,ok=1? payload = data
// id(u64) + ok(u8) + len(u64) + payload ([u8; len])

// Header Length layout
// head(8(id)+1(ok)+8(length)=17)

qps benchmark- remote_method(i32)->i32

Framework Platform(1-server-1-client) ns/operation(lower is better) Qps(higher is better)
drpc/tokio AMD 5950x-16 CPU, 32G mem 49213 ns/op 20317 QPS/s
tarpc/tokio AMD 5950x-16 CPU, 32G mem 105644 ns/op 9465 QPS/s

how to use?

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
dark-std = "0.1"
drpc = "0.1"
  • client
>>>>>>>>>>>>> :{}", resp);">
use drpc::client::Client;
use drpc::codec::BinCodec;
let c = Client::<BinCodec>::dial("").await.unwrap();
let resp:i32 = c.call("handle", 1).await.unwrap();
println!("resp=>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :{}", resp);
  • server
use drpc::server::Server;
use drpc::Result;
use drpc::codec::BinCodec;
async fn handle(req: i32) -> Result<i32> {
let mut s =  Server::<BinCodec>::new();
s.register_fn("handle", handle);
s.register_fn("handle2", | arg:i32| async move{
Ok(arg + 1)
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