Fast Function Dispatch: Improving the performance of Rust's dynamic function calls


Fast Function Dispatch: Improving the performance of Rust's dynamic function calls License actions-badge

A safe, pragmatic toolkit for high-performance virtual function calls.

This library provides alternatives to types like Box<dyn Fn(...) -> _> that are more performant in a range of scenarios.

Feature flags

  • nightly: Implements Fn for Func, as well as allowing Func::new to accept multi-argument closures


You'll often hear it said that Rust is packed full of zero-cost abstractions.

In spirit, this is often true! Many of Rust's fancy features do indeed compile down to machine code that's close enough to what one might write by hand in a 'low-level' language like C that the differences are fairly meaningless.

Sadly, an exception to this rule is function dispatch.

Rust's strategy, upon seeing a trait like the following, and a corresponding dyn coercion, is to generate a vtable.

trait MyTrait {
    fn do_something(&self);
    fn do_something_else(&self, x: i32);

struct MyStruct { a: i32 }

impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
    fn do_something(&self) { println!("{}", self.a); }
    fn do_something_else(&self, a: i32) { println!("{a}"); }

The vtable might look something like this:

struct MyTraitVtable {
    // `*const ()` represents the `&self` argument of `do_something`
    do_something: fn(*const ()),
    do_something_else: fn(*const (), i32),

static MYSTRUCT_MYTRAIT_VTABLE: MyTraitVtable = MyTraitVtable {
    do_something: MyStruct::do_something as fn(_),
    do_something_else: MyStruct::do_something_else as fn(_, _),

By and large, this is a reasonable strategy: when the compiler sees &dyn MyTrait, it'll internally represent this as wide pointer, somewhat akin to the following tuple:

(*const (), *const MyTraitVtable)

The first field represents the pointer to the data, &self. The second field is the vtable, allowing us to look up methods at runtime.

When calling a method on the trait object, the compiler will generate code that first dereferences the vtable pointer to find the vtable, and then selects the field corresponding to the method being invoked. This field is a function pointer: so we can now call this function pointer using the data pointer as its argument.

This works brilliantly for most traits.

Sadly, Rust also uses the same strategy for dispatching dynamic function calls: the Fn traits appear, to Rust, like any other trait. This is unnecessarily inefficient! The Fn trait only has one very commonly invoked method, Fn::call: why should we need to perform double indirection, jumping through two locations in memory, when we could just carry the Fn::call function pointer around directly as the pointer metadata? Worse still, this double-indirection can severely pessimise the code generation of both the caller and callee, trashing register state and requiring unnecessary stack operations.

99% of the time, this relatively tiny inefficiency is of no consequence. However, there are circumstances in which this overhead really starts to matter, and it is for those circumstances that this library exists.

Planned features

  • Covering concurrency use-cases: Send and Sync functions
  • Covering more of the Fn traits: FnMut, FnOnce, etc.
  • Different representation strategies: drop function in pointer metadata instead?
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