A simple API gateway written in Rust, using the Hyper and Reqwest libraries.


API Gateway

A simple API gateway written in Rust, using the Hyper and Reqwest libraries. This gateway can be used to forward requests to different backend services based on the request path, and it also provides optional authentication. It's meant to be used as a local environment development API Gateway.


  • Request forwarding based on path matching
  • Support for regex in path matching
  • Optional authentication for specific services
  • Detailed logging using the tracing crate


  • Rust 1.53 or later
  • Cargo

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/adaoraul/api-gateway.git
cd api-gateway
  1. Build and run the project:
cargo build --release

The server will start on


The configuration for the API gateway is located in the config.toml file. Here's an example configuration:

authorization_api_url = "https://auth.example.com/api/v1/authorization"

path = "^/users"
target_service = "http://user-service.default.svc.cluster.local"
target_port = "8080"
authentication_required = false

path = "^/orders"
target_service = "http://order-service.default.svc.cluster.local"
target_port = "8080"
authentication_required = true
  • authorization_api_url: The URL for the authentication API.
  • services: An array of service configurations, including:
    • path: The regex pattern to match for the request path.
    • target_service: The URL of the backend service to forward requests to.
    • target_port: The port of the backend service.
    • authentication_required (optional): Whether authentication is required for the service. Defaults to true if omitted.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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