♻ A simple and efficient Gemini-to-HTTP proxy written in Rust.




A simple and efficient Gemini-to-HTTP proxy written in Rust.



$ docker run -d [ -e ROOT="gemini://fuwn.me" ] [ -e PORT="8080"] [ -e CSS_EXTERNAL="https://example.com/style.css"] fuwn/september:latest

Docker Compose

Edit the docker-compose.yaml file to your liking, and then

$ docker-compose up -d


$ [ ROOT="gemini://fuwn.me" ] [ PORT="8080"] [ CSS_EXTERNAL="https://example.com/style.css"] ./september

or use a .env file

# .env


and then

$ ./september


Configuration for September is done solely via environment variables, for simplicity, and Docker support.


Bind September to a custom port.

Generally, you shouldn't touch this if you are deploying using Docker.

If no PORT is provided or the PORT could not be properly parsed as a u16; port 80 will be assumed.



The root Gemini capsule to proxy when not visiting a "/proxy" route.

If no ROOT is provided, "gemini://fuwn.me" will be assumed.



An external CSS file to apply to the HTML response.

If no CSS_EXTERNAL is provided, there will be no styling done to the HTML response.



Keeps exactly matching URLs as a Gemini URL.


If KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT is equal to KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT=gemini://fuwn.me/gemini, all routes will be proxied their "/proxy" equivalent (e.g., "https://fuwn.me/proxy/fuwn.me/gopher"), except occurrences of "gemini://fuwn.me/skills" will be kept as is.



Similar to KEEP_GEMINI_EXACT, except proxies based on entire domains instead of exact matches.



Control weather or not all Gemini URLs will be proxied.


Defaults to true.


Capsules using September

Add yours!


This project is licensed with the GNU General Public License v3.0.

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