Lightweight proxy that allows redirect HTTP(S) traffic through a proxy.



Rust GitHub tag

Proxyswarm is a lightweight proxy that allows redirect HTTP(S) traffic through a proxy.

WARNING: This app isn't recomended for download large files, for these things use apps like curl, wget or other download programs. For web browse use standard web browser like Chromium and Firefox, these apps and others have good proxy support. USE THIS APP WITH PROGRAMS WITHOUT PROXY SUPPORT LIKE STEAM, PIP, ETC


  • High performace (builting using
  • Multiple connections at same time
  • HTTPS Proxy (NOTE: This option can affect the performance)

Authentication schemes supported


$ git clone
$ cd proxyswarm
$ cargo build --release

Now you can get build from target/release/proxyswarm directory.

Getting start

For start only run the proxyswarm (optional: run config file test first)

$ proxyswarm -t
$ proxyswarm

If you use systemd you can start proxyswarm service

$ systemctl start proxyswarm.service



No, isn't necessary for proxyswarm.

Is it necessary to use TLS?

No, but you can use for apps that don't support HTTP proxies.

How download a file with curl using proxy?

First you must have installed curl, after launch a console and type

$ curl --proxy [http|https|sock]://host:port --proxy-user user:pass --proxy-anyauth


This program was deverloped by Jorge Alejandro Jiménez Luna <[email protected]>

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