Web3-proxy: a fast caching and load balancing proxy for web3 (Ethereum or similar) JsonRPC servers.



Web3-proxy is a fast caching and load balancing proxy for web3 (Ethereum or similar) JsonRPC servers.

Signed transactions (eth_sendRawTransaction) are sent in parallel to the configured private RPCs (eden, ethermine, flashbots, etc.).

All other requests are sent to an RPC server on the latest block (alchemy, moralis, rivet, your own node, or one of many other providers). If multiple servers are in sync, they are prioritized by active_requests/soft_limit. Note that this means that the fastest server is most likely to serve requests and slow servers are unlikely to ever get any requests.

Each server has different limits to configure. The soft_limit is the number of parallel active requests where a server starts to slow down. The hard_limit is where a server starts giving rate limits or other errors.

$ cargo run --release -p web3-proxy -- --help
   Compiling web3-proxy v0.1.0 (/home/bryan/src/web3-proxy/web3-proxy)
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 17.69s
     Running `target/release/web3-proxy --help`
Usage: web3-proxy [--port ] [--workers ] [--config ]

Web3-proxy is a fast caching and load balancing proxy for web3 (Ethereum or similar) JsonRPC servers.

  --port            what port the proxy should listen on
  --workers         number of worker threads
  --config          path to a toml of rpc servers
  --help            display usage information

Start the server with the defaults (listen on http://localhost:8544 and use ./config/example.toml which proxies to a local websocket on 8546 and ankr's public ETH node):

cargo run --release -p web3-proxy

Check that the proxy is working:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"web3_clientVersion","id":1}'

You can copy config/example.toml to config/production-$CHAINNAME.toml and then run docker-compose up --build -d start a proxies for many chains.

Flame Graphs

Flame graphs make finding slow code painless:

$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict
$ echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict
$ CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG=true cargo flamegraph


Run the proxy under gdb for advanced debugging:

cargo build --release && RUST_LOG=web3_proxy=debug rust-gdb --args target/debug/web3-proxy --listen-port 7503 --rpc-config-path ./config/production-eth.toml

Load Testing

Test the proxy:

wrk -s ./data/wrk/getBlockNumber.lua -t12 -c400 -d30s --latency
wrk -s ./data/wrk/getLatestBlockByNumber.lua -t12 -c400 -d30s --latency

Test geth:

wrk -s ./data/wrk/getBlockNumber.lua -t12 -c400 -d30s --latency
wrk -s ./data/wrk/getLatestBlockByNumber.lua -t12 -c400 -d30s --latency

Test erigon:

wrk -s ./data/wrk/getBlockNumber.lua -t12 -c400 -d30s --latency
wrk -s ./data/wrk/getLatestBlockByNumber.lua -t12 -c400 -d30s --latency

Note: Testing with getLatestBlockByNumber.lua is not great because the latest block changes and so one run is likely to be very different than another.

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    I tried to run a debug_traceBlockByNumber using this tool connected to Erigon over WebSocket and this is the result:

    2022-06-20T16:33:54.300492Z DEBUG proxy_web3_rpc: web3_proxy::app: Received request: Single(JsonRpcRequest { id: RawValue(1), method: "debug_traceBlockByNumber", .. })
    2022-06-20T16:34:04.306695Z  INFO block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: new head: 0xb685…c903 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997562
    2022-06-20T16:34:04.306775Z DEBUG block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: all head: 0xb685…c903 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997562
    2022-06-20T16:34:05.584122Z  INFO block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: new head: 0xa4c2…1217 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997563
    2022-06-20T16:34:05.584163Z DEBUG block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: all head: 0xa4c2…1217 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997563
    2022-06-20T16:34:05.584188Z  INFO block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: new head: 0xc373…8483 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997564
    2022-06-20T16:34:05.584201Z DEBUG block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: all head: 0xc373…8483 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997564
    2022-06-20T16:34:12.572834Z  INFO block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: new head: 0xdf46…b691 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997565
    2022-06-20T16:34:12.572867Z DEBUG block_receiver: web3_proxy::connections: all head: 0xdf46…b691 rpc=Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. } new_block_num=14997565
    2022-06-20T16:34:54.303245Z  WARN web3_proxy::frontend::errors: Responding with error: JsonRpcForwardedResponse { id: RawValue(null), .. }
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.120685Z ERROR ethers_providers::transports::ws: err=Protocol(ResetWithoutClosingHandshake)
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.120834Z ERROR ethers_providers::transports::ws: WebSocket connection closed unexpectedly
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.121147Z  WARN subscribe_pending_transactions: web3_proxy::connection: subscription ended
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.121173Z  WARN subscribe_new_heads: web3_proxy::connection: subscription ended
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.121275Z  WARN web3_proxy::connections: block_receiver exited!
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.121334Z  INFO web3_proxy::connections: subscriptions over: Web3Connections { inner: [Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. }], .. }
    2022-06-20T16:35:11.121405Z  INFO web3_proxy: app_handle exited x=Ok(())

    On the cURL side:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"debug_traceBlockByNumber","params":["latest"],"id":1}'
    {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":null,"error":{"code":-32099,"message":"deadline has elapsed"}}

    I then tried with a specific block number just so it would be reproducible, and this time the issue was with the response size specifically:

    2022-06-20T16:39:33.588660Z DEBUG proxy_web3_rpc: web3_proxy::app: Received request: Single(JsonRpcRequest { id: RawValue(1), method: "debug_traceBlockByNumber", .. })
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092209Z ERROR ethers_providers::transports::ws: err=Capacity(MessageTooLong { size: 526286051, max_size: 16777216 })
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092242Z ERROR ethers_providers::transports::ws: WebSocket connection closed unexpectedly
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092393Z  WARN subscribe_new_heads: web3_proxy::connection: subscription ended
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092462Z  WARN proxy_web3_rpc: web3_proxy::connections: Backend server error! self=Web3Connections { inner: [Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. }], .. } e=oneshot canceled
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092496Z  WARN subscribe_pending_transactions: web3_proxy::connection: subscription ended
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092532Z  WARN web3_proxy::connections: block_receiver exited!
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092569Z  INFO web3_proxy::connections: subscriptions over: Web3Connections { inner: [Web3Connection { url: "ws://", .. }], .. }
    2022-06-20T16:39:38.092774Z  INFO web3_proxy: app_handle exited x=Ok(())
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"debug_traceBlockByNumber","params":["0xE4D849"],"id":1}'
    curl: (52) Empty reply from server

    It does work testing Erigon directly with websocat

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