Simple project to test grpc between ruby (client) and rust (server)



Simple project to test grpc between ruby (client) and rust (server).


To simplify a lot this project uses docker and docker compose to build dependencies and creates the link between each service.

Run the following command:

$ docker-compose build

After build the images from the client and server, run the following:

$ docker-compose run grpc-client ruby -Ilib/ client.rb


If you want to modify the protocol buffers definition file, you'll need to regenerate the generated code from ruby side with the following command:

$ docker-compose run grpc-client grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I ../protos --ruby_out=./lib --grpc_out=./lib ../protos/calculator.proto

From rust side it'll require a new image build with:

$ docker-compose build grpc-server

After that, kill the services and start again using the last command from usage section.

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