Fast, simple and REST compliant file-server with public/private key authentication written in Rust



Stormi is a fast and simple file-server with public/private key authentication

How does it work?

Stormi accepts multipart/form-data form with media payload, then it writes the data to the disk and automatically infers the mimetype of the uploaded files.

Whenever you want to remove files, you'll need to supply the hashes in a JSON form which will have the following structure

  "hashes": [

There is no need to specify file suffix since it will be automatically matched by Stormi using the glob crate(e.g.hash-123.png will be matched as hash-123.*)

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    opened by michaelgrigoryan25 3
  • feature: Advanced permissions

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    Currently, we only support Read and Write permissions, give out too much control. We will need to consider adding more permissions such as Delete, Update to have more control over the users defined in the configuration file.

    opened by michaelgrigoryan25 0
  • v0.3.0(Dec 10, 2021)

  • v0.2.0(Dec 5, 2021)

    Switch in the authentication flow

    Now, instead of generating public/private keys, you will specify all the users with their passwords and permissions in a config.yaml file. Stormi will accept an Authorization header with a base64 encoded value containing the username and password in this form: username:password.

    Example of generating a base64 authentication string in Node.js:

    const credentials = "username:password";
    const encoded = Buffer.from(credentials).toString("base64");

    Started the implementation of a role-based user model

    Now, instead of having one user, you will be able to specify multiple users in a config.yaml file and specify their permissions separately.

    Example of a config.yaml:

        -  username: "test101"
           password: "test202"
               - "READ"
               - "WRITE"


    • Optimized code
    • Other bugfixes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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