A HTTP Filter checking for OIDC Authentication, made for Envoy Plugins, written in Rust



Build Status Documentation

A plugin for Envoy written in Rust.

It is a HTTP Filter, that implements the OIDC Authorization Code Flow. Requests sent to the filter are checked for the presence of a valid session cookie. If the cookie is not present, the user is redirected to the Authorization endpoint to authenticate. After successful authentication, the user is redirected back to the original request.


Install Toolchain for WASM in Rust

For developing the Rust Toolchain has to be installed and the WASM target has to be enabled.

E.g. for Ubuntu this can be achieved by:

# Install Build essentials
apt install build-essential
# Install Rustup
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
# Enable WASM compilation target
cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release

Try it out


make simulate

The long version

Building the plugin:

cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release

Testing locally with Envoy:

To test docker and docker-compose are needed.

docker compose up

Requests to the locally running envoy with the plugin enabled:

curl localhost:10000


To generate a detailed documentation, run:

cargo doc --document-private-items --open

Documentation is also hosted on GitHub Pages


The plugin is configured via the envoy.yaml file. The following configuration options are required:

Name Type Description Example
config_endpoint string The open id configuration endpoint. https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
reload_interval_in_hours u64 The interval in hours, after which the OIDC configuration is reloaded. 24
exclude_hosts Vec<Regex> A comma separated list Hosts (in Regex expressions), that are excluded from the filtrr. ["localhost:10000"]
exclude_paths Vec<Regex> A comma separated list of paths (in Regex expressions), that are excluded from the filter. ["/health"]
exclude_urls Vec<Regex> A comma separated list of URLs (in Regex expressions), that are excluded from the filter. ["localhost:10000/health"]
cookie_name string The name of the cookie, that is used to store the session. oidcSession
cookie_duration u64 The duration in seconds, after which the session cookie expires. 86400
aes_key string A base64 encoded AES-256 Key SFDUGDbOsRzSZbv+mvnZdu2x6+Hqe2WRaBABvfxmh3Q
authority string The authority of the authorization_endpoint. accounts.google.com
redirect_uri string The redirect URI, that the authorization_endpoint will redirect to. http://localhost:10000/oidc/callback
client_id string The client ID, for getting and exchanging the code. wasm-oidc-plugin
scope string The scope, to validate openid email
claims string The claims, to validate {\"id_token\":{\"email\":null}}
client_secret string The client secret, that is used to authenticate with the authorization_endpoint. secret
audience string The audience, that is used to validate the token. wasm-oidc-plugin

With these configuration options, the plugin starts and loads more information itself such as the OIDC providers public keys, issuer, etc.

For that a state is used, which determines, what to load next. The following states are possbile and depending on the outcome, the state is changed or not:

State Description
Uninitialized The plugin is not initialized yet.
LoadingConfig The plugin is loading the configuration from the config_endpoint.
LoadingJwks The plugin is loading the public keys from the jwks_uri.
Ready The plugin is ready to handle requests and will reload the configuration after the reload_interval_in_hours has passed.

Handling a request

When a new request arrives, the root context creates a new http context with the information that has been loaded previously.

Then, one of the following cases is handled:

  1. The filter is not configured yet and still loading the configuration. The request is paused and queued until the configuration is loaded. Then, then, the RootContext resumes the request and the Request is redirected in order to create a new context.
  2. The request has the code parameter in the URL query. This means that the user has been redirected back from the authorization_endpoint after successful authentication. The plugin exchanges the code for a token using the token_endpoint and stores the token in the session. Then, the user is redirected back to the original request.
  3. The request has a valid session cookie. The plugin decoded, decrypts and then validates the cookie and passes the request depending on the outcome of the validation of the token.
  4. The request has no valid session cookie. The plugin redirects the user to the authorization_endpoint to authenticate. Once, the user returns, the second case is handled.



We are using Gitleaks to protect from unwanted secret leaking and prevent security incidents by detecting passwords, secrets, API keys, tokens and more in git repos.

To run gitleaks, install it first and then run:

gitleaks protect

# To get the list of leaks
gitleaks protect --verbose

If you want to install a pre-commit hook - you should - install pre-commit and run (from the root of the project):

pre-commit install


Cargo-deny checks all dependencies for security vulnerabilities and license issues.

Install cargo-deny:

cargo install --locked cargo-deny

And then run:

cargo-deny check licenses
cargo-deny check advisories

These commands are also run in the CI pipeline.

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  • v0.1.1(Jul 4, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Workflow for Build & Docs and Test Workflow for PRs by @antonengelhardt in https://github.com/antonengelhardt/wasm-oidc-plugin/pull/1

    New Contributors

    • @antonengelhardt made their first contribution in https://github.com/antonengelhardt/wasm-oidc-plugin/pull/1

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/antonengelhardt/wasm-oidc-plugin/compare/v0.1...v0.1.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Anton Engelhardt
Building @savestrike & other projects. From Germany, living in Berlin.
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