High-level http auth extractors for axum


Axum Auth

High-level http auth extractors for axum


Bearer Authentication:

use axum_auth::AuthBearer;
/// Handler for a typical axum route, takes a `token` and returns it
async fn handler(AuthBearer(token): AuthBearer) -> String {
    format!("Found a bearer token: {}", token)

Basic Authentication:

use axum_auth::AuthBasic;
/// Takes basic auth details and shows a message
async fn handler(AuthBasic((id, password)): AuthBasic) -> String {
    if let Some(password) = password {
        format!("User '{}' with password '{}'", id, password)
    } else {
        format!("User '{}' without password", id)

Check out the crate documentation for more in-depth information into how both of these methods work!


Simply place the following inside of your Cargo.toml file:

axum-auth = "0.1"


Some essential security considerations to take into account are the following:

  • This crate has not been audited by any security professionals. If you are willing to do or have already done an audit on this crate, please create an issue as it would help out enormously! 😊
  • This crate purposefully does not limit the maximum length of headers arriving so please ensure your webserver configurations are set properly.


This project is dual-licensed under both the MIT and Apache, so feel free to use either at your discretion.

  • Release 4.0

    Release 4.0

    Support for axum 0.6 was implemented in #9, there are some final featured I'd like to add before publishing 4.0:

    • [x] Integration testing
    • [x] Split out decoding & traits
    • [x] Possibly #8 here
    • [x] Better documentation for errors
    opened by Owez 3
  • Doesn't compile on Axum 0.6.0-rc2

    Doesn't compile on Axum 0.6.0-rc2


    the trait Handler<_, _, _> is not implemented for fn(Extension<NotifyApplication>, HeaderMap, AuthBasic, axum::Json<Notification>) -> impl Future<Output = impl IntoResponse> {push}

    bug enhancement 
    opened by bigknife 3
  • ability to adjust rejection

    ability to adjust rejection

    Currently it just fails with a Bad Request.

    It would be useful if one could change it to set the header WWW-Authorization with Basic and status UNAUTHORIZED to trigger the client to specify the missing Authorization header.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by Zerowalker 2
  • More example code?

    More example code?

    I'm trying to use axum-auth in an Axum handler like this:

    async fn root_handler(
        ww: Extension<WorkstateWrapper>,
        AuthBasic((user_id, password)): AuthBasic
    ) -> Result<Html<String>, StatusCode> {

    But as there is no authentication header yet, I simply end up with a

    400 Bad Request: "`Authorization` header is missing

    I'm looking for some way to test if the authorization header exists, and if not, send an 401 response along with a WWW-Authenticate header. Should the test somehow happen before the handler is called by the Router? - If so: How?

    Can some more example code be added which shows how to use axum-auth in a slightly more real-world scenario?

    opened by troelsarvin 2
  • Example susceptible to timing attacks

    Example susceptible to timing attacks

    I’m not a security expert or anything, bit your example looks susceptible to timing attacks: if let Some(password) = password {. This comparison should better run in constant time.

    In the real world there may be used hashing anyway, but there is still a chance that someone just copies this and so this should be improved in my opinion.

    opened by gralpli 1
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