Simple RESTful API in rust created with actix-web. (Routing, models, JWT auth).



Simple RESTful API created with rust, actix-web, Diesel, JWT.

Running application


  • Firstly generate a secret.key which will be used for JWT enocding/decoding. head -c16 /dev/urandom > src/secret.key
  • Run cp .env.example .env to create environmental variables file, edit variables to match your needs.
  • Create PostgreSQL database in pgAdmin, postgres cli or using diesel cli (if diesel cargo package installed run diesel setup).
  • You can start use PostgreSQL via provided docker-compose.yml running docker-compose up or use a system service
  • Build release: cargo build --release
  • Run release version (on linux): target/release/api
  • Run debug version locally: cargo run

Run with docker

  • Firstly generate a secret.key which will be used for JWT enocding/decoding. head -c16 /dev/urandom > src/secret.key
  • Build docker image locally docker build -t users-api .
  • Edit environmental files in docker-compose.yml if needed.
  • Run docker-compose up to start the application. However, right now DB must be created before API service starts. Create database in pgAdmin, postgres cli or using diesel cli diesel setup. To run this command DATABASE_URL must be stored in .env. Run cp .env.example .env to use the default parameters before running diesel setup.


Route METHOD BODY Response Description
/api/users GET - [{"id": "..", "email": "..", "name": "..", "created_at": ".."}, { ... } Lists all users. Protected route, needs authorized user
/api/users/<user_id> GET - { "id": "f9f95d00-c9b4-4244-9048-f420ea38f873", "email": "..", "name": "..", "created_at": ".."} Finds user by id. Protected route, needs authorized user
/api/users POST {"email": "[email protected]", "name": "Some User", "password": "Pa$$w0rd"} Success - returs entity, failure - error message. Creates new user (signup route).
/api/login POST {"email": "[email protected]", "password": "Pa$$w0rd"} { "token": "ey...", "token_type": "bearer" } Returns token which should be added to Authorization header in order to reach secured routes
/api/refresh-token POST - Success returns new token: { "token": "ey...", "token_type": "bearer" }. Failure - 401 To refresh token a valid token is needed in Authorization header


  • Create db with diesel_cli: diesel setup --database-url='postgres://postgres:admin@localhost/test_api_db'. Here I am using test DB url which is also in .env file.
  • Run cargo test


  • Add Unit/Integration tests. (Increase coverage)
  • Pagination
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