My journey of learning rust
Low-level languages seem very interesting to me. I always wanted to learn a low-level language but never had the chance. Today everything changes. I started to learn Rust because I hear its name more and more every day, and it seems a good start. I mainly worked with javascript (and a little python), so memory management and other low-level language challenges have never been my concern.
My goal is to write CLI tools with Rust. I've taken a look at some web frameworks, but they didn't gain my interest. I'm so comfortable writing web APIs with javascript that I have no reason to learn to create web APIs with Rust.
Also, you might notice that my English skills are pretty bad (One of the reasons that I started writing these). Hopefully, it will get better as I'm writing my journey. Feel free to edit any sentence that seems incorrect to you.
I'm using The Rust Book as my primary resource. I'd be happier if there were a good video tutorial, but that's not the case. Btw The Rust Book is pretty awesome.