A traditional web forum built in Rust with modern technology to be fast, secure, scalable, and stable.



A traditional web forum built in Rust with modern technology to be fast, secure, scalable, and stable.


  • Rust
    • actix-web
    • askama
  • ScyllaDB
  • S3
  • NPM
    • Vanilla JS
    • SCSS for stylesheets
    • SWC for asset compilation


  • Minimal bloat.
  • Compatability with JS-less Tor.
  • Unit test coverage.
  • Event driven WebSocket subscriptions.
  • Total replacement for XenForo.


  • Example .env file
  • ScyllaDB
    • Required. Database agnosticism not planned.
  • S3 Storage
    • Any S3-compatible storage API for attachments.
    • Suggested to use MinIO (FOSS + Self-Hosted)
  • node and webpack
    • Install npm.
    • Run npm install from the root directory to install node dependencies.
    • Run npx webpack from the root directory to deploy browser-friendly resource files.
    • webpack will be replaced with SWC when SASS compilation is available.

WebM Validation Notes


Code Guidelines

  • We use rustfmt.
  • cargo clippy whenever possible.
  • Try to eliminate warnings.

Database Guidelines

  • Any data which would apply to two types of content (i.e. posts, chat messages, profile posts) should interact with the ugc tables, not individual content type tables.
  • Usernames should be referenced by user_id,created_at DESC from user_name. User rows can be deleted, but a historical reference for their name will be added to this table. This complies with GDPR software requirements.
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