Public aircraft & flightroute api Built in Rust for Docker, using PostgreSQL & Redis


public aircraft & flightroute api

Built in Rust for Docker, using PostgreSQL & Redis
See typescript branch for original typescript version

check adsbdb twitter for any status updates

Please report any incorrect data to the issues page, with the Data tag.

With thanks to;

  • PlaneBase for the aircraft data.
  • The flight route data is the work of David Taylor, Edinburgh and Jim Mason, Glasgow, and may not be copied, published, or incorporated into other databases without the explicit permission of David J Taylor, Edinburgh.
  • Guillaume Michel, for the icao to n-number conversion
  • airport-data for aircraft photographs

  • Routes[semver.major]/aircraft/[MODE_S]

    			"type": string,
    			"icao_type": string,
    			"manufacturer": string,
    			"mode_s": string,
    			"n_number": string,
    			"registered_owner_country_iso_name": string,
    			"registered_owner_country_name": string,
    			"registered_owner_operator_flag_code": string,
    			"registered_owner": string,
    			"url_photo":string || null,
    			"url_photo_thumbnail":string || null

    Unknown aircraft return status 404 with

    { "response": "unknown aircraft"}

    Convert from MODE-S string to N-Number string[semver.major]/mode-s/[MODE_S]

    	"response": string

    Convert from N-Number string to Mode_S string[semver.major]/n-number/[N-NUMBER]

    	"response": string

    	"response": {
    			"callsign": string,
    			"origin": {
    				"country_iso_name": string,
    				"country_name": string,
    				"elevation": number,
    				"iata_code": string,
    				"icao_code": string,
    				"latitude": number,
    				"longitude": number,
    				"municipality": string,
    				"name": string,
    			"destination": {
    				"country_iso_name": string,
    				"country_name": string,
    				"elevation": number,
    				"iata_code": string,
    				"icao_code": string,
    				"latitude": number,
    				"longitude": number,
    				"municipality": string,
    				"name": string,

    For a small number of flightroutes, midpoints are also included

    		"midpoint": {
    				"country_iso_name": string,
    				"country_name": string,
    				"elevation": number,
    				"iata_code": string,
    				"icao_code": string,
    				"latitude": number,
    				"longitude": number,
    				"municipality": string,
    				"name": string,

    Unknown callsign return status 404 with

    { "response": "unknown callsign"}[semver.major]/aircraft/[MODE_S]?callsign=[CALLSIGN]

    	"response": {
    			"type": string,
    			"icao_type": string,
    			"manufacturer": string,
    			"mode_s": string,
    			"n_number": string,
    			"registered_owner_country_iso_name": string,
    			"registered_owner_country_name": string,
    			"registered_owner_operator_flag_code": string,
    			"registered_owner": string,
    			"url_photo":string || null,
    			"url_photo_thumbnail":string || null
    			"callsign": string,
    			"origin": {
    				"country_iso_name": string,
    				"country_name": string,
    				"elevation": number,
    				"iata_code": string,
    				"icao_code": string,
    				"latitude": number,
    				"longitude": number,
    				"municipality": string,
    				"name": string,
    			"destination": {
    				"country_iso_name": string,
    				"country_name": string,
    				"elevation": number,
    				"iata_code": string,
    				"icao_code": string,
    				"latitude": number,
    				"longitude": number,
    				"municipality": string,
    				"name": string,

    If an unknown callsign is provided as a query param, but the aircraft is known, response will be status 200 with just aircraft


    See releases

    download (x86_64_musl one liner)

    wget &&
    tar xzvf adsbdb_linux_x86_64_musl.tar.gz adsbdb


    Operate docker compose containers via



    Requires postgres & redis to both be operational and seeded with valid data

    # Watch
    cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x 'test  -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture'
    # Run all 
    cargo test -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture
    • [NEW FEATURE] n-number & icao routes

      [NEW FEATURE] n-number & icao routes

      Describe the solution you'd like add two new routes /icao, and /n-number, to convert from one to the other

      /icao/A897E4 => N653AE /n-number/N653AE => A897E4

      opened by mrjackwills 0
    • [NEW FEATURE] Callsign classification

      [NEW FEATURE] Callsign classification

      Describe the solution you'd like Serialize incoming callsign into ICAO, IATA or Other

      Additional context Callsign JSON response should include both callsigns, as well as the carrier - if applicable

      opened by mrjackwills 0
    • [NEW FEATURE] Batch Requests

      [NEW FEATURE] Batch Requests

      Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm trying to make an initial batch query of ~15 aircraft callsigns to populate a map. From that point on, with caching, it would only be the addition of new callsigns that triggers a request. Still, I imagine it's better for all involved if the first request could be batched.

      Describe the solution you'd like Expose a REST endpoint with a reasonable batch size limit:,ACA321

      Describe alternatives you've considered Looping through individual queries within the bounds of the rate limit.

      Additional context Love this service! Exactly what I'm after for my little hobby project.

      opened by jason-winn 2
    • [NEW FEATURE] Return IATA callsign for flight

      [NEW FEATURE] Return IATA callsign for flight

      Would it be possible to return the IATA callsign for a flight for a /callsign request. E.g., for, could it return QF409? For many flights this is straightforward (just change that airline ICAO code its IATA code, e.g. QFA to QF), but for some it is trickier, e.g., QLK10 is QF2010.

      Additional context: I've been building a split flap display (using to show the planes flying overhead (what I've built: I've got an ADS-B receiver set up to get the callsign then use this API in order to get the route (thankyou!). But I'd also like to display the flight callsign in the form that people are more familiar with (and so that it will always fit on my 6 character display!).

      opened by amorris13 1
    • [BUG] Rate limiter

      [BUG] Rate limiter

      Describe the bug There is an issue with the rate limiter, where the TTL is reported as 1, and points are reported over 200, but the TTL does not reset correctly

      Appears to occur after application has been running for one week

      To Reproduce Struggle to replicate, only noticed twice when checking status of site

      Expected behavior Rate limits & TTL get reset correctly

      Additional context Keep checking the status of the site, and check internal redis database to get the value of the Ratelimiter, in points, and the TTL

      opened by mrjackwills 5
    • [NEW FEATURE]  Public rust response serde API

      [NEW FEATURE] Public rust response serde API

      Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When calling this library from Rust code, I would like the responses to use the same data structure as this library.

      Describe the solution you'd like Release a library exporting as a public API.

      opened by wcampbell0x2a 1
    • [NEW FEATURE] FAA search

      [NEW FEATURE] FAA search

      Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Use the n-number to search FAA db for unknown aircraft

      eventually search foreign db's as well

      opened by mrjackwills 0
    • v0.0.19(Jan 4, 2023)



      • dependencies updated, [f3c435d0c30d6e88dab8ab527f441a734a60d05e], [356650c90a2fe5159a26a90302b9345fc52a6a3e], [97242ae68b8c6dbe53639485a8c1134ff455e613]


      • put tracing_level into app_env, [4174a24fbbbd066d8439c06ed01ca65bfde84d0e]
      • ratelimit into seperate file, [da31646c204054b0a399dcc7d925184aa8c60f93], [c33449b69800e29dcfe916cea6d35ea0293df7f6]
      • get_cache simplifying, [b360492ff53b330ddd45ed94a7e36772cbe906d0]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64.tar.gz(3.23 MB)
    • v0.0.18(Dec 16, 2022)



      • dependencies updated, [b8355f7f5b9b362c9a1ace242a8b15a1eebc8121], [16ba8d135740c29bcc2c4208fbab6a522fce3bbb], [343f13ec80b9b9edbb3514b7c8bb0b86f92c3cd4]
      • container alpine version bump, [5652a1b0424071885b1ccf4b09db15ceb982a404]


      • api Dockerfile(s) use ubuntu container, [50d7b760cf67c6d0c28beee29b78dc9a947dc2ba]
      • rust caching in github action, [30cce60a2e5cbf6616bf9e649a4cfb3bcfa46e5a]


      • lock redis in ratelimit methods, [e8304d308270bb2c178ffa5315771519f82552bf]


      • ttl turbofish into usize, [432892a90faf15b106ebeae1a4ffd23edbdf8314]
      • Rust 1.66 linting, [873bbb29118d15a43352606750799422668a0918]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64.tar.gz(3.23 MB)
    • v0.0.17(Nov 25, 2022)



      • aggressive linting with rust 1.65.0, [755644bb5fc2f984b87779c1d140117ed77c03b9]
      • dependencies updated, implement axum v0.6 changes, [c781298636cd967df7a21fe302a07a6bf6811cee]
      • postgres upgraded to v15, closes #7, [a59dfb850fe2f01c0deeac27070c08ee2a0e388c]


      • readme updated, [43f8f003114f86a08210cbe6bc9f406ef4f0f692]


      • use dtolnay/rust-toolchain in github workflow, [10e872b190c12658e7a9df02832e62445f5cad8e]
      • replace dotenv with dotenvy, [2234f3f85c884ef98a4ae29a41e97fd4da42eee8]
      • replace lazy_static with once_cell, [524b3ef06184fca94b1ce5d4569d1280f5f21b36]


      • typo Scrapper > Scraper, [d9ff9e3de546fae58b37e5a546d630930bb013b1]


      • remove Cache, just use Option, [cce579cb41c4619a6fa109d9d6a40b3ebc9544de]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64.tar.gz(3.24 MB)
    • v0.0.16(Oct 15, 2022)



      • v0.1.1, [065daa3d6a4efa28a75bb7fe97ed2c94c426966d]


      • readme updated, [94e1ea83d36802876f072695065aac5df02f2c38]
      • comment typos fixed, [9d799ca37aa968a228efe77667c6e0084d1305f0]
      • comments updated, [b1ccd36e6615922a8f6bf543a882fbf21f510195]


      • NNumber, ModeS & Callsign new_types, [6a42752e3395a837fb1abc42e73768d5ec2b583c]
      • Exit with code 1 if no .env file found, [0939a2d38ffd633a029eee6e95c21062249e3e45]
      • UnknownAC (Aircraft/Callsign) enum, [596cfa07ac0704aaa3f8efd7d07d029e2a732c0c]


      • ttl as isize instead of usize, [84dbbf02d66bfbf6b529f82a694ea4bb3946d419]
      • Cargo.lock tracked, [366a90eeb52122ec46b18395d2aac83363178be7]
      • cache aircraft/flightroute with Cache enum, [5118d3b42a043e72a02a9f31daaf7ca7608f4b5c]
      • SQL query uppercase SQL reserved words, [e918e88c022d3d8b903156ccc82a03387edc07d5]
      • website added Aircraft Value table, [5ef5e1c7063eba42a3728ef2fcf94de42cd93258]
      • try/catch on website script, [94be3918d43719431960c2479fa0df57adec2743]
      • print version number when starting, [19de8a9d2c8a4c3ae2dd0b8cb2e01722130e5f00]


      • get_addr() for creating axum usable address from &env fix: get_api_version use split instead of chars, [e6657a0a2225c0a1eb4ce4bacaa65b6e7d96eac0]
      • photo_scraper return Option instead of Result<Option, ApiError>, [842adfc90212431a0aedf7368520909264d21a65]
      • dead code removed, [97e57f116349beef4cd62a5daf67f6bcb6cd4753], [321db5d9ac5cc2b4ffde04a69bd9d5ea3ce3cbc2]
      • sql query syntax tweaked, [40e5b5d0fd403a4d60edaff4ef1648cb4878ad10]
      • AppError into own module, [fbc6be1428544c4b7e0425273a35640c205ab32d]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64.tar.gz(3.23 MB)
    • v0.0.15(Sep 7, 2022)



      • Dependencies - tokio updated, anyhow removed, [83c361d0e86a94108480b7b22b940d9f631d69f8]
      • dev container updated, from buster to bullseye, [8ec1b8e9d47de8a501905a17717d97ffef26859a]


      • store cache values using Redis Hashes, [42871bec7941178467cedc44923dc79ba783a391]
      • website response explanation added Midpoint, [7639eec2dabde108160b19649f4f3ae040171c25]


      • postgres queries use uppercase text for SQL lang, [8ad0d341e7e26d7b0e6ad0ad9205146ba9fc7c1e]
      • N_Number functions replace unwrwaps() with map_or_else, [aabcdda0f5eeac2478c0b2bc372d8bd8e5143860]


      • ModelAircraft use &self, instead of &Self, as param, [4c39177852ca9d82e492cbd26bf7c6ce4a4c1669]
      • Redis, key.to_string() once, and optional_null turbofish matching [85bbb6bfa423bde8ec865d8c745e1a1a014f4b1d]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64.tar.gz(3.22 MB)
    • v0.0.14(Aug 12, 2022)



      • aggressive linting, [0fa03c922b0dedeb1c2a35ea8d49f7e456d06dc7]
      • dev docker container updated, [95faeef0ab6888b423cb2fba33126f4367149f9b], [ae77cb62039cdbd1321604df5b60530c7378f7fa]
      • dependencies updated, [7b82d9d7a609e00674d59f158da497fdd74b3422]


      • readme updated, [24037f9d36be22d3907361f62a5c5c61461af537]


      • api.Dockerfile switch from Alpine to Debian Bullseye, [d8fa2c0747dee8e741137a7c711cf3b2a073890f], [e5b062d837f56db5f01b8a60e5dea04849e89b1a]
      • log to file as json, [47b769e1959b973957dea89cda2eed5b97487de4], [669d6dc4d4251086397f3c2cdc1dced0fd95749c]


      • impl From<ModelAircraft> for ResponseAircraft, [6079d32de505b63b04fa0d9bf0adb1c2ab702dfc]
      • untrack Cargo.lock, [9bf63802cefcb9c903e836fd279a0e8c81fe9d62]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64.tar.gz(3.22 MB)
    • v0.0.13(Aug 4, 2022)

    • v0.0.12(Jul 21, 2022)



      • dependancies updated, [81334ac97569d011613e81a366aa42eb28efc0fc]


      • parse server bind_address from env.host_name & env.port, [1f66fb84a4825d2ba9e17a9e16fdded0f33ebdc0]
      • parse env from file, closes [#4], [e3d0429fe359cfbf5050c090835b97e5cb0ce588]
      • log to file and stdout, [c709446db67d31ce4235cb226ff920a532caa329]
      • added, [97f3fe03db9f1c5c0b579cc68b1b63035f987e64]
      • redis conf create using .env, [a4c30f3ba96cb3d5efcdc57abf7af743b723f743]


      • Rate limit only set ttl if limit has been hit, or no key exists, [acb51fee4de826f11cfa59d37f385a426c4b5ccd]
      • change docker mount locations of databases & logs, [710066a250dd364c8418395b121fa5d7767ce0b8]


      • & updated, [8855e03e384882606c00a2e4b3f028e13f1d2f83]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64_musl.tar.gz(3.46 MB)
    • v0.0.11(Jun 17, 2022)

    • v0.0.10(Jun 16, 2022)



      • Add twitter links to & site, [904259a21018e34e5b73696758af574a2e17f768]


      • Return Result<(), AppError> in main(), [8ca3ad3e3ffb0dc8dd4962042c3989902b7dbb68]
      • Use match in ratelimit middleware, to remove unwrap(), [2ea55d12d733be51d210cdceb2a8ef82d1a7bea6]
      • Add connection timeouts to postgres & redis, [5e242efa7883329efe95b7659a4cf81a63e3a8d3]
      • update api.Dockerfile to download latest build from github, [9f29591d0018a499a982e380738bdff676dff456]


      • Remove ModelAicraft get unwrap, [2a28831c58bf1b02915e9b6b49ff330864778a67]


      • Route handlers renamed from method_routename to routename_method, [aaba380cb217ba5ee3ca0142f1c4131eeb0a2692]
      • unused code removed, [879afd0c2ff6ce4bf4b42c2b0c2a793221ddfd02]


      • Use a TestSetup struct to contain test data, impl finish() to close db connection at end of test, [693bb60c66fdf7d53e839d4f875d552d44b6ff76]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64_musl.tar.gz(3.32 MB)
    • v0.0.9(Jun 13, 2022)



      • Cargo.lock dependancies updated, [630d810c8f6678fd31dab2f0a5f76647b4e84e8a]


      • sed fix, removed hard-coded value, [d3dac1b94a576d8aa5d4ab704f04fb4f9e2a1f53]


      • Change to flightroute response, use origin, destination, and occassionally midpoint, keys, all which contain an Airport Value, [2f52c9fcd010c51ae66521ec354ee333563a7f61]
      • Api Dockerfile download binary from github instead of building, [d69ad32a585be102959a38e5b3196817e0123a3b]
      • github workflow renamed, [5e7ee6fe923aa886f894e4a765391709cc8e34d5]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64_musl.tar.gz(3.32 MB)
    • v0.0.8(Jun 12, 2022)



      • Cargo.toml update dependencies, [23e6e0c8abcca091e6a62d1795e4a645faeec96f]


      • readme updated, [126e544e24f151bbd07824a65100a24454f60198], [48d4c2d42f80c798b89ec889c8a8ed7fbed150e4]


      • N-Number to Mode-S conversion, also include n_number in aircraft response, closes [#1], [2f0b9052e1121022183da34bdd05e7d76e402a83]
      • Use ResponseAircraft/ResponseFlightRoute to return data to user, [ca1cd114bbcbdeaf9623f43b9c2d6a8a2eca68c3]


      • use sqlx fetch_optional, [41122b83a366f596b31df062776482fb31fc5f25]
      • init.db, elevation as INT, [efbdb34f89561f6f6fed29a27a8b9c3bc9babae2]


      • Dead code removed, [3816f3b9edbedf8f863cd8911eb894760eacff62]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64_musl.tar.gz(3.32 MB)
    • v0.0.7(May 31, 2022)



      • docker containers bump alpine to 3.16, [d6d65f6274a242fd5498a278673423e7745e8e61]


      • Readme improved, [21b4c6e915cc8ceb6ec6b63232eff27b1e006013]


      • .github workflow build for x86_64 musl, [ed468442b510656c64e1ce2c20c0b5a0c0dfb940]


      • website example responses fixed typo, [a4038a2b2f3169f61aae288d83401b3c365c5369]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
      adsbdb_linux_x86_64_musl.tar.gz(3.30 MB)
    • v0.0.6(May 10, 2022)



      • update dependacies, [af54e606a91e6a46a578971c988009453a60a3da]


      • set content-body to max length of 1024, [269f5a7f3a2db1d0ba6e82085045f73fd7984e93]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
    • v0.0.5(May 10, 2022)

    • v0.0.4(May 9, 2022)



      • Basic website added, [ef0ddadf1d1610a2ae7ba481a28fbcb497faba44]
      • Update website version number on create release, [d91dc82c2a78b23ba99199d0d20ff0110496efce]

      see for more details

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
    • v0.0.3(May 9, 2022)

    • v0.0.2(May 9, 2022)

    • v0.0.1(May 8, 2022)

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    dmastorage High-performance I/O for Linux based on DMA Buffers ALPHA QUALITY SOFTWARE Warning DmaStorage is still just a concept and shouldn't be used

    Ignacy Koper 2 Nov 22, 2022
    Rust library for hardware accelerated drawing of 2D shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API.

    Speedy2D Hardware-accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API. Speedy2D aims to be: The simplest Rust API for creating a

    null 223 Dec 26, 2022
    Code to follow along the "Zero To Production" book on API development in Rust.

    Zero To Production / Code (Chapter 10 - Part 1) Zero To Production In Rust is an opinionated introduction to backend development using Rust. This repo

    Luca Palmieri 2.8k Dec 31, 2022
    Conversion Tools API Rust client

    ConversionTools Rust This Conversion Tools API Rust client allows you to use the site API and convert files faster and more conveniently. Site Convers

    WinsomeQuill 2 Jan 23, 2022
    Simple RESTful API in rust created with actix-web. (Routing, models, JWT auth).

    rust-simple-api Simple RESTful API created with rust, actix-web, Diesel, JWT. Running application Manual Firstly generate a secret.key which will be u

    null 2 Jul 30, 2022
    The second Rust implementation on GitHub of third-party REST API client for Bilibili.

    Bilibili REST API The second Rust implementation on GitHub of third-party REST API client for Bilibili. Designed to be lightweight and efficient. It's

    null 4 Aug 25, 2022