The utility is designed to check the availability of peers and automatically update them in the Yggdrasil configuration file, as well as using the admin API - addPeer method.


Yggrasil network peers checker / updater

The utility is designed to check the availability of peers and automatically update them in the Yggdrasil configuration file, as well as using the admin API - addPeer method.

By setting up the automatic launch of the utility on a schedule, you can forget that public peers sometimes stop working and you need to update them manually.

Attention! When running the utility without specifying any command-line parameters, the default path to the configuration file will be used, and if the file on this path exists and there are permissions to change it, the peers in it will be updated.

Attention! When updating peers in the configuration file, all comments will be deleted from it. If you don't want to lose comments, use this utility only with the -p parameter, or make a backup copy of the file with comments before use.

Usage: peers_updater [OPTIONS]

  -p, --print           Print the peers sorted by latency. When using this parameter, all other parameters will be ignored.
  -c, --config <FILE>   The path to the Yggdrasil configuration file [default: /etc/yggdrasil.conf or C:\ProgramData\Yggdrasil\yggdrasil.conf]
  -a, --api             Add/remove peers during execution (requires enabling the admin API)
  -n, --number <VALUE>  The number of peers to add (excluding extra ones) [default: 3]
  -e, --extra <VALUE>   A space-separated string with the URIs of the peers that should always be in the configuration
  -i, --ignore <VALUE>  A space-separated string with the URIs of the peers that should always be ignored
  -r, --restart         Restart the Yggdrasil (systemd or windows) service
  -h, --help            Print help information
  -V, --version         Print version information

To simply display a list of peers sorted by response time, use the -p parameter. At the same time, all other parameters will be ignored, no changes will be made to the configuration of Yggrasil.

In order for the utility to work fully and correctly, making changes to the Yggdrasil settings, the user with whose rights it is launched must have the appropriate permissions to change the configuration file and/or use the Admin API.

It doesn't make sense to use the -r (restart Yggdrasil) and -a (use admin API) flags at the same time.

Usage Examples

Output of a sorted list of peers:

./peers_updater -p

Updating peers in the configuration file at the specified path (two peers will be added):

sudo ./peers_updater -c /home/user/tst/yggdrasil.conf -n 2

Updating peers (2 peers will be added) in the configuration file with the default path to it, as well as adding peers using the admin API:

sudo ./peers_updater -n 2 -a

Updating peers (2 peers will be added) in the configuration file with the default path to it, and adding additional peers (in a space-separated line). A total of 4 peers will be added:

sudo ./peers_updater -n 2 -a -e "tcp:// tls://"

The utility can be run on a schedule using cron (Linux) or using another scheduler (Windows).

Updating the configuration file on a schedule probably makes sense no more than once a week. Because there is little chance that 2-3-4 peers specified in the configuration file will stop working at the same time during the week.

Build from source

The project is being built without errors and warnings with cargo 1.65.0 and rustc 1.65.0.

git clone
cd peers_updater
cargo buid --release
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