Sorting-in-rust-jadyn-nicholas created by GitHub Classroom


Sorting in Rust

Sorting tests


This lab uses various sorting algorithms as examples several features of the Rust programming language:

Here we've provided you with a sample Rust implementation of insertion sort, and you'll implement two other common sorting algorithms:

  • Quicksort
  • Merge sort

Insertion sort and quicksort can be done "in place", so they take a mutable array of values and destructively sort the given array.

Merge sort can't be done "in place" (it requires allocation of additional storage), so it is structured here to return a new Vec as its result.

There are lots of comments in the code on the various algorithms, but you might want to look them up in your favorite source if you're rusty (ho, ho) on those sorting algorithms.

Since you've dealt (at least a little) with arrays, slices, borrowing, and ownership in the Disemvowel in Rust lab we won't discuss them here, but we will say a little about traits.


Rust uses the concept of traits in a manner that is somewhat similar to interfaces in Java. A trait in Rust indicates a set of properties that a given type must have. A simplified signature for insertion_sort, for example, is:

    fn insertion_sort
   mut [T])

Here insertion_sort takes a single parameter v that is an array of items of type T. Now because we want to sort the items in the array, we need to be able to ask "less-than" questions about items of type T. That ability is provided by the trait PartialOrd. The annotation says that T can't just be any type – it must implement the PartialOrd trait, which ensures support for useful things like < and <=, which we'll clearly need to sort.

You can require a type to have several traits, joining them together with the + operator like this:

    fn insertion_sort
   PartialOrd + std::fmt::Debug>(v: 
   mut [T])

This is the actual signature for insertion_sort in the sample code, and says that T has to support two traits: PartialOrd and Debug. (The ability to support multiple traits in Rust is similar to the ability to implement multiple interfaces in Java.) The Debug trait allows you to print data using the {:?} format, which generates output in a programmer-friendly manner that is hopefully useful for debugging. We don't need this here (the code you're given doesn't actually use it), but it might be helpful if you want/need to add some printing to debug things as you're working on your implementation.

Lastly, one consequence of merge sort returning a new vector (instead of sorting the array in place) is that it requires the ability to copy elements from the input array into the output vector. Insertion sort and quicksort don't need that because they can use the .swap() method on arrays (which essentially swaps pointers on non-primitives instead of copying them).

This requires the addition of yet another trait (Copy) to T in the signature of merge_sort:

    fn merge_sort
   PartialOrd + std::marker::
   Copy + std::fmt::Debug>(v: 
   &[T]) -> 

Adding this trait allows us to perform actions that require copying such as:


Luckily integers (which is all we use here) already implement both the PartialOrd and the Copy traits, so we're good to go. If we needed to sort something more complex (like an array of student records), then we'd have to decide

  • How to implement the PartialOrd trait, perhaps by sorting by ID numbers, or we could be brave and attempt some sort of sorting by name.
  • If and how we are willing to implement the Copy trait. As a rule we probably don't want to copy entire student records, so we'd have to figure out what makes sense in our particular situation.

Running the code and the tests

This is set up so that running the program (with cargo run) will run and time all three sorting algorithms on a randomly generated array of integers. Since insertion sort is O(N^2) and the other two are O(N log N), we would expect them to be faster. We might also expect quicksort to be faster (by a constant factor) than merge sort since quicksort doesn't need to copy elements around. Feel free to increase the value of the size constant at the top of the code to see how that affects the timing.

Use cargo test to run the tests "by hand". The insertion sort tests should pass without you having to do anything. Some of the quicksort and merge sort tests may pass initially "for free" even though you know you haven't actually implemented anything. This is just because the default "silly" things that we do for those happen to be correct for things like empty lists of values.

When running either the program or the tests, you'll initially get a warning like:

warning: unused variable: `ys`
   --> src/
171 | fn merge
    (xs: Vec
     , ys: Vec
      ) -> Vec
    |                                                                           ^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_ys`
    = note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default


This is just telling you that the stub code that we provided doesn't use the parameter ys. As you properly implement merge() you'll presumably use both arguments and this warning will go away.

To Do

The canvas rubric provides detailed information on how you will be graded. The provided tests (which you can run with cargo test) should provide some reasonable feedback on the correctness of your solution, but passing the tests never guarantees complete correctness. The badge at the top of this README should also indicate whether your tests are passing in GitHub Actions.

  • Implement quicksort
  • Implement merge sort
  • Ensure that the tests pass
  • Code and commits should be understandable and useful
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