Htmx extractors and request guards for axum.



axum-htmx is a small extension library providing extractors and request guards for the various htmx headers within axum. Additionally, the library exports const values for all of the htmx headers, so there's no need to mess with strings in your handlers.

Getting Started

Simply run cargo add axum-htmx to add the library to your project.

If you are using the unreleased branch of axum from GitHub, you can build against the main version of axum-htmx by adding the following to your Cargo.toml:

axum-htmx = { git = "" }


All of the htmx request headers have a supported extractor. Extractors are infallible, meaning they will always succeed and never return an error. In the case where a header is not present, the extractor will return None or false dependant on the expected return type.

Header Extractor Value
HX-Boosted HxBoosted bool
HX-Current-URL HxCurrentUrl Option<String>
HX-History-Restore-Request HxHistoryRestoreRequest bool
HX-Prompt HxPrompt Option<String>
HX-Request HxRequest bool
HX-Target HxTarget Option<String>
HX-Trigger-Name HxTriggerName Option<String>
HX-Trigger HxTrigger Option<String>

Request Guards

Requires features guards.

In addition to the extractors, there is also a route-wide layer request guard for the HX-Request header. This will redirect any requests without the header to "/" by default.

It should be noted that this is NOT a replacement for an auth guard. A user can trivially set the HX-Request header themselves. This is merely a convenience for preventing users from receiving partial responses without context. If you need to secure an endpoint you should be using a proper auth system.

Example: Extractors

In this example, we'll look for the HX-Boosted header, which is set when applying the hx-boost attribute to an element. In our case, we'll use it to determine what kind of response we send.

When is this useful? When using a templating engine, like minijinja, it is common to extend different templates from a _base.html template. However, htmx works by sending partial responses, so extending our _base.html would result in lots of extra data being sent over the wire.

If we wanted to swap between pages, we would need to support both full template responses and partial responses (as the page can be accessed directly or through a boosted anchor), so we look for the HX-Boosted header and extend from a _partial.html template instead.

use axum::response::IntoResponse;
use axum_htmx::HxBoosted;

async fn get_index(HxBoosted(boosted): HxBoosted) -> impl IntoResponse {
    if boosted {
        // Send a template extending from _partial.html
    } else {
        // Send a template extending from _base.html

Example: Router Guard

use axum::Router;
use axum_htmx::HxRequestGuardLayer;

fn router_one() -> Router {
        // Redirects to "/" if the HX-Request header is not present

fn router_two() -> Router {

Feature Flags

Flag Default Description Dependencies
guards Disabled Adds request guard layers. tower, futures-core, pin-project-lite


Contributions are always welcome! If you have an idea for a feature or find a bug, let me know. PR's are appreciated, but if it's not a small change, please open an issue first so we're all on the same page!


axum-htmx is dual-licensed under either

at your option.

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  • HxRequestGuardLayer should take an (optional) redirect route

    HxRequestGuardLayer should take an (optional) redirect route

    Probably like:

    use axum::Router;
    use axum_htmx::HxRequestGuardLayer;
    fn protected_router() -> Router {

    EDIT: Possible that this could be default behavior, but it comes with the assumption that "/" will always resolve in a meaningful way, which may not (?) be the case. Could take an Option<&str> in the new fn to force this instead.

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  • v0.3.0(Jul 29, 2023)

    • HxRequestGuardLayer now redirects on failures instead of returning a 403. By default, it will redirect to "/", but you can specify a different route to redirect to with HxRequestGuardLayer::new("/your-route-here").
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    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jul 28, 2023)

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