🪪 Session-based user authentication for Axum.



🪪 Session-based user authentication for Axum.

🎨 Overview

axum-login is a Tower middleware providing session-based user authentication for axum applications.

  • Decouples user storage from authentication
  • Supports arbitrary user types and arbitrary storage backends
  • Provides methods for: logging in, logging out, and accessing current user
  • Wraps axum-sessions to provide flexible sessions
  • Leverages tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer to protect routes

Note axum-login implements a fundamental pattern for user authentication, however some features may be missing. Folks are encouraged to make suggestions for extensions to the library.

📦 Install

To use the crate in your project, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

axum-login = "0.2.0"

🤸 Usage

axum applications can use the middleware via the auth layer.

axum Example

use axum::{response::IntoResponse, routing::get, Extension, Router};
use axum_login::{
    axum_sessions::{async_session::MemoryStore, SessionLayer},
    AuthLayer, AuthUser, RequireAuthorizationLayer, SqliteStore,
use rand::Rng;
use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePoolOptions;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, sqlx::FromRow)]
struct User {
    id: i64,
    password_hash: String,
    name: String,

impl AuthUser for User {
    fn get_id(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}", self.id)

    fn get_password_hash(&self) -> String {

type AuthContext = axum_login::extractors::AuthContext<User, SqliteStore<User>>;

async fn main() {
    let secret = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 64]>();

    let session_store = MemoryStore::new();
    let session_layer = SessionLayer::new(session_store, &secret).with_secure(false);

    let pool = SqlitePoolOptions::new()

    let user_store = SqliteStore::<User>::new(pool);
    let auth_layer = AuthLayer::new(user_store, &secret);

    async fn login_handler(mut auth: AuthContext) {
        let pool = SqlitePoolOptions::new()
        let mut conn = pool.acquire().await.unwrap();
        let user: User = sqlx::query_as("select * from users where id = 1")
            .fetch_one(&mut conn)

    async fn logout_handler(mut auth: AuthContext) {
        dbg!("Logging out user: {}", &auth.current_user);

    async fn protected_handler(Extension(user): Extension<User>) -> impl IntoResponse {
        format!("Logged in as: {}", user.name)

    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/protected", get(protected_handler))
        .route("/login", get(login_handler))
        .route("/logout", get(logout_handler))


You can find this example as well as other example projects in the example directory.

See the crate documentation for more usage information.

  • Redirect unauthenticated user to login page.

    Redirect unauthenticated user to login page.

    I have been hoping to replace my custom/fragile middleware I built around axum-sessions with axum-login. One of the things I cannot figure out with this library is how to redirect an unauthenticated user to the login page.

    • user tries to go to "example.com/requires_auth"
    • user is redirected to "example.com/login?next_url=/requires_auth"
    • user logs in
    • user is redirected back to "example.com/requries_auth"

    Right now, because of how "requries_auth" attempts to extract a user, there is no way to redirect when there is no user available.

    Do you have a recommendation or am I going about this all wrong?

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by cldershem 12
  • Can't use `self.pool` in impl of UserStore<CustomRole> for PostgresStore<CustomUser>

    Can't use `self.pool` in impl of UserStore for PostgresStore

    use axum::async_trait;
    use axum_login::{secrecy::SecretVec, AuthUser};
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, sqlx::Type)]
    pub enum UserRole {
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, sqlx::FromRow, sqlx::Decode)]
    pub struct User {
        id: i32,
        username: String,
        password_hash: String,
        role: UserRole,
    impl AuthUser<UserRole> for User {
        fn get_id(&self) -> String {
            format!("{}", self.id)
        fn get_password_hash(&self) -> SecretVec<u8> {
        fn get_role(&self) -> Option<UserRole> {
    impl axum_login::UserStore<UserRole> for axum_login::PostgresStore<User> {
        type User = User;
        async fn load_user(&self, user_id: &str) -> Result<Option<Self::User>, eyre::Report> {
            let mut connection = self.pool.acquire() ...

    When I try to use self.pool.acquire in the load_user, I get error that self.pool is private. How can I implement load_user without access to the database pool

    opened by sean-clarke 6
  • Implement a role-based `RequireAuthorizationLayer`

    Implement a role-based `RequireAuthorizationLayer`

    The layer should not only check the login and password, but also if the user has the right role.

    @maxcountryman I understand that your idea is a RequireAuthorizarionLayer separate from the normal login one - the difference being it would also check the role of the user?

    opened by Czocher 6
  • Problem with async_sqlx_session

    Problem with async_sqlx_session

    There seems to be a problem when using async_sqlx_session. When using jbr/async_sqlx_session, the sqlx version is up to date but one can only use async_std whereas axum uses tokio. When using CyrusAlbright/async_sqlx_session, it's possible to use tokio but the sqlx version is not up to date and for instance the PostgresSessionStore cannot be instanciated through the from_client() function. Do you know if there is a way to solve this problem ? Thanks a lot for your answer and for your awesome work.

    opened by LeonGGX 6
  • How to redirect with the auth headers/cookie?

    How to redirect with the auth headers/cookie?

    Firstly, thank you for creating this library!

    I'm implementing an OAuth flow where the provider redirects back to our server, we exchange the code for a token, login the user, then redirect to another internal route e.g.:

    async fn oauth_callback(mut auth: AuthContext) -> impl IntoResponse {
         // I've omitted the oauth details such as code exchange for the token
         let user = find_user_somehow();
        // login the user
        // This redirect causes the session to be lost, I think we need to pass along the headers that contain the cookie?
    // in main
    let app = Router::new()
       .route("/auth/google/callback", get(oauth_callback))

    Axum has an example of the OAuth flow, which looks like this:

        // Create a new session filled with user data
        let mut session = Session::new();
        session.insert("user", &user).unwrap();
        // Store session and get corresponding cookie
        let cookie = store.store_session(session).await.unwrap().unwrap();
        // Build the cookie
        let cookie = format!("{}={}; SameSite=Lax; Path=/", COOKIE_NAME, cookie);
        // Set cookie
        let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
        headers.insert(SET_COOKIE, cookie.parse().unwrap());
        // Redirect with headers
        (headers, Redirect::to("/"))

    How can we redirect and preserve the session? Can we get the headers after the auth.login(...) call?

    opened by Rigellute 5
  • How do I create my own store

    How do I create my own store

    I'm using Sea-ORM for a project of mine and I wanted use axum-login to handle authentication. I'm using postgres as the database so I know I can use the postgres feature. But I was wondering if I can create my own store using Sea-ORM. If so, how would I go about doing that?

    I tried implementing it on my own using memory_store.rs and sql_store.rs as examples but the compiler keeps complaining about AuthUser not being satisfied for my User struct (even though I believe I've implemented it). Can you give me some pointers? Thanks.

    opened by mtelahun 4
  • Integration tests setup

    Integration tests setup

    • major: directory structure rework to allow for easy installation of the package for testing purposes
    • docker-compose file with Postgres and Mysql
    • migrations creating test users table
    • fixture with random user to use in tests

    This PR doesn't really contain a lot of tests, the paramount goal was to setup a framework of sorts to allow writing such tests in the first place.

    opened by czotomo 3
  • Support `Sled` key-value store as a `Store`

    Support `Sled` key-value store as a `Store`

    I recently came across Sled when I searched for other possibilities for persistent application state. I think it would be nice to support it as an alternative for sqlx.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by Czocher 3
  • I wrote a prototype axum/tower authorization layer for combining auth logic using AND/OR, thoughts on similiar features in axum-login?

    I wrote a prototype axum/tower authorization layer for combining auth logic using AND/OR, thoughts on similiar features in axum-login?

    Hi, sorry for long title. I switched my graphql api on my personal project to a rest api and wrote this for describing authorization using AND/OR logic like graphql. It's not very ergonomic, also I use BoxFuture because I couldn't quite figure out how to write the future by hand. But, I was wondering if you were interested in a similar feature for axum-login or if one already exists. I think it would be good for the ecosystem to have one broad axum auth toolset, that let users describe authorization in a varied way. https://github.com/sjud/axum_guard_logic Warm regards, thank you for your FOSS contribution

    opened by sjud 3
  • Idea: `AuthUser` should not be `Clone` and should require the `Zeroize` trait on the `password` field

    Idea: `AuthUser` should not be `Clone` and should require the `Zeroize` trait on the `password` field

    Currently AuthUser requires the Clone trait to be implemented on the User struct. This is not bad per-say but is not good in terms of secret management hygiene.

    I suggest the AuthUser should handle the password hash very carefully and require the password field to be Zeroizable, so that the password is not cloned nor left in memory. Returning a &str instead would possibly also be beneficial rather than String.

    This is possibly a breaking change.

    Idea: AuthUser can return a SecretString of the password.

    help wanted 
    opened by Czocher 3
  • Add oauth example

    Add oauth example

    The oauth callback -> login -> redirect to /protected is not currently working as expected: we print that the user has logged in but get a 401 on /protected.

    You will need to set up your own Google OAuth Credentials to get this example working. I tried using https://testoauth.com/ but the token exchange endpoint seems non-standard so the oauth client cannot parse the response.

    opened by Rigellute 3
  • Allow crate users to pick the `sqlx` runtime.

    Allow crate users to pick the `sqlx` runtime.

    Currently, axum-login locks users into the tokio & rustls runtime (runtime-tokio-rustls). This PR lets them specify their own, removing the sqlx feature and introducing six new ones in its stead:

    • sqlx-runtime-actix-native-tls
    • sqlx-runtime-async-std-native-tls
    • sqlx-runtime-tokio-native-tls
    • sqlx-runtime-actix-rustls
    • sqlx-runtime-async-std-rustls
    • sqlx-runtime-tokio-rustls

    This should solve https://github.com/maxcountryman/axum-login/issues/5.

    Note: I tested omitting the runtime feature and my project, a consumer of axum-login, still compiled, which is strange. I've only just begun to integrate axum-login, so it might break once I use more of it, but it bears exploring.

    Update: It still compiled because my project uses sqlx as well. Referencing axum-login without specifying a runtime in a project that doesn't fails as expected. Perhaps this ought to be mentioned in the documentation somewhere.

    opened by dsaghliani 11
  • Default query for SqlxStore does not work with MySQL

    Default query for SqlxStore does not work with MySQL

    SqlX docs:

    Bind parameters in the SQL string are specific to the database backend:
        Postgres: $N where N is the 1-based positional argument index
        MySQL: ? which matches arguments in order that it appears in the query
    bug help wanted good first issue 
    opened by czotomo 1
  • Support LDAP as a Store

    Support LDAP as a Store

    Hi, Im looking to use the crate with an Ldap backend, however, there is mismatch with the current design.

    As I understand it a UserStore expects to do a lookup using the user_id which provides the User struct with the password hash, which then gets compared by the login function.

    Ldap works differently , the username and password are sent to the server and tested against the stored password server side and a response is returned.

    Im not an LDAP expert but if I remember correctly there is a way to configure the Ldap server to return passwords, however, I believe it is not a recommended practice, also this means you have to connect to the server as a privileged user, not a good idea.

    changing UserStore to have the function something like async fn load_user(&self, user_id: &str, password: Option<&str>)

    Would there be a way to support this different way of authentication?

    Code sample using the ldap3 crate

    ldap.simple_bind(&dn, &password).await

    this then returns a result code (int) and a possibly empty result string.

    let ldap_url=std::env::var("LDAP")
        //ldaps 3636
        let connect= LdapConnAsync::new(&ldap_url).await;
        match connect {
            Ok((conn, mut ldap)) => {
                let dn = format!("uid={},ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", username);
                match ldap.simple_bind(&dn, &password).await {
                    Ok(res) => {
                        if res.rc==0 {
                            println!("Login Success");
                            println!("Code {} Message {}", res.rc, res.text.len());
                        } else {
                            //Code 49 bad user or password
                            //Code 53 account inactivated
                            println!("Code {} Message {}", res.rc, res.text);
                    Err(err) => {
                        info!("Ldap Search Error {:?}",err);
            Err(err) => {
                info!("Ldap Connect Error {:?}",err);
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by apps4uco 4
  • Support Sea-ORM as a store

    Support Sea-ORM as a store

    Sea-ORM is a popular async ORM that uses sqlx under the hood. There is a discussion about creating a store for it, but it would be awesome if axum-login supports this out of the box.

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by limjiayi 2
  • Support `rustqlite` as an alternative `Store`

    Support `rustqlite` as an alternative `Store`

    Rustqlite seems like a good alternative for the sqlx sqlite one since it supports sqlite on a far better level. I believe it would be beneficial to support it separately.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by Czocher 2
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