Highly flexible library to manage and orchestrate JWT workflow


JWT Vault

Highly flexible library to manage and orchestrate JWT workflow

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  • Manages & Orchestrates JWT for user login, logout & renew
    • Option 1: DynamicVault (uses dynamic dispatch but requires considerable less boiler-plate code)
    • Option 2: DefaultVault (uses static dispatch but requires considerable more boiler-plate code)
  • Async ready
  • Easy start
  • No un-safe code
  • Runs on stable rust
  • Uses Argon (see video)
  • Library approach (Requires no runtime)
  • Supports plugable components
  • Invalidates old refresh upon new refresh token renewal
  • Invalidates old authentication upon new authentication token renewal
  • Cross feeding not allowed
  • Handles Thundering herd problem upon authentication token expiry
  • Works with any web-server, any password hashing, and any backend (here)
  • Fully functional webserver with actix and postgres



 jwtvault = "*"
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sgrust01/jwtvault/master/generate_certificates.sh > ./generate_certificates.sh
$ chmod 700 generate_certificates.sh && ./generate_certificates.sh

Option 1: DynamicVault

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;

use jwtvault::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let hasher = ArgonPasswordHasher::default();
    // User: John Doe
    let user_john = "john_doe";
    let password_for_john = "john";
    // Save value 'hashed_password_for_john' to persistent storage
    // This is more relevant during user signup/password reset
    let hashed_password_for_john = hasher.hash_user_password(user_john, password_for_john).unwrap();

    // User: Jane Doe
    let user_jane = "jane_doe";
    let password_for_jane = "jane";
    // Save 'hashed_password_for_jane' to persistent storage
    // This is more relevant during user signup/password reset
    let hashed_password_for_jane = hasher.hash_user_password(user_jane, password_for_jane).unwrap();

    let mut users = HashMap::new();

    // load users and their password from database/somewhere
    users.insert(user_john.to_string(), hashed_password_for_john.to_string());
    users.insert(user_jane.to_string(), hashed_password_for_jane.to_string());

    // Setup app users
    let login = LoginInfo::new(users);

     // Initialize vault
    let mut vault = DynamicVault::default(Box::new(login));

    // John needs to login now
    let token = block_on(vault.login(
    let token = token.ok().unwrap();
    // When John presents authentication token, it can be used to restore John's session info
    let server_refresh_token = block_on(resolve_session_from_client_authentication_token(
        &mut vault,
    let server_refresh_token = server_refresh_token.ok().unwrap();

    // server_refresh_token (variable) contains server method which captures client private info
    // which never leaves the server
    let private_info_about_john = server_refresh_token.server().unwrap();
    let key = digest::<_, DefaultHasher>(user_john);
    let data_on_server_side = private_info_about_john.get(&key).unwrap();

    // server_refresh_token (variable) contains client method which captures client public info
    // which is also send back to client

    // Check out the data on client and server which are public and private respectively
    println!("[Private] John Info: {}",

    // lets renew authentication token
    let new_token = block_on(vault.renew(
    let new_token = new_token.ok().unwrap();

    // When John presents new authentication token it can be used to restore session info
    let result = block_on(resolve_session_from_client_authentication_token(
        &mut vault,
    let _ = result.ok().unwrap();

Option 2: DefaultVault

use jwtvault::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;

fn main() {

    let mut users = HashMap::new();

    let loader = CertificateManger::default();

    // User: John Doe
    let user_john = "john_doe";
    let password_for_john = "john";

    // This should ideally be pre-computed during user sign-up/password reset/change password
    let hashed_password_for_john = hash_password_with_argon(

    // User: Jane Doe
    let user_jane = "jane_doe";
    let password_for_jane = "jane";

    // This should ideally be pre-computed during user sign-up/password reset/change password
    let hashed_password_for_jane = hash_password_with_argon(

    // load users and their (argon hashed) password from database/somewhere
    users.insert(user_john.to_string(), hashed_password_for_john);
    users.insert(user_jane.to_string(), hashed_password_for_jane);

    // Initialize vault
    let mut vault = DefaultVault::new(loader, users, false);

    // John needs to login now
    let token = block_on(vault.login(
    let token = token.ok().unwrap();
    // When John presents authentication token, it can be used to restore John's session info
    let server_refresh_token = block_on(resolve_session_from_client_authentication_token(
        &mut vault,
    let server_refresh_token = server_refresh_token.ok().unwrap();

    // server_refresh_token (variable) contains server method which captures client private info
    // which never leaves the server
    let private_info_about_john = server_refresh_token.server().unwrap();
    let key = digest::<_, DefaultHasher>(user_john);
    let data_on_server_side = private_info_about_john.get(&key).unwrap();

    // server_refresh_token (variable) contains client method which captures client public info
    // which is also send back to client

    // Check out the data on client and server which are public and private respectively
    println!("[Private] John Info: {}",

    // lets renew authentication token
    let new_token = block_on(vault.renew(
    let new_token = new_token.ok().unwrap();

    // When John presents new authentication token it can be used to restore session info
    let result = block_on(resolve_session_from_client_authentication_token(
        &mut vault,
    let _ = result.ok().unwrap();


  • To begin use login with user and password

    • Upon successful login is provides user will be provided with JWT pair (authentication/refresh)

    • Authentication token is then provided to access any resources

    • Refresh token is used to renew an authentication token upon expiry

  • Use resolve_session_from_client_authentication_token with user and authentication_token to restore user session

  • Use renew with user and refresh_token to generate new authentication token

  • Use logout with user and authentication_token will remove all tokens associated with the user

  • Use helper continue_generate_temporary_token to generate temporary token for user

    • Temporary token creates temporary session, and does not corrupt the original session info
    • Temporary token cannot be used to login/logout/renew/revoke original session
    • Temporary token does not have refresh key (this is intentional), to avoid token refresh
    • Note: DynamicVault users can directly use instance method generate_temporary_token
    • Typical use-case: Forgot Password
  • Use helper resolve_temporary_session_from_client_authentication_token to restore user temporary session

    • Temporary session are isolated instance, and thus has no fingerprints of the originals session
    • Typical use-case: Reset Password
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