WebCipher - JWT encryption/decryption algorithms + a JWK Store implementation

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Authentication jwt jws


webcipher provides JWT authentication utilities and storage mechanism for caching keys and optimizing decryption/encryption processes.


The primary abstraction provided by webcipher is the KeyRegistry struct. This struct caches all keys for various OAuth2 service providers, such as Google, Facebook, etc. Public keys can be stored internally, and JWT tokens can be decrypted by its according OAuth2 provider.

Third Party Auth Providers

An example of using a KeyRegistry instance to decrypt (and verify) an incoming JWT can be seen below:

= registry.decrypt_remote::(ThirdPartyAuthProviders::Google)?; let jsonwebtoken::TokenData { claims: GoogleClaims { /* access to all of Google's claims! */ .. }, .. } = data;">
enum ThirdPartyAuthProviders {

let registry = KeyRegistry::builder()
    .add_remote(ThirdPartyAuthProviders::Google, "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/certs")

// Now assume that we receive some token that we wish to decrypt.
// Furthermore, let's assume that the token is claimed to be signed by `Google`.
// The claims made by `Google` are located in some arbitrary struct named `GoogleClaims` (defined elsewhere).
let received_jwt_token = "a.b.c";

let data: jsonwebtoken::TokenData<GoogleClaims> = registry.decrypt_remote::(ThirdPartyAuthProviders::Google)?;

let jsonwebtoken::TokenData { claims: GoogleClaims { /* access to all of Google's claims! */ .. }, .. } = data;

Local Auth Services

It may be the case that your own application wants to perform JWT encryption/decryption using locally defined secrets/keypairs. webcipher also contains a LocalCache, which, for the most part, behaves as the above RemoteCache, except that it also provides encryption services.

= registry.decrypt_local::()?; let jsonwebtoken::TokenData { claims: OurClaims { /* access to all of our claims! */ .. }, .. } = data;">
struct OurClaims {
    // Public Claims:
    exp: u64,
    iat: u64,
    iss: String,
    // ...

    // Private Claims:
    user_id: Uuid,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    // ...

// Assume some `read_file` function which reads a file at some path and returns the read bytes.
let bytes: &[u8] = read_file("path/to/priv_file.pem");
let encoding_key = EncodingKey::from_rsa_pem(bytes);

let bytes: &[u8] = read_file("path/to/pub_file.pem");
let decoding_key = DecodingKey::from_rsa_pem(bytes);

let registry = KeyRegistry::builder()
    .add_local(jsonwebtoken::Algorithm::RS256, encoding_key, decoding_key);

// Once again, assume that we receive some token that we wish to decrypt.
// Furthermore, let's assume that the token is claimed to be signed by us!
// The claims we made are located in some arbitrary struct named `OurClaims`.
let received_jwt_token = "a.b.c";

let data: jsonwebtoken::TokenData<OurClaims> = registry.decrypt_local::()?;

let jsonwebtoken::TokenData { claims: OurClaims { /* access to all of our claims! */ .. }, .. } = data;

We can also sign outgoing messages using our public key.

let our_claims = OurClaims::default(); // in reality, we would use some actual data, not default data.
let token = register.encode_local::(); // we can now send this token to someone else!


This library is not very... "generic". It does enforce that remotes send back Key's which have a kty == "RSA", as well as an e (i.e., exponent) and m (i.e., modulus) element. If they do not, then those keys are rejected from being stored in the RemoteCache.

Lastly, I am still working on multithreaded access to this store and the best practices for which to perform some of these operations. The refreshing mechanism is still manual. Namely, the user of this library will need to remember to refresh the cache of their own accord. This will (hopefully) be fixed in a future release.

Ending Remarks

PRs are always welcome. Please take a look at the CONTRIBUTING.MD for Wavy's policy on contributing to our Open Source Software.

This work is released under the MIT license. The claims of this license can be found in LICENSE.MD.

Lastly, this project has still yet to undergo major testing.

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