Simple system monitoring app that runs on terminal. Made purely with Rust.


What is it?

RCTOP is a simple WIP system monitoring app that runs purely on terminal and doesn't feature GUI. One can compare it to htop, but more stripped down. RCTOP is fully coded in Rust.

Notable features

  • Lightweight
  • Small filesize
  • Shows CPU usage (system, user, interrupts, etc)
  • Shows RAM usage
  • Shows mounted drives and how full they are (not implemented yet)
  • Shows battery level, if supported
  • Shows CPU temps, if supported (not implemented yet)

Early version of the UI

Very early development UI


To compile and run the program from source code, one needs to have Rust installed, it can be downloaded from here.

Manually cloning with GitHub

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Go to the cloned directory cd ./rctop
  3. Build dev version cargo build or build optimized release version cargo build --release
  4. A folder called target should be generated and based on build parameters the compiled binary is in /target/debug or /target/release

Other installation options will be available later


  • Add pagefile usage
  • Add uptime indicator
  • Add drive list with usages
  • Add battery indicator
  • Add cpu temp indicator
  • Add network throughput indicator
  • Add tabs for some fields to show extra information (example. cpu details)
  • Make the termial look actually good
  • Make keyboard interrupt handler, rn handles only ctrl+c
  • Optimize terminal view update
  • Multithread the thing
  • Launch arg handling for different things such as refresh rate
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