Extract tokens by simple condition expression.

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Utilities condex


Extract tokens by simple condition expression.

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condex = "1.0.0"


    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
    enum Token {
    impl TokenKind for Token {}

    let mut builder = CondexBuilder::new(&[
        (Token::TagName, &["@-("]),
        (Token::NameType, &["[(,]  -  :  - [,=]"]),
        (Token::Value, &["=-[,)]"]),
        (Token::AllInOne, &["@-(", "[(,]  -  :  - [,=]", "=-[,)]"]),

    let source = "@hello-man(name: type = value, name2: type2, name3: type3 = value3)";

    for (i, c) in source.char_indices() {
        builder.test(c, i);
    let finals = builder.finalize_with_source(source);
    eprintln!("{:#?}", finals);
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