573 Repositories
Rust large-language-models Libraries
WIP: Asynchronous Language Server Protocol framework
async-lsp Asynchronous Language Server Protocol (LSP) framework based on tower. ⚠️ This project serves as a proof-of-concept for LSP with middlewares
A brand-new language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension
Typst LSP A brand-new language server for Typst. Features Syntax highlighting, error reporting, code completion, and function signature help Compiles
Experimental extension that brings OpenAI API to your PostgreSQL to run queries in human language.
Postgres ChatGPT Experimental PostgreSQL extension that enables the use of OpenAI GPT API inside PostgreSQL, allowing for queries to be written usi
Believe in AI democratization. llama for nodejs backed by llama-rs, work locally on your laptop CPU. support llama/alpaca model.
llama-node Large Language Model LLaMA on node.js This project is in an early stage, the API for nodejs may change in the future, use it with caution.
A small, basical and unoptimized version of RWKV in Rust written by someone with no math or ML knowledge.
Smol Rust RWKV What is it? A simple example of the RWKV approach to language models written in Rust by someone that knows basically nothing about math
A Discord bot, written in Rust, that generates responses using the LLaMA language model.
llamacord A Discord bot, written in Rust, that generates responses using the LLaMA language model. Built on top of llama-rs. Setup Model Obtain the LL
`llm-chain` is a powerful rust crate for building chains in large language models allowing you to summarise text and complete complex tasks
llm-chain 🚀 llm-chain is a collection of Rust crates designed to help you work with Large Language Models (LLMs) more effectively. Our primary focus
subscout is a simple, nimble subdomain enumeration tool written in Rust language
subscout is a simple, nimble subdomain enumeration tool written in Rust language. It is designed to help bug bounty hunters, security professionals and penetration testers discover subdomains of a given target domain.
An Interpreter for Brainfuck programming language implemented in the Rust programming language with zero dependencies.
Brainfuck Hello, Visitor! Hey there, welcome to my project showcase website! It's great to have you here. I hope you're ready to check out some awesom
A natural language shell interface for *nix systems
Orphic A natural language shell interface for *nix systems. Overview Orphic is a CLI tool that uses GPT to translate complex tasks into shell commands
Build neural network models in Cairo 1.0
Explore ML in Cairo 1.0 Build neural network models in Cairo 1.0 to perform inference. The calculations are performed using i33 values, and the outcom
The Amp programming language: a language designed for building high performance systems.
A language designed for building high performance systems. Platform Support x86_64-pc-windows ✅ x86_64-unknown-linux ⚠️ untested x86_64-unknown-darwin
A domain-specific language for Infrastructure as Code
Skyr A domain-specific language for Infrastructure As Code, with a phased execution model, allowing for expressive and highly dynamic IaC solutions. D
A Discord bot, written in Rust, that generates responses using the LLaMA language model.
llamacord A Discord bot, written in Rust, that generates responses using the LLaMA language model. Built on top of llama-rs. Setup Model Obtain the LL
A BASIC language interpreter. Does not conform to existing standards. Mostly a toy.
JW-Basic A toy language that is somewhat like QBasic. Features: Graphics: 160x96 (255 colors & transparent) Text: 32x16 (4x5 font) Character set: ASCI
Tight Model format is a lossy 3D model format focused on reducing file size as much as posible without decreasing visual quality of the viewed model or read speeds.
What is Tight Model Format The main goal of the tmf project is to provide a way to save 3D game assets compressed in such a way, that there are no not
Compiler & Interpreter for the (rather new and very experimental) Y programming language.
Y Lang Why would anyone build a new (and rather experimental) language with no real world use case. Design Y (pronounced as why) is based on the idea
Ryan: a configuration language for the practical programmer
Ryan: a configuration language for the practical programmer Say hello to Ryan! Ryan is a minimal programming language that produces JSON (and therefor
A simple interpreter written in Rust programming language.
Interpreter in Rust A simple interpreter written in Rust programming language. Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project u
Rust-based command-line language-learning game. Uses the Tatoeba database.
minicloze A command-line language learning game using Tatoeba's great database. Accelerate your studies by putting your knowledge to the test in an ad
A 3D modeling and rendering programming language utilizing SDFs.
ForgedThoughts is a modeling and rendering programming language utilizing SDFs and is in early development. For documentation and examples see the Web
Core Fiberplane data models and methods for transforming them (templates, providers, markdown conversion)
fiberplane This repository is a monorepo for Rust code that is used throughout Fiberplane's product. Overview base64uuid - A utility for working with
This Repo Contains my Week Long Journey Trying to Learn Rust Programming Language 🦀.
the-rust-way This Repo Contains my Week Long Journey Trying to Learn Rust Programming Language 🦀 . 💪 Thanks to all Wonderful Contributors Thanks a l
YAL is Yet Another scripting Language(but worse)
YAL - Yet Another Language YAL is yet another scripting language(but worse). Syntax Basic syntax fun main() { print("Hello, World!"); } Fibonacci
An EVM low-level language that gives full control over the control flow of the smart contract.
Meplang - An EVM low-level language Meplang is a low-level programming language that produces EVM bytecode. It is designed for developers who need ful
store virtually unlimited, large files on discord by splitting them into small chunks
Discord Drive This repo hold an MVP implementation of an concept to store data on discord by dividing them into chunks of 7MB each, which are then upl
A fast & light weight Discord Client made with love using the Rust programming language.
LemonCord A fast & light-weight Discord Client written in Rust using the wry crate. Features Fast, light-weight, easy to use. 100% Open sourced. No su
A fault-tolerant, recursive-descent parser for Ara Programming Language 🌲
Ara Parser A fault-tolerant, recursive-descent parser for Ara Programming Language 🌲 Note: This project is a hard-fork of php-rust-tools/parser Speci
A language parser tool to build recursive descent top down parser.
lang-pt A language parser tool to generate recursive descent top down parser. Overview Parsers written for the languages like Javascript are often cus
Vel: A language for verified low-level software
Vel A language for verified low-level software. It dreams to be something like Rust with logic ― a language that empowers people to build verified low
The Kestrel Programming Language.
Kestrel Programming Language The Kestrel Programming Language is a statically and strongly typed, compiled programming language written in Rust. Featu
impl LSP (Language Server Protocol) Server for librime
rime-ls 为 rime 输入法核心库 librime (的部分功能) 实现 LSP 协议, 从而通过编辑器的代码补全功能输入汉字. 项目还处在早期阶段, 各方面都非常不成熟. 目标是提供 rime + LSP 的通用解决方案, 在不同编辑器内实现与其他 rime 前端类似的输入体验. Feat
Bộ gõ tiếng Việt không có chức năng gì ngoài gõ tiếng Việt...
This is my attempt to build an input method editor using only Rust. It's not the first, and definitely not the last. The goal is to create an input me
This is a multilingual word learning software.
Ladder This is a multilingual word learning software. How to add words to the software The project contains the words.json file, json contains learn a
an extended polynomial identity language (PIL) in rust
powdr an extended polynomial identity language (PIL) in rust Ideas This is a random list of ideas that help designing the language. Most if this is he
Stack-based programming language which emulates the look and feel of the 60s
Cauchemar Cauchemar is a stack-based programming language inspired by FORTH but more arcane. Emulates the look and feel of a programming language from
A Reporting library for for Ara Programming Language 📃
Ara Reporting A Reporting library for Ara Programming Language 📃 Internally, Ara reporting uses the codespan-reporting library to build a report of t
An open source Rust high performance cryptocurrency trading API with support for multiple exchanges and language wrappers. written in rust(🦀) with ❤️
Les.rs - Rust Cryptocurrency Exchange Library An open source Rust high performance cryptocurrency trading API with support for multiple exchanges and
I'm currently learning Rust and these are my first programs with this language
learning-Rust I follow the Rust by example official doc for learning That is also available in 'doc pdf' alongside another great rust learning sheet I
Use rust programming language to create a b+ tree.
Use rust programming language to create a b+ tree.
jBread is a simple interpreted language
jBREAD jBread is a simple interpreted language, I'm creating to learn more about interpreters and how to design them. I probably won't fully complete
Lapce plugin for the Php language.
lapce-php-intelephense Lapce plugin for the Php language. Prerequisites Install Intelephense, typically by running: $ npm i intelephense -g Settings S
A Source library for Ara Programming Language 🗃
Ara Source A Source library for Ara Programming Language 🗃 Usage Add ara_source to your Cargo.toml, and you're good to go! [dependencies] ara_source
Provides filesystem access for the Rhai scripting language.
About rhai-fs This crate provides filesystem access for the Rhai scripting language. Usage Cargo.toml [dependencies] rhai-fs = "0.1.2" Rhai script //
Tiny CLI for submitting large calldata transactions to EVM networks to stress test the networking layer
Tiny CLI for submitting large calldata transactions to EVM networks to stress test the networking layer. Main motivation: EIP4844blobs.
A structure editor for a simple functional programming language, with Vim-like shortcuts and commands.
dilim A structure editor for a simple functional programming language, with Vim-like shortcuts and commands. Written in Rust, using the Yew framework,
Python library for embedding large graphs in 2D space, using force-directed layouts.
Graph Force A python/rust library for embedding graphs in 2D space, using force-directed layouts. Installation pip install graph_force Usage The first
Tiny CLI for submitting large calldata transactions to EVM networks to stress test the networking layer. Main motivation: EIP4844blobs.
stress4844 Tiny CLI for submitting large calldata transactions to EVM networks to stress test the networking layer. Main motivation: EIP4844 blobs. ca
Veryl: A Modern Hardware Description Language
Veryl Veryl is a modern hardware description language. This project is under the exploration phase of language design. If you have any idea, please op
Advent of Code, different language each day
I forgor 💀 Advent Of Code 2022 Using a different language each Day!! (For obvious reason some solutions might be absolute shitcode, since I'm learnin
Horus is an open source tool for running forensic and administrative tasks at the kernel level using eBPF, a low-overhead in-kernel virtual machine, and the Rust programming language.
Horus Horus is an open-source tool for running forensic and administrative tasks at the kernel level using eBPF, a low-overhead in-kernel virtual mach
A fast static code analyzer & language server for Python
pylyzer ⚡ pylyzer is a static code analyzer / language server for Python written in Rust. Installation cargo (rust package manager) cargo install pyly
I will be attempting Advent of Code 2022 with Rust, a language I have never learned before.
Advent of Code 2022 This year, I will be attempting Advent of Code with Rust, a language I have never learned before. I will also be taking some notes
Trying to solve Advent of Code 2022 in 25 different languages (1 day = 1 language)
Advent of Code 2022: 15/25 langs I’ll try to solve this Advent of Code using different language for each day. Any programs needed to run the code will
Experimental language build in Rust to make it fast and robust
Reg-lang Experimental language build with Rust. Its aim is : To be simple to help learning programmation with, and in a second hand, to be robust enou
Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Language and AWS Rekognition service to get the level of image similarity.
Conference Monitoring System based on Image Recognition in Rust This is a Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Lang
A visual node-based programming language
Stainless Script Stainless Script is a visual node-based programming language. The structure is as follows: program contains classes, objects (constan
Validity is a next-generation, deduction-based language for formally verified, context-aware, autonomous & reactive smart contracts.
Validity Language Validity is a next-generation, deduction-based language for formally verified, context-aware, autonomous & reactive smart contracts.
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for optimized Stable Diffusion inference 🔮
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for pretrained diffusion model inference to generate images, videos, or audio, using ONNX Runtime as a backen
Rust type wrapper to cache hash of potentially large structures.
CachedHash For a type T, CachedHashT wraps T and implements Hash in a way that caches T's hash value. This is useful when T is expensive to hash (fo
A personally annotated copy of the "The Rust Programming Language"
Rust Book This is a personally annotated copy of the "The Rust Programming Language"1. Why Rust For me, I've never really been exposed to low-level sy
Fgr - Find & Grep utility with SQL-like query language
fgr Find & Grep utility with SQL-like query language. Examples # Find all files with name equal to sample under the current directory: fgr -e name=sam
YARI - An interactive debugger for YARA Language
Interactive debugger for the YARA language written in Rust. Debugger directly calls libyara avoiding emulation to get the most accurate results.
Stream-based visual programming language for systems observability
Stream-based visual programming language for systems observability. Metalens allows to build observability programs in a reactive and visual way. On L
Provides core language-agnostic functionality for LiveView Native across platforms
LiveView Native Core This repository contains an implementation of the LiveView Native core library, which is intended to handle all the details which
A domain-specific language for writing AIR constraints for Miden VM
AirScript A domain-specific language for expressing AIR constraints for STARKs, especially for STARK-based virtual machines like Miden VM. An in-depth
A domain-specific language for writing AIR constraints for Miden VM
AirScript A domain specific language to write AIR constraints for the Miden VM. NOTE: This project is in the initial stages of development. Overview A
Nederlandse programmeertaal. Geinterpreteerd en met dynamische types. Met bytecode compiler en virtual machine, in Rust.
Nederlang Nederlang is een geinterpreteerde programmeertaal, in het Nederlands! Met als bestandsnaam extensie.... .nl! Het maakt gebruik van dynamisch
A query-building & utility crate for SurrealDB and its SQL querying language that aims to be simple
Surreal simple querybuilder A simple query-builder for the Surreal Query Language, for SurrealDB. Aims at being simple to use and not too verbose firs
Something something B language.
badc A terrible, dirty, no-good, rotten B compiler. Written by one really great human being, and one obscenely terrible sheep. Contributing Don't. Ref
A blazingly fast HTTP client with a magnificent request building syntax, made for humans.
🔗 glue Make requests, select JSON responses, nest them in other requests: A magnificent syntax for blazingly fast cli HTTP calls, made for humans. Ta
A lesson in Humility - or how a boy teaches himself a new programming language.
Learning Rust - A Lesson in Humility J. M. Barrie - Author of Peter Pan Life is a long lesson in humility... and so is learning Rust. I tried to teach
A plugin system for the Rhai embedded scripting language.
Rhai Dylib This crate exposes a simple API to load dylib Rust crates in a Rhai engine using Rhai modules. 🚧 This is a work in progress, the API is su
A safe, fast, lightweight embeddable scripting language written in Rust.
Bud (budlang) A safe, fast, lightweight embeddable scripting language written in Rust. WARNING: This crate is not anywhere near being ready to publish
Rust API to run predictions with YoloV5 models.
YoloV5-API [WIP] API to run inferences with YoloV5 models. Written in Rust, based on OpenCV 4.5.5 If you need a C++ version, check my C++ Yolov5-API R
Scientific computing for Rhai.
About rhai-sci This crate provides some basic scientific computing utilities for the Rhai scripting language, inspired by languages like MATLAB, Octav
A statically typed language that can deeply improve the Python ecosystem
The Erg Programming Language This is the main source code repository for Erg. This contains the compiler and documentation. 日本語 | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 Erg can
Turing complete scripting language for Aurae.
AuraeScript AuraeScript is a turing complete language for platform teams built on Rhai and is similar to TypeScript and Rust. let connect = true; if
Rust-based language and runtime for cross-platform app development
Pax Pax is a cross-platform rendering engine & Rust framework for interactive graphics, animations, and GUIs. Pax extends the Rust programming languag
Fennel language server protocol (LSP) support.
fennel-language-server Fennel language server protocol (LSP) support. fennel-language-server is currently in a very early stage and unreliable. Use it
An easy to use command line project manager for projects using the ReCT programming language
☢️ A powerful project manager for the ReCT programming language! ☢️ ReCTx makes your projects easier to manage by allowing you to configure everything
STARK - SNARK recursive zero knowledge proofs, combinaison of the Winterfell library and the Circom language
STARK - SNARK recursive proofs The point of this library is to combine the SNARK and STARK computation arguments of knowledge, namely the Winterfell l
Programming language that compiles into Scratch blocks (SB3).
Claw Hello, and welcome to my cool project! I've spent... at least a month on this, and it's still not finished! Feel free to check it out though. :D
Bind the Prisma ORM query engine to any programming language you like ❤️
Prisma Query Engine C API Bind the Prisma ORM query engine to any programming language you like ❤️ Features Rust bindings for the C API Static link li
Design token framework — adopt a unified design language across platforms, codebases, and teams
Palette Design tokens framework with atomic classes for React and Master CSS. Deliver a consistent visual identity across your apps with design tokens
A Rust-like Hardware Description Language transpiled to Verilog
Introduction This projects attempts to create a Rust-like hardware description language. Note that this has nothing to do with Rust itself, it just ha
A tray application for Windows that gives you push notifications and instant downloads of new posts, messages and stories posted by models you subscribe to on Onlyfans.
OF-notifier A tray application for Windows that gives you push notifications and instant downloads of new posts, messages and stories posted by models
The Devils' Programming Language (Quantum Programming Language)
devilslang has roots in Scheme and ML-flavored languages: it's the culmination of everything I expect from a programming language, including the desire to keep everything as minimalistic and concise as possible. At its core, devilslang is lambda-calculus with pattern-matching, structural types, fiber-based concurrency, and syntactic extension.
CLI game to see how fast you can guess the language of a code block!
Guess That Lang! CLI game to see how fast you can guess the language of a code block! If you like the game, please consider giving a ⭐ ! Code is retri
Embeddable tree-walk interpreter for a "mostly lazy" Lisp-like scripting language.
ceceio Embeddable tree-walk interpreter for a "mostly lazy" Lisp-like scripting language. Just a work-in-progress testbed for now. Sample usage us
An opinionated, better system for spelling words in English.
ingLix / ˈɪŋ glɪʃ / English done right. An opinionated, better system for spelling words in English. Preamble Click to expand. The English language is
Object Notation Programming Language?
You may have questions ONLang - Object Notation Language (jsON) VSCode extension - OnLang 1. God, what the f**** is this ONLang is an experimental, es
Bind the Prisma ORM query engine to any programming language you like ❤️
Prisma Query Engine C API Bind the Prisma ORM query engine to any programming language you like ❤️ Features Rust bindings for the C API Static link li
Game development practices with Rust programming language. I want to use different crates for this.
Hazır Oyun Motorlarını Kullanarak Rust Dili Yardımıyla Oyunlar Geliştirmek Rust programlama dilinde oyun geliştirmek için popüler birkaç hazır çatıyı
Game Boy Emulator written in Rust, as a way to fully grasp the Rust programming language
Flan's Game Boy Emulator Game Boy Emulator written in Rust, as a way to get hands-on with the Rust programming language, and creating a proper project
A low-level assembly language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine built in blazing-fast pure rust.
huff-rs • huff-rs is a Huff compiler built in rust. What is a Huff? Huff is a low-level programming language designed for developing highly optimized
command line tools for coprolite research (paleontology and archaeology): estimate the producer's body mass based on coprolite diameter by the use of regression models
OVERVIEW OF COPROSIZE coprosize employs power, exponential and cubic regression models allowing to estimate the producer's body mass based on coprolit
repl / scripting language / namespaced command line aliases
Adana Toy project with the following goals in mind: Making something concrete with rust Learning more about parser combinator Use the minimum amount o
Framework and Language for Neuro-Symbolic Programming
Scallop Scallop is a declarative language designed to support rich symbolic reasoning in AI applications. It is based on Datalog, a logic rule-based q
Oxido is a dynamic interpreted programming language basing most of its syntax on Rust.
Oxido Table of Contents: Oxido Installation Uninstallation Usage Syntax Data types Variables Reassignments Printing If statements Loop statements Func