Experimental language build with Rust.
Its aim is :
- To be simple to help learning programmation with, and in a second hand, to be robust enough to power complex software.
Maybe ? (lmao yes obviously)
- Both interpreted and compiled.
The interpreter is nearly ready to go!
- Dymanic and statically typed (You can choose the one you want).
Need to check again if we keep that or not
- Live programming.
A prototype for that is being written... just need to w8 a bit.
- To provide a new type of asynchronous operations.
No real idea for now...
- New type of Debugger, more simpler for the programmer.
Ideas but nothing more...
- Lot of librairies to help building complex software such as a Math, Science, Game Engine ones for example.
The prototype is nearly finished... just need to w8 a bit.