Extract core logic from qdrant and make it available as a library.


Qdrant lib


Qdrant is a vector search engine known for its speed, scalability, and user-friendliness. While it excels in its domain, it currently lacks a library interface for direct embedding into applications. This is fine for constructing a web service geared towards semantic search, as Qdrant can be used directly. However, for desktop or mobile applications, integrating a separate service is not an ideal approach. This library has been developed to address this specific challenge.


Qdrant offers both GRPC and RESTful APIs. This library is designed to mirror the functionality of Qdrant's RESTful APIs. As it is intended for embedding within applications, it supports only the following core APIs:

  • collections & aliases
  • points
  • search
  • recommend
  • snapshot

However, the following service/cluster-related APIs will not be included in the supported features:

  • cluster
  • discovery
  • shard


Qdrant's core architecture comprises components such as collection, memory, segment, and storage. The primary data structure we need to initialize is TableOfContent. Once we establish a method to create this structure, our next step is to integrate its functionality with the public-facing client APIs. However, since TableOfContent initiates multiple Tokio runtimes for indexing and searching, it cannot be operated directly under a standard #[tokio::main] application. To resolve this, we instantiate TableOfContent in a dedicated thread and facilitate communication through Tokio mpsc channels. All public-facing APIs function by internally dispatching messages to the dedicated thread and then awaiting the response.


Users can initiate a Qdrant instance in the following manner:

let client = QdrantInstance::start(None)?;

This process results in the creation of an Arc<QdrantClient>, which is based on the following data structure:

pub struct QdrantClient {
    tx: ManuallyDrop<mpsc::Sender<QdrantMsg>>,
    terminated_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
    handle: JoinHandle<Result<(), QdrantError>>,

It's crucial to ensure that when the QdrantClient is disposed of, the TableOfContent is also appropriately dropped before the main thread terminates. To achieve this, we have implemented the Drop trait for QdrantClient:

impl Drop for QdrantClient {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // drop the tx channel to terminate the qdrant thread
        unsafe {
            ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.tx);
        while let Err(TryRecvError::Empty) = self.terminated_rx.try_recv() {
            warn!("Waiting for qdrant to terminate");

This approach is designed to pause until a termination message is received from the thread maintaining the TableOfContent:

loop {
    match Arc::try_unwrap(toc_arc) {
        Ok(toc) => {
            if let Err(e) = terminated_tx.send(()) {
                warn!("Failed to send termination signal: {:?}", e);
        Err(toc) => {
            toc_arc = toc;
            warn!("Waiting for ToC to be gracefully dropped");

How to use?

The library is currently in active development. To use it, simply add the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

qdrant-lib = { git = "https://github.com/tyrchen/qdrant-lib", tag = "v0.x.y" }

Then you could use it in your code:

let client = QdrantInstance::start(None)?;
let collection_name = "test_collection2";
match client
    .create_collection(collection_name, Default::default())
    Ok(v) => println!("Collection created: {:?}", v),
    Err(QdrantError::Storage(StorageError::BadInput { description })) => {
    Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", e),

let collections = client.list_collections().await?;
println!("Collections: {:?}", collections);

For more detailed usage, refer to the examples folder. It includes a straightforward example demonstrating how to index a Wikipedia dataset and perform searches on it.

Future plan

  • Provide a set of high-level APIs for common use cases
  • Better documentation for the public APIs
  • Add unit/integration tests
  • Add performance benchmarks
  • Add python bindings
  • Add nodejs bindings


Currently, the library employs a modified version of the original Qdrant code. As a standalone library, minimizing unnecessary dependencies is crucial. However, the original Qdrant codebase includes several dependencies that are redundant for the library's purposes. For instance, the collection crate depends on actix-web-validator, which in turn introduces the entire actix ecosystem into the library. To circumvent this, we've eliminated the actix-web-validator dependency, opting instead to integrate the pertinent code directly into the collection crate (code). While this is not an ideal solution, we plan to explore more optimal alternatives in the future.

Furthermore, we intend to remove certain dependencies, notably axum within the api crate, which was originally introduced by the tonic transport feature.

Update: Upon further review, we found that disabling the transport feature of tonic renders the api crate non-compilable. Additionally, crates like collection / storage are heavily dependent on the api crate. Therefore, we need to retain this feature for the time being.


For information regarding the licensing, please refer to the Qdrant License available on their GitHub repo. As of the current date, it is under the Apache 2.0 License.

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  • v0.1.4(Jan 1, 2024)

  • v0.1.3(Dec 27, 2023)

  • v0.1.2(Dec 17, 2023)

    0.1.2 - 2023-12-17


    • spawn a new task for message processing for maximum concurrency - (f8cfd94) - Tyr Chen


    • Merge pull request #1 from WSL0809/master

    Update README.md - (32caa14) - Tyr Chen

    • use cocogitto cliff config to properly show commit url - (37df61c) - Tyr Chen
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.1(Dec 16, 2023)

    [0.1.1] - 2023-12-16

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix pthread invalid argument issue. It is causd by qdrant is not terminated properly (95c5774 - 2023-12-15 by Tyr Chen)
    • Fix CI (ceef0f0 - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    • Fix CI and prepare for release (ad53b23 - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)

    Miscellaneous Tasks

    • Improve CI to generate changelog upon new git tag (f860688 - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)


    • Prepare for git repo (765c8aa - 2023-12-15 by Tyr Chen)
    • Use thiserror for better error handling (efd6559 - 2023-12-15 by Tyr Chen)
    • Add the rest of the APIs and provide indexer/searcher examples (9ab234d - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    • Remove qdrant/qdrant (156d360 - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    • Remove actix-web-validator from lib/collection in tyrchen/qdrant. It brings in lots of actix dependencies which are not necessary (9bd6877 - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    • Update readme (6e8aa8f - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    • Add get points API and update CI & readme (963d2e2 - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    • Small doc update (cfe2e1b - 2023-12-16 by Tyr Chen)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Tyr Chen
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