Compiler for an "extended" version of the Mindustry logic language

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Command-line minblur

Minblur Compiler

Minblur is a compiler for a superset of "logic" programming language in the game Mindustry. It helps reduce code-duplication, making it easier to reuse the same logic in different places in your code without extra instructions.

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Minblur is a strict superset of Mindustry's regular "logic" text language, meaning you can copy-paste existing code into the compiler and it'll work. Then you can start to modify you code to use advanced features including...


One of the major pain-points with "logic text" is that jump instructions use numbers to indicate their destination, so inserting or removing code will break jumps. The solution is labels. A label is a name that will be resolved into a jump destination.

  read isOn cell1 0
  jump $label:start equal isOn 0
  radar player any any distance @this 1 p
  sensor isDead p @dead
  jump $label:start equal isDead true


Code has lots of numbers, especially when dealing with memory cells and unit control. Keeping track of which number means what can be challenging, especially as the project grows and there are multiple processors involved. Is health at cell index 4, or 5? Constants help solve this problem.

# Define a constant
.define health_index 5

# A $ indicates a constant, which will be replaced with the correct value
# by the compiler. Also # starts a comment.
read health cell1 $health_index

# You can also have constant-expressions like this: ${<expression>}
.define player_index 2
read health cell1 ${player_index + 3}

# There are some shortcuts for common constant expressions, like getting a label address.
# These take the form "$<function>:<value>". So this:
jump $label:HesDeadJim health lessThan 0
# is the same as this
jump ${label("HesDeadJim")} health lessThan 0


Code duplication is an issue, especially when dealing with multiple logic processors that have similar code but one or two slightly different values. You could just have a few set instructions at the top of each processor, but you still have to keep them in sync and it's annoying. Macros to the rescue! Macros allow you to generate the same code but with different constants.

# This macro takes one argument: controller
# Inside the macro, use $controller to reference the value
.macro shoot_control(controller)
  sensor shoot $controller @shooting
  sensor aimX $controller @shootX
  sensor aimY $controller @shootY
  set i 0
  getlink bldg i
  m! i += 1
  # Don't try to control the controller
  jump $label:fire_end equal bldg $controller
  control shoot bldg bldgAimX bldgAimY shoot 0
  m! jump(fire_loop, i < @links)
  m! jump(start)
# Here lancer1 is the controller
# Here salvo2 is the controller

Macro arguments can be split across mutliple lines as long as they're between braces or parenthesies. If a macro is all on one line, the braces/parenthesies may be skipped.

.macro dummy(arg0, arg1, arg2)
  # Does nothing
dummy!{ abc, def,
  ghi }
# No braces or parenthesies necessary
dummy! abd, def, ghi

Math Macro

One of the built-in macros is math! or just m!. It has its own syntax and is designed to make writing math expressions, and mindustry code in general, much easier. Some functions (e.g. read()) have return values and can be used in expressions like normal. Other functions (e.g. jump()) have no return, and can only be called as their own statement (see the example). In the list of functions below a -> result after the function means it returns the result parameter of the given instruction, and can be used in expressions like you'd expect. Note that the math functions are usually the op instruction.

sensor bx lancer1 @x
sensor by lancer1 @y
# These are math one-liners
m! {
  dx = bx - @x
  dist = len(dx, by - @y)
print len
# Conditional jump
m! jump(print_out, len > 20)
print " - far away"
printflush message1
# Unconditional jump
m! jump(start)


  • read(cell, index) -> result
  • write(value, cell, index)
  • draw(...) - The draw instruction
  • print(to) - The print instruction
  • drawflush()
  • printflush()
  • getlink(index) -> result
  • control(...) - The control instruction
  • radar(target1, target2, target3, sort, source, order) -> result - The radar instruction
  • sensor(from, sense_type) -> result
  • jump(label) OR jump(label, condition) - The jump function has two versions, the first generates an "always" jump, the second generates a conditional jump.
  • max(a, b) -> result
  • min(a, b) -> result
  • angle(x, y) -> result
  • len(x, y) -> result
  • noise(x, y) -> result
  • abs(x) -> result
  • log(a, b) -> result
  • log10(x) -> result
  • floor(x) -> result
  • ceil(x) -> result
  • sqrt(x) -> result
  • rand(x) -> result
  • sin(x) -> result
  • cos(x) -> result
  • tan(x) -> result
  • asin(x) -> result
  • acos(x) -> result
  • atan(x) -> result

Eval Macro

Due to how the parser works you can not use a constant in place of the instruction name itself (see the example below). The easiest way around this is the eval! macro which will do text-replacement and then parse that text.

.define INSTR set
# This will NOT work
$INSTR a 5
# This WILL work
eval!($INSTR a 5)

# This code:
.define index 1
eval!(set name${index} 4)
# Will generate this:
# set name1 4


Comments start with a # and continue until the end of the line. Comments starting with #! will be copied into the final output (though Mindustry will remove them when code is copied into the game itself). These output comments can be useful to denote code for different processors, if all your code is in one file.

Using the example from the Macros section, adding some comments would help make the output easier to read and make the sections more clear.

# This is a comment
#! Lancer code
#! Salvo code
#! End of code
  • Syntax error detected where there is not one

    Syntax error detected where there is not one

    When try and compile the code

    set i 0
    getlink turret i
    jump 0 strictEqual turret @null
    radar player ally any distance turret 1 p
    sensor x p @shootX
    sensor y p @shootY
    sensor s p @shooting
    control shoot turret x y s
    op add i i 1
    jump 1 always x y

    i get the error message

    Error in test.txt
    | syntax error at 8:1 near 'c' => expected label, instruction, or directive
    |   at 8:1 near 'c' => OneOf
    opened by XenonLog01 1
  • Parser improvements, fixes #7 (partially).

    Parser improvements, fixes #7 (partially).

    Most of this commit is refactoring the instruction parsing code to make it less brittle and pave the way for future improvements. Truly improved error messages will require a custom nom error type, but this should suffice for now.

    This also includes several clippy fixes, more tests, the usual.

    opened by Bindernews 0
  • Discovered today that labels ARE a thing in mlog, so yeah

    Discovered today that labels ARE a thing in mlog, so yeah

    Named labels are already supported in mlog. Need to remove $label:<name> and support local labels differently. Example:

    ## initialization {
            ## @Error.initialization() {
                set @Error.initialization.return @counter
                jump @Error.initialization always
            ## }
            ## @Warnings.initialization() {
                set @Warnings.initialization.return @counter
                jump @Warnings.initialization always
            ## }
            ## @State.initialization() {
                set @State.initialization.return @counter
                jump @State.initialization always
            ## }
            ## Switch
            set @Noise._switch null
            ## Display
            set @Noise._display null
            ## Block
            set @Noise._displayType @large-logic-display
            ## Integer
            set @Noise._displayResolution 176
            ## @Noise.Main() {
                set @Noise.Main.return @counter
                jump @Noise.Main always
            ## }
        ## }
    opened by Bindernews 0
  • Enable label declarations in math macro

    Enable label declarations in math macro

    Motivating example:

    m! ore = sorter1
    m! i = 0
    m! {
      obj = getlink(i)
      i += 1
      type = sensor(obj, @type)
      jump(loop_end, type != @unloader)
      control(configure, obj, ore, 0, 0, 0)
    m! jump(loop, i < @links)

    This could all be in one m! macro but you can't create labels yet, so it's split up.

    opened by Bindernews 0
  • Not allowed dashes in variable names, that valid in original mlog

    Not allowed dashes in variable names, that valid in original mlog

    Correct code in mlog:

    sensor res_count nucleus1 @surge-alloy

    doesn't transpile:

    Error in example.mblur
    | syntax error at 1:1 near 's' => expected label, instruction, or directive
    |   at 1:1 near 's' => OneOf

    and I even can not find any workaround for this.

    opened by stork3214 2
  • "if" statements in m! macro

    Jumps are fine, but having if statements would be much nicer. It'll be a decent chunk of work, so it's not a priority but the idea is here.

    Example syntax:

    m! {
      if x < 5 {
    opened by Bindernews 0
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