Nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions


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nvm allows you to quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line.


$ nvm use 16
Now using node v16.9.1 (npm v7.21.1)
$ node -v
$ nvm use 14
Now using node v14.18.0 (npm v6.14.15)
$ node -v
$ nvm install 12
Now using node v12.22.6 (npm v6.14.5)
$ node -v

Simple as that!


nvm is a version manager for node.js, designed to be installed per-user, and invoked per-shell. nvm works on any POSIX-compliant shell (sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash), in particular on these platforms: unix, macOS, and windows WSL.

Installing and Updating

Install & Update Script

To install or update nvm, you should run the install script. To do that, you may either download and run the script manually, or use the following cURL or Wget command:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

Running either of the above commands downloads a script and runs it. The script clones the nvm repository to ~/.nvm, and attempts to add the source lines from the snippet below to the correct profile file (~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc).

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm

Additional Notes

  • If the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is present, it will place the nvm files there.

  • You can add --no-use to the end of the above script (...nvm.sh --no-use) to postpone using nvm until you manually use it.

  • You can customize the install source, directory, profile, and version using the NVM_SOURCE, NVM_DIR, PROFILE, and NODE_VERSION variables. Eg: curl ... | NVM_DIR="path/to/nvm". Ensure that the NVM_DIR does not contain a trailing slash.

  • The installer can use git, curl, or wget to download nvm, whichever is available.

Troubleshooting on Linux

On Linux, after running the install script, if you get nvm: command not found or see no feedback from your terminal after you type command -v nvm, simply close your current terminal, open a new terminal, and try verifying again. Alternatively, you can run the following commands for the different shells on the command line:

bash: source ~/.bashrc

zsh: source ~/.zshrc

ksh: . ~/.profile

These should pick up the nvm command.

Troubleshooting on macOS

Since OS X 10.9, /usr/bin/git has been preset by Xcode command line tools, which means we can't properly detect if Git is installed or not. You need to manually install the Xcode command line tools before running the install script, otherwise, it'll fail. (see #1782)

If you get nvm: command not found after running the install script, one of the following might be the reason:

  • Since macOS 10.15, the default shell is zsh and nvm will look for .zshrc to update, none is installed by default. Create one with touch ~/.zshrc and run the install script again.

  • If you use bash, the previous default shell, your system may not have a .bash_profile file where the command is set up. Create one with touch ~/.bash_profile and run the install script again. Then, run source ~/.bash_profile to pick up the nvm command.

  • You have previously used bash, but you have zsh installed. You need to manually add these lines to ~/.zshrc and run . ~/.zshrc.

  • You might need to restart your terminal instance or run . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh. Restarting your terminal/opening a new tab/window, or running the source command will load the command and the new configuration.

  • If the above didn't help, you might need to restart your terminal instance. Try opening a new tab/window in your terminal and retry.

If the above doesn't fix the problem, you may try the following:

  • If you use bash, it may be that your .bash_profile (or ~/.profile) does not source your ~/.bashrc properly. You could fix this by adding source ~/<your_profile_file> to it or follow the next step below.

  • Try adding the snippet from the install section, that finds the correct nvm directory and loads nvm, to your usual profile (~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc).

  • For more information about this issue and possible workarounds, please refer here

Note For Macs with the M1 chip, node started providing arm64 arch darwin packages since v16.0.0. For earlier versions, there were only darwin_x64 packages available but no darwin_arm64. If you are facing issues installing node using nvm, you may want to update to v16 or later.


You can use a task:

- name: nvm
  shell: >
    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
    creates: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.nvm/nvm.sh"

Verify Installation

To verify that nvm has been installed, do:

command -v nvm

which should output nvm if the installation was successful. Please note that which nvm will not work, since nvm is a sourced shell function, not an executable binary.

Note: On Linux, after running the install script, if you get nvm: command not found or see no feedback from your terminal after you type command -v nvm, simply close your current terminal, open a new terminal, and try verifying again.

Important Notes

If you're running a system without prepackaged binary available, which means you're going to install nodejs or io.js from its source code, you need to make sure your system has a C++ compiler. For OS X, Xcode will work, for Debian/Ubuntu based GNU/Linux, the build-essential and libssl-dev packages work.

Note: nvm also support Windows in some cases. It should work through WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) depending on the version of WSL. It should also work with GitBash (MSYS) or Cygwin. Otherwise, for Windows, a few alternatives exist, which are neither supported nor developed by us:

Note: nvm does not support Fish either (see #303). Alternatives exist, which are neither supported nor developed by us:

  • bass allows you to use utilities written for Bash in fish shell
  • fast-nvm-fish only works with version numbers (not aliases) but doesn't significantly slow your shell startup
  • plugin-nvm plugin for Oh My Fish, which makes nvm and its completions available in fish shell
  • fnm - fisherman-based version manager for fish
  • fish-nvm - Wrapper around nvm for fish, delays sourcing nvm until it's actually used.

Note: We still have some problems with FreeBSD, because there is no official pre-built binary for FreeBSD, and building from source may need patches; see the issue ticket:

Note: On OS X, if you do not have Xcode installed and you do not wish to download the ~4.3GB file, you can install the Command Line Tools. You can check out this blog post on how to just that:

Note: On OS X, if you have/had a "system" node installed and want to install modules globally, keep in mind that:

  • When using nvm you do not need sudo to globally install a module with npm -g, so instead of doing sudo npm install -g grunt, do instead npm install -g grunt
  • If you have an ~/.npmrc file, make sure it does not contain any prefix settings (which is not compatible with nvm)
  • You can (but should not?) keep your previous "system" node install, but nvm will only be available to your user account (the one used to install nvm). This might cause version mismatches, as other users will be using /usr/local/lib/node_modules/* VS your user account using ~/.nvm/versions/node/vX.X.X/lib/node_modules/*

Homebrew installation is not supported. If you have issues with homebrew-installed nvm, please brew uninstall it, and install it using the instructions below, before filing an issue.

Note: If you're using zsh you can easily install nvm as a zsh plugin. Install zsh-nvm and run nvm upgrade to upgrade.

Note: Git versions before v1.7 may face a problem of cloning nvm source from GitHub via https protocol, and there is also different behavior of git before v1.6, and git prior to v1.17.10 can not clone tags, so the minimum required git version is v1.7.10. If you are interested in the problem we mentioned here, please refer to GitHub's HTTPS cloning errors article.

Git Install

If you have git installed (requires git v1.7.10+):

  1. clone this repo in the root of your user profile
  • cd ~/ from anywhere then git clone https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git .nvm
  1. cd ~/.nvm and check out the latest version with git checkout v0.39.1
  2. activate nvm by sourcing it from your shell: . ./nvm.sh

Now add these lines to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.zshrc file to have it automatically sourced upon login: (you may have to add to more than one of the above files)

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

Manual Install

For a fully manual install, execute the following lines to first clone the nvm repository into $HOME/.nvm, and then load nvm:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" && (
  git clone https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git "$NVM_DIR"
  cd "$NVM_DIR"
  git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --match "v[0-9]*" $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`
) && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"

Now add these lines to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.zshrc file to have it automatically sourced upon login: (you may have to add to more than one of the above files)

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

Manual Upgrade

For manual upgrade with git (requires git v1.7.10+):

  1. change to the $NVM_DIR
  2. pull down the latest changes
  3. check out the latest version
  4. activate the new version
  cd "$NVM_DIR"
  git fetch --tags origin
  git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --match "v[0-9]*" $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`
) && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"


To download, compile, and install the latest release of node, do this:

nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version

To install a specific version of node:

nvm install 14.7.0 # or 16.3.0, 12.22.1, etc

The first version installed becomes the default. New shells will start with the default version of node (e.g., nvm alias default).

You can list available versions using ls-remote:

nvm ls-remote

And then in any new shell just use the installed version:

nvm use node

Or you can just run it:

nvm run node --version

Or, you can run any arbitrary command in a subshell with the desired version of node:

nvm exec 4.2 node --version

You can also get the path to the executable to where it was installed:

nvm which 12.22

In place of a version pointer like "14.7" or "16.3" or "12.22.1", you can use the following special default aliases with nvm install, nvm use, nvm run, nvm exec, nvm which, etc:

  • node: this installs the latest version of node
  • iojs: this installs the latest version of io.js
  • stable: this alias is deprecated, and only truly applies to node v0.12 and earlier. Currently, this is an alias for node.
  • unstable: this alias points to node v0.11 - the last "unstable" node release, since post-1.0, all node versions are stable. (in SemVer, versions communicate breakage, not stability).

Long-term Support

Node has a schedule for long-term support (LTS) You can reference LTS versions in aliases and .nvmrc files with the notation lts/* for the latest LTS, and lts/argon for LTS releases from the "argon" line, for example. In addition, the following commands support LTS arguments:

  • nvm install --lts / nvm install --lts=argon / nvm install 'lts/*' / nvm install lts/argon
  • nvm uninstall --lts / nvm uninstall --lts=argon / nvm uninstall 'lts/*' / nvm uninstall lts/argon
  • nvm use --lts / nvm use --lts=argon / nvm use 'lts/*' / nvm use lts/argon
  • nvm exec --lts / nvm exec --lts=argon / nvm exec 'lts/*' / nvm exec lts/argon
  • nvm run --lts / nvm run --lts=argon / nvm run 'lts/*' / nvm run lts/argon
  • nvm ls-remote --lts / nvm ls-remote --lts=argon nvm ls-remote 'lts/*' / nvm ls-remote lts/argon
  • nvm version-remote --lts / nvm version-remote --lts=argon / nvm version-remote 'lts/*' / nvm version-remote lts/argon

Any time your local copy of nvm connects to https://nodejs.org, it will re-create the appropriate local aliases for all available LTS lines. These aliases (stored under $NVM_DIR/alias/lts), are managed by nvm, and you should not modify, remove, or create these files - expect your changes to be undone, and expect meddling with these files to cause bugs that will likely not be supported.

To get the latest LTS version of node and migrate your existing installed packages, use

nvm install 'lts/*' --reinstall-packages-from=current

Migrating Global Packages While Installing

If you want to install a new version of Node.js and migrate npm packages from a previous version:

nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node

This will first use "nvm version node" to identify the current version you're migrating packages from. Then it resolves the new version to install from the remote server and installs it. Lastly, it runs "nvm reinstall-packages" to reinstall the npm packages from your prior version of Node to the new one.

You can also install and migrate npm packages from specific versions of Node like this:

nvm install 6 --reinstall-packages-from=5
nvm install v4.2 --reinstall-packages-from=iojs

Note that reinstalling packages explicitly does not update the npm version — this is to ensure that npm isn't accidentally upgraded to a broken version for the new node version.

To update npm at the same time add the --latest-npm flag, like this:

nvm install 'lts/*' --reinstall-packages-from=default --latest-npm

or, you can at any time run the following command to get the latest supported npm version on the current node version:

nvm install-latest-npm

If you've already gotten an error to the effect of "npm does not support Node.js", you'll need to (1) revert to a previous node version (nvm ls & nvm use <your latest _working_ version from the ls>, (2) delete the newly created node version (nvm uninstall <your _broken_ version of node from the ls>), then (3) rerun your nvm install with the --latest-npm flag.

Default Global Packages From File While Installing

If you have a list of default packages you want installed every time you install a new version, we support that too -- just add the package names, one per line, to the file $NVM_DIR/default-packages. You can add anything npm would accept as a package argument on the command line.

# $NVM_DIR/default-packages

[email protected]


If you want to install io.js:

nvm install iojs

If you want to install a new version of io.js and migrate npm packages from a previous version:

nvm install iojs --reinstall-packages-from=iojs

The same guidelines mentioned for migrating npm packages in node are applicable to io.js.

System Version of Node

If you want to use the system-installed version of node, you can use the special default alias "system":

nvm use system
nvm run system --version

Listing Versions

If you want to see what versions are installed:

nvm ls

If you want to see what versions are available to install:

nvm ls-remote

Setting Custom Colors

You can set five colors that will be used to display version and alias information. These colors replace the default colors. Initial colors are: g b y r e

Color codes:

r/R = red / bold red

g/G = green / bold green

b/B = blue / bold blue

c/C = cyan / bold cyan

m/M = magenta / bold magenta

y/Y = yellow / bold yellow

k/K = black / bold black

e/W = light grey / white
nvm set-colors rgBcm

Persisting custom colors

If you want the custom colors to persist after terminating the shell, export the NVM_COLORS variable in your shell profile. For example, if you want to use cyan, magenta, green, bold red and bold yellow, add the following line:

export NVM_COLORS='cmgRY'

Suppressing colorized output

nvm help (or -h or --help), nvm ls, nvm ls-remote and nvm alias usually produce colorized output. You can disable colors with the --no-colors option (or by setting the environment variable TERM=dumb):

nvm ls --no-colors
nvm help --no-colors
TERM=dumb nvm ls

Restoring PATH

To restore your PATH, you can deactivate it:

nvm deactivate

Set default node version

To set a default Node version to be used in any new shell, use the alias 'default':

nvm alias default node

Use a mirror of node binaries

To use a mirror of the node binaries, set $NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR:

export NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=https://nodejs.org/dist
nvm install node

NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=https://nodejs.org/dist nvm install 4.2

To use a mirror of the io.js binaries, set $NVM_IOJS_ORG_MIRROR:

export NVM_IOJS_ORG_MIRROR=https://iojs.org/dist
nvm install iojs-v1.0.3

NVM_IOJS_ORG_MIRROR=https://iojs.org/dist nvm install iojs-v1.0.3

nvm use will not, by default, create a "current" symlink. Set $NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT to "true" to enable this behavior, which is sometimes useful for IDEs. Note that using nvm in multiple shell tabs with this environment variable enabled can cause race conditions.


You can create a .nvmrc file containing a node version number (or any other string that nvm understands; see nvm --help for details) in the project root directory (or any parent directory). Afterwards, nvm use, nvm install, nvm exec, nvm run, and nvm which will use the version specified in the .nvmrc file if no version is supplied on the command line.

For example, to make nvm default to the latest 5.9 release, the latest LTS version, or the latest node version for the current directory:

$ echo "5.9" > .nvmrc

$ echo "lts/*" > .nvmrc # to default to the latest LTS version

$ echo "node" > .nvmrc # to default to the latest version

[NB these examples assume a POSIX-compliant shell version of echo. If you use a Windows cmd development environment, eg the .nvmrc file is used to configure a remote Linux deployment, then keep in mind the "s will be copied leading to an invalid file. Remove them.]

Then when you run nvm:

$ nvm use
Found '/path/to/project/.nvmrc' with version <5.9>
Now using node v5.9.1 (npm v3.7.3)

nvm use et. al. will traverse directory structure upwards from the current directory looking for the .nvmrc file. In other words, running nvm use et. al. in any subdirectory of a directory with an .nvmrc will result in that .nvmrc being utilized.

The contents of a .nvmrc file must be the <version> (as described by nvm --help) followed by a newline. No trailing spaces are allowed, and the trailing newline is required.

Deeper Shell Integration

You can use avn to deeply integrate into your shell and automatically invoke nvm when changing directories. avn is not supported by the nvm maintainers. Please report issues to the avn team.

If you prefer a lighter-weight solution, the recipes below have been contributed by nvm users. They are not supported by the nvm maintainers. We are, however, accepting pull requests for more examples.


Automatically call nvm use

Put the following at the end of your $HOME/.bashrc:

cdnvm() {
    command cd "$@";
    nvm_path=$(nvm_find_up .nvmrc | tr -d '\n')

    # If there are no .nvmrc file, use the default nvm version
    if [[ ! $nvm_path = *[^[:space:]]* ]]; then

        declare default_version;
        default_version=$(nvm version default);

        # If there is no default version, set it to `node`
        # This will use the latest version on your machine
        if [[ $default_version == "N/A" ]]; then
            nvm alias default node;
            default_version=$(nvm version default);

        # If the current version is not the default version, set it to use the default version
        if [[ $(nvm current) != "$default_version" ]]; then
            nvm use default;

    elif [[ -s $nvm_path/.nvmrc && -r $nvm_path/.nvmrc ]]; then
        declare nvm_version

        declare locally_resolved_nvm_version
        # `nvm ls` will check all locally-available versions
        # If there are multiple matching versions, take the latest one
        # Remove the `->` and `*` characters and spaces
        # `locally_resolved_nvm_version` will be `N/A` if no local versions are found
        locally_resolved_nvm_version=$(nvm ls --no-colors "$nvm_version" | tail -1 | tr -d '\->*' | tr -d '[:space:]')

        # If it is not already installed, install it
        # `nvm install` will implicitly use the newly-installed version
        if [[ "$locally_resolved_nvm_version" == "N/A" ]]; then
            nvm install "$nvm_version";
        elif [[ $(nvm current) != "$locally_resolved_nvm_version" ]]; then
            nvm use "$nvm_version";
alias cd='cdnvm'
cd "$PWD"

This alias would search 'up' from your current directory in order to detect a .nvmrc file. If it finds it, it will switch to that version; if not, it will use the default version.


Calling nvm use automatically in a directory with a .nvmrc file

Put this into your $HOME/.zshrc to call nvm use automatically whenever you enter a directory that contains an .nvmrc file with a string telling nvm which node to use:

# place this after nvm initialization!
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
load-nvmrc() {
  local node_version="$(nvm version)"
  local nvmrc_path="$(nvm_find_nvmrc)"

  if [ -n "$nvmrc_path" ]; then
    local nvmrc_node_version=$(nvm version "$(cat "${nvmrc_path}")")

    if [ "$nvmrc_node_version" = "N/A" ]; then
      nvm install
    elif [ "$nvmrc_node_version" != "$node_version" ]; then
      nvm use
  elif [ "$node_version" != "$(nvm version default)" ]; then
    echo "Reverting to nvm default version"
    nvm use default
add-zsh-hook chpwd load-nvmrc


Calling nvm use automatically in a directory with a .nvmrc file

This requires that you have bass installed.

# ~/.config/fish/functions/nvm.fish
function nvm
  bass source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh --no-use ';' nvm $argv

# ~/.config/fish/functions/nvm_find_nvmrc.fish
function nvm_find_nvmrc
  bass source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh --no-use ';' nvm_find_nvmrc

# ~/.config/fish/functions/load_nvm.fish
function load_nvm --on-variable="PWD"
  set -l default_node_version (nvm version default)
  set -l node_version (nvm version)
  set -l nvmrc_path (nvm_find_nvmrc)
  if test -n "$nvmrc_path"
    set -l nvmrc_node_version (nvm version (cat $nvmrc_path))
    if test "$nvmrc_node_version" = "N/A"
      nvm install (cat $nvmrc_path)
    else if test nvmrc_node_version != node_version
      nvm use $nvmrc_node_version
  else if test "$node_version" != "$default_node_version"
    echo "Reverting to default Node version"
    nvm use default

# ~/.config/fish/config.fish
# You must call it on initialization or listening to directory switching won't work

Running Tests

Tests are written in Urchin. Install Urchin (and other dependencies) like so:

npm install

There are slow tests and fast tests. The slow tests do things like install node and check that the right versions are used. The fast tests fake this to test things like aliases and uninstalling. From the root of the nvm git repository, run the fast tests like this:

npm run test/fast

Run the slow tests like this:

npm run test/slow

Run all of the tests like this:

npm test

Nota bene: Avoid running nvm while the tests are running.

Environment variables

nvm exposes the following environment variables:

  • NVM_DIR - nvm's installation directory.
  • NVM_BIN - where node, npm, and global packages for the active version of node are installed.
  • NVM_INC - node's include file directory (useful for building C/C++ addons for node).
  • NVM_CD_FLAGS - used to maintain compatibility with zsh.
  • NVM_RC_VERSION - version from .nvmrc file if being used.

Additionally, nvm modifies PATH, and, if present, MANPATH and NODE_PATH when changing versions.

Bash Completion

To activate, you need to source bash_completion:

[[ -r $NVM_DIR/bash_completion ]] && \. $NVM_DIR/bash_completion

Put the above sourcing line just below the sourcing line for nvm in your profile (.bashrc, .bash_profile).



$ nvm Tab

alias               deactivate          install             list-remote         reinstall-packages  uninstall           version
cache               exec                install-latest-npm  ls                  run                 unload              version-remote
current             help                list                ls-remote           unalias             use                 which

nvm alias:

$ nvm alias Tab

default      iojs         lts/*        lts/argon    lts/boron    lts/carbon   lts/dubnium  lts/erbium   node         stable       unstable

$ nvm alias my_alias Tab

v10.22.0       v12.18.3      v14.8.0

nvm use:

$ nvm use Tab

my_alias        default        v10.22.0       v12.18.3      v14.8.0

nvm uninstall:

$ nvm uninstall Tab

my_alias        default        v10.22.0       v12.18.3      v14.8.0

Compatibility Issues

nvm will encounter some issues if you have some non-default settings set. (see #606) The following are known to cause issues:

Inside ~/.npmrc:


Environment Variables:


Shell settings:

set -e

Installing nvm on Alpine Linux

In order to provide the best performance (and other optimisations), nvm will download and install pre-compiled binaries for Node (and npm) when you run nvm install X. The Node project compiles, tests and hosts/provides these pre-compiled binaries which are built for mainstream/traditional Linux distributions (such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat et al).

Alpine Linux, unlike mainstream/traditional Linux distributions, is based on BusyBox, a very compact (~5MB) Linux distribution. BusyBox (and thus Alpine Linux) uses a different C/C++ stack to most mainstream/traditional Linux distributions - musl. This makes binary programs built for such mainstream/traditional incompatible with Alpine Linux, thus we cannot simply nvm install X on Alpine Linux and expect the downloaded binary to run correctly - you'll likely see "...does not exist" errors if you try that.

There is a -s flag for nvm install which requests nvm download Node source and compile it locally.

If installing nvm on Alpine Linux is still what you want or need to do, you should be able to achieve this by running the following from you Alpine Linux shell:

apk add -U curl bash ca-certificates openssl ncurses coreutils python2 make gcc g++ libgcc linux-headers grep util-linux binutils findutils
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

The Node project has some desire but no concrete plans (due to the overheads of building, testing and support) to offer Alpine-compatible binaries.

As a potential alternative, @mhart (a Node contributor) has some Docker images for Alpine Linux with Node and optionally, npm, pre-installed.

Uninstalling / Removal

Manual Uninstall

To remove nvm manually, execute the following:

$ rm -rf "$NVM_DIR"

Edit ~/.bashrc (or other shell resource config) and remove the lines below:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
[[ -r $NVM_DIR/bash_completion ]] && \. $NVM_DIR/bash_completion

Docker For Development Environment

To make the development and testing work easier, we have a Dockerfile for development usage, which is based on Ubuntu 18.04 base image, prepared with essential and useful tools for nvm development, to build the docker image of the environment, run the docker command at the root of nvm repository:

$ docker build -t nvm-dev .

This will package your current nvm repository with our pre-defined development environment into a docker image named nvm-dev, once it's built with success, validate your image via docker images:

$ docker images

REPOSITORY         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
nvm-dev            latest              9ca4c57a97d8        7 days ago          650 MB

If you got no error message, now you can easily involve in:

$ docker run -h nvm-dev -it nvm-dev


Please note that it'll take about 8 minutes to build the image and the image size would be about 650MB, so it's not suitable for production usage.

For more information and documentation about docker, please refer to its official website:


  • If you try to install a node version and the installation fails, be sure to run nvm cache clear to delete cached node downloads, or you might get an error like the following:

    curl: (33) HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.

  • Where's my sudo node? Check out #43

  • After the v0.8.6 release of node, nvm tries to install from binary packages. But in some systems, the official binary packages don't work due to incompatibility of shared libs. In such cases, use -s option to force install from source:

nvm install -s 0.8.6
  • If setting the default alias does not establish the node version in new shells (i.e. nvm current yields system), ensure that the system's node PATH is set before the nvm.sh source line in your shell profile (see #658)

macOS Troubleshooting

nvm node version not found in vim shell

If you set node version to a version other than your system node version nvm use 6.2.1 and open vim and run :!node -v you should see v6.2.1 if you see your system version v0.12.7. You need to run:

sudo chmod ugo-x /usr/libexec/path_helper

More on this issue in dotphiles/dotzsh.

nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option

Some solutions for this issue can be found here

There is one more edge case causing this issue, and that's a mismatch between the $HOME path and the user's home directory's actual name.

You have to make sure that the user directory name in $HOME and the user directory name you'd see from running ls /Users/ are capitalized the same way (See this issue).

To change the user directory and/or account name follow the instructions here

Homebrew makes zsh directories unsecure

zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.
Ignore insecure directories and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? y

Homebrew causes insecure directories like /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions and /usr/local/share/zsh. This is not an nvm problem - it is a homebrew problem. Refer here for some solutions related to the issue.

Macs with M1 chip

Experimental support for the M1 architecture was added in node.js v15.3 and full support was added in v16.0. Because of this, if you try to install older versions of node as usual, you will probably experience either compilation errors when installing node or out-of-memory errors while running your code.

So, if you want to run a version prior to v16.0 on an M1 Mac, it may be best to compile node targeting the x86_64 Intel architecture so that Rosetta 2 can translate the x86_64 processor instructions to ARM-based Apple Silicon instructions. Here's what you will need to do:

  • Install Rosetta, if you haven't already done so

    $ softwareupdate --install-rosetta

    You might wonder, "how will my M1 Mac know to use Rosetta for a version of node compiled for an Intel chip?". If an executable contains only Intel instructions, macOS will automatically use Rosetta to translate the instructions.

  • Open a shell that's running using Rosetta

    $ arch -x86_64 zsh

    Note: This same thing can also be accomplished by finding the Terminal or iTerm App in Finder, right clicking, selecting "Get Info", and then checking the box labeled "Open using Rosetta".

    Note: This terminal session is now running in zsh. If zsh is not the shell you typically use, nvm may not be source'd automatically like it probably is for your usual shell through your dotfiles. If that's the case, make sure to source nvm.

    $ source "${NVM_DIR}/.nvm/nvm.sh"
  • Install whatever older version of node you are interested in. Let's use 12.22.1 as an example. This will fetch the node source code and compile it, which will take several minutes.

    $ nvm install v12.22.1 --shared-zlib

    Note: You're probably curious why --shared-zlib is included. There's a bug in recent versions of Apple's system clang compiler. If one of these broken versions is installed on your system, the above step will likely still succeed even if you didn't include the --shared-zlib flag. However, later, when you attempt to npm install something using your old version of node.js, you will see incorrect data check errors. If you want to avoid the possible hassle of dealing with this, include that flag. For more details, see this issue and this comment

  • Exit back to your native shell.

    $ exit
    $ arch

    Note: If you selected the box labeled "Open using Rosetta" rather than running the CLI command in the second step, you will see i386 here. Unless you have another reason to have that box selected, you can deselect it now.

  • Check to make sure the architecture is correct. x64 is the abbreviation for x86_64, which is what you want to see.

    $ node -p process.arch

Now you should be able to use node as usual.


Currently, the sole maintainer is @ljharb - more maintainers are quite welcome, and we hope to add folks to the team over time. Governance will be re-evaluated as the project evolves.



Copyright notice

Copyright OpenJS Foundation and nvm contributors. All rights reserved. The OpenJS Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of the OpenJS Foundation, please see our Trademark Policy and Trademark List. Node.js is a trademark of Joyent, Inc. and is used with its permission. Trademarks and logos not indicated on the list of OpenJS Foundation trademarks are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

The OpenJS Foundation | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | OpenJS Foundation Bylaws | Trademark Policy | Trademark List | Cookie Policy

  • oh-my-zsh: NVM is not compatible with the npm config

    oh-my-zsh: NVM is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option

    Very annoying issue; every time I want to use node or NPM, I get this error and need to run a command to solve it.

    nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to "/Users/fabian/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7"
    Run `nvm use --delete-prefix v0.12.7` to unset it.
    shell: zsh OS: Mac OS informational shell: zsh: oh-my-zsh 
    opened by fabdrol 335
  • NVM getting very slow on startup in Bash

    NVM getting very slow on startup in Bash

    I love NVM, but I've noticed that NVM is getting really slow during startup. See attached screenshot for what I mean: http://take.ms/LPOv3

    Is this a bug or is something wrong on my Mac?

    needs followup performance 
    opened by arndeash 195
  • -bash: nvm: command not found

    -bash: nvm: command not found

    Running terminal in Mac OS X Yosemite.

    Followed the installation instructions and restarted terminal: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.18.0/install.sh | bash

    When using nvm I always get -bash: nvm: command not found

    When installing again: => nvm is already installed in /Users/Tony/.nvm, trying to update => HEAD is now at 5f5eb47... v0.18.0

    I do have npm already installed. Does that matter?

    needs followup installing nvm: profile detection 
    opened by apaternite 188
  • .nvmrc for projects

    .nvmrc for projects

    It would be nice if we had a ".nvmrc" file for a project, kind of like ".rvmrc" for ruby. I'll start prototyping this later. What do you guys think?

    feature requests 
    opened by westoque 107
  • NVM starting too slow -- can I just add the bin folder to PATH?

    NVM starting too slow -- can I just add the bin folder to PATH?

    Hey. I use a minimal zsh config to make sure my shell starts fast. However after adding

    . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

    The shell starts much slower.

    So I changed it to


    I know I can't utilize nvm full this way, but I'm OK with just using one version. When I want to use another version I'll load ~/.nvm/nvm.sh to use nvm and then change the node bin PATH. But will this setting break anything? Any ENV var I should set up manually?

    needs followup shell: zsh: oh-my-zsh performance 
    opened by octref 80
  • Performance: `nvm use` takes about a second

    Performance: `nvm use` takes about a second

    (Pulling some details out of the thread on #703 per request from @ljharb)

    nvm use is slow. This makes shell startup slow, and switching versions after shell startup slow too.

    $ time (nvm use 0.10)
    Now using node v0.10.38 (npm v1.4.28)
    ( nvm use 0.10; )  0.50s user 0.20s system 83% cpu 0.846 total
    $ time (nvm use 4)
    Now using node v4.1.2 (npm v2.14.4)
    ( nvm use 4; )  0.72s user 0.23s system 86% cpu 1.089 total

    System information:

    • nvm 0.28.0
    • zsh 5.0.8 (but same issue appears in bash/sh)
    • osx 10.10.5
    $ nvm debug
    $SHELL: /bin/zsh
    $NVM_DIR: '$HOME/.nvm'
    $PREFIX: ''
    nvm current: v0.10.38
    which node: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.38/bin/node
    which iojs: iojs not found
    which npm: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.38/bin/npm
    npm config get prefix: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.38
    npm root -g: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.38/lib/node_modules

    My temporary solution is as follows:

    $ nvm unalias default

    — then adding this hack in my zshrc

    pull request wanted performance 
    opened by dylanpyle 76
  • IO.js, node-forward: should/will NVM support more than node?

    IO.js, node-forward: should/will NVM support more than node?


    There are no need for additional +1 or pretty pleases. @ljharb is already working on it, and all you are doing by +1'ing is spamming a whole bunch of people.

    Further more, it has been mentioned that no contributions are required at this time for the implementation of this feature.

    So let's all keep quiet for a while, and give a chance to @ljharb to finish his work :)

    I know it is very early to start the conversation on this matter, but with a potential first release by IO.js coming up in little over a month, I thought it might be an interesting conversation to have.

    At this point, NVM manages, well, Node.js versions. However, https://github.com/iojs/io.js/issues/28 already started to discuss ideas like aliasing node and so on. I would be against that idea in general, but in the context of NVM, it might just make sense: after all, you explicitly pick a node version, and are told about the one you will want to use.

    Anyway, the core idea is: if we are to see node forks, how about managing them too?

    nvm install node/v0.10.33
    nvm install iojs/v1.0.0-alpha
    nvm install hypotheticalnode/v1.2.3

    Doing so - and again, perhaps auto-alias commands? - could make it very nice for developers; keep the same old habits, just change your node version.

    TBH I am not sure if it's that good of an idea in the first place, but it's probably one that ought to be interesting to discuss.

    feature requests io.js 
    opened by stelcheck 73
  • Manjaro: `nvm is not compatible with the npm config

    Manjaro: `nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to ""`

    All of a sudden nvm stopped working :-( I've done a clean install of nvm. It goes well. Then when I do nvm install lts/dubnium I get the following error.

    nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to ""
    Run `npm config delete prefix` or `nvm use --delete-prefix v10.15.0` to unset it.

    Since, lts/dubnium was successfully installed, I also tried nvm use lts/dubnium I get the same error.

    If I run nvm use --delete-prefix v10.15.0, then the system node get used, and I cannot get it to use lts/dubnium.

    There is no .npmrc file. I use zsh.

    • Operating system and version: 4.19.12-2-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT x86_64 GNU/Linux

    • nvm debug output:

    nvm --version: v0.33.11
    $SHELL: /bin/zsh
    $SHLVL: 1
    $HOME: /home/naturgewalt
    $NVM_DIR: '$HOME/.nvm'
    $PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools/bin:/opt/cuda/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin
    $PREFIX: ''
    shell version: 'zsh 5.6.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)'
    uname -a: 'Linux 4.19.12-2-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 23 19:08:00 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux'
    OS version: Manjaro Linux   () ()
    curl: /usr/bin/curl, curl 7.62.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.62.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1a zlib/1.2.11 libidn2/2.0.5 libpsl/0.20.2 (+libidn2/2.0.4) libssh2/1.8.0 nghttp2/1.34.0
    wget: /usr/bin/wget, GNU Wget 1.19.5 built on linux-gnu.
    git: /usr/bin/git, git version 2.19.2
    grep: grep: aliased to grep --color=auto (grep --color=auto), grep (GNU grep) 3.1
    awk: /usr/bin/awk, GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.1, GNU MP 6.1.2)
    sed: /usr/bin/sed, sed (GNU sed) 4.5
    cut: /usr/bin/cut, cut (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    basename: /usr/bin/basename, basename (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    rm: /usr/bin/rm, rm (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir, mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    xargs: /usr/bin/xargs, xargs (GNU findutils) 4.6.0
    nvm current: system
    which node: /usr/bin/node
    which iojs: iojs not found
    which npm: /usr/bin/npm
    npm config get prefix: /usr
    npm root -g: /usr/lib/node_modules
    • nvm ls output:
    ->       system
    default -> lts/dubnium (-> v10.15.0)
    node -> stable (-> v10.15.0) (default)
    stable -> 10.15 (-> v10.15.0) (default)
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    lts/* -> lts/dubnium (-> v10.15.0)
    lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/boron -> v6.16.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/carbon -> v8.15.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/dubnium -> v10.15.0
    • How did you install nvm? (e.g. install script in readme, Homebrew):

    • What steps did you perform? What happened?

    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash

    which worked great.

    Then I ran nvm install lts/dubnium resulting in

      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 12819  100 12819    0     0   1347      0  0:00:09  0:00:09 --:--:--  2268
    => Downloading nvm from git to '/home/naturgewalt/.nvm'
    => Cloning into '/home/naturgewalt/.nvm'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 267, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (267/267), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (242/242), done.
    remote: Total 267 (delta 31), reused 86 (delta 15), pack-reused 0
    Receiving objects: 100% (267/267), 119.47 KiB | 26.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (31/31), done.
    => Compressing and cleaning up git repository
    => nvm source string already in /home/naturgewalt/.zshrc
    => bash_completion source string already in /home/naturgewalt/.zshrc
    npm ERR! missing: semver@~5.3.0, required by [email protected]
    => You currently have modules installed globally with `npm`. These will no
    => longer be linked to the active version of Node when you install a new node
    => with `nvm`; and they may (depending on how you construct your `$PATH`)
    => override the binaries of modules installed with `nvm`:
    ├── [email protected]
    ├── [email protected]
    └── [email protected]
    => If you wish to uninstall them at a later point (or re-install them under your
    => `nvm` Nodes), you can remove them from the system Node as follows:
         $ nvm use system
         $ npm uninstall -g a_module
    => Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now:
    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

    which installed the v10.15.0, but gave the error

    nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to ""
    Run `npm config delete prefix` or `nvm use --delete-prefix v10.15.0` to unset it.
    installing node OS: manjaro 
    opened by Jan-Jan 66
  • NVM is not compatible with the npm config

    NVM is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option warning (OS X)

    Split off from https://github.com/creationix/nvm/issues/855 ; see that issue for a similar problem.

    This is in OS X El Capitan, 10.11.6 . This error appears on starting a new shell:

    nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to "/usr/local"
    Run `npm config delete prefix` or `nvm use --delete-prefix v5.7.1 --silent` to unset it.

    With the usual command in the .bashrc file:

    export NVM_DIR="/Users/pingraham/.nvm"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm

    Running either or both of the suggested fixes don't appear to do anything, though.

    Note: I foolishly installed some node version globally while trying to fix this, and also foolishly upgraded npm once in an attempt to fix this, but ran into an entirely different npm bug ( https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/13918 , if you're curious ) before giving up. On the other hand, NVM seems to sorta work anyway...? Maybe?

    Here's some commands & their results:

    node -v
    nvm use 5.7.1
    nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to "/usr/local"
    Run `npm config delete prefix` or `nvm use --delete-prefix v5.7.1` to unset it.

    Running either or both of the suggested command doesn't change anything.

    Oddly enough, the switch seems to work anyway... maybe...

    nvm use 0.10
    Now using node v0.10.33 (npm v1.4.28)
    node -v
    nvm use 5.7.1
    nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to "/usr/local"
    Run `npm config delete prefix` or `nvm use --delete-prefix v5.7.1` to unset it.
    node -v

    (I guess it happened regardless??)

    Debugging info:

    echo $PREFIX ; echo $NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX

    (nothing, just empty lines)

    nvm debug
    nvm --version: v0.32.0
    $SHELL: /bin/bash
    $HOME: /Users/pingraham
    $NVM_DIR: '$HOME/.nvm'
    $PREFIX: ''
    nvm current: system
    which node: /usr/local/bin/node
    which iojs: 
    which npm: /usr/local/bin/npm
    npm config get prefix: /usr/local
    npm root -g: /usr/local/lib/node_modules
    (nvm debug, after switching)
    nvm current: v0.10.33
    which node: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.33/bin/node
    which iojs: 
    which npm: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.33/bin/npm
    npm config get prefix: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.33
    npm root -g: $NVM_DIR/v0.10.33/lib/node_modules
    nvm ls
    ->       system  
    default -> 5.7.1 (-> v5.7.1)
    node -> stable (-> v5.7.1) (default)
    stable -> 5.7 (-> v5.7.1) (default)
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    lts/* -> lts/argon (-> N/A)
    lts/argon -> v4.5.0 (-> N/A)
    No prefixes set in the environment, either:
    $PREFIX: ''

    It seems wrong to just ignore the error! Any ideas on what I could change? And is it a "Real" error, or just noise, since it seems that at least node -v acknowledges the switches anyway?

    shell: bash/sh bugs OS: Mac OS needs followup 
    opened by peteringraham 66
  • Node 0.12 - Binary download failed, trying source

    Node 0.12 - Binary download failed, trying source

    It looks like the node 0.12 binary install needs to be updated....

    ################################################################## 100.0%

    mv: rename /Users/me/.nvm/bin/node-v0.12.0-darwin-x64 to /Users/me/.nvm/versions/v0.12.0: No such file or directory Binary download failed, trying source.

    ################################################################## 100.0%
    OS: ubuntu installing node needs followup 
    opened by kmalakoff 64
  • nvm install node fails to install on macOS Big Sur M1 Chip

    nvm install node fails to install on macOS Big Sur M1 Chip

    I'm trying to install the latest version of node using nvm. I've just got the newly released SIlicon Macbook Pro with the M1 chip (not sure if that is related). I've installed xcode on the app store and the xcode tools on the command line. The main error i'm getting is:

    clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CXX=c++'

    Full command output is at the bottom of the page.

    Any help appreciated, Thanks

    Operating system and version:

    MacOS Big Sur

    nvm debug output:

    nvm --version: v0.33.0
    $SHELL: /bin/zsh
    $HOME: /Users/andy
    $NVM_DIR: '$HOME/.nvm'
    $PREFIX: ''
    nvm current: none
    which node: node not found
    which iojs: iojs not found
    which npm: npm not found
    npm config get prefix: nvm:119: command not found: npm
    npm root -g: nvm:119: command not found: npm

    nvm ls output:

    node -> stable (-> N/A) (default)
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    lts/* -> lts/fermium (-> N/A)
    lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/dubnium -> v10.23.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/erbium -> v12.19.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/fermium -> v14.15.1 (-> N/A)

    How did you install nvm?

    install script in readme

    What steps did you perform?

    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.0/install.sh | bash
    nvm install node

    What happened?

    Downloading and installing node v15.2.1...
    Local cache found: $NVM_DIR/.cache/bin/node-v15.2.1-darwin-arm64/node-v15.2.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz
    Computing checksum with shasum -a 256
    Provided checksum to compare to is empty.
    Checksum check failed!
    Removing the broken local cache...
    Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v15.2.1/node-v15.2.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz...
    ##O#-  #                                                                                                                        
    Computing checksum with shasum -a 256
    Provided checksum to compare to is empty.
    tar: Error opening archive: Unrecognized archive format
    Binary download failed, trying source.
    Local cache found: $NVM_DIR/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/node-v15.2.1.tar.gz
    Checksums match! Using existing downloaded archive $NVM_DIR/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/node-v15.2.1.tar.gz
    Node.js configure: Found Python 2.7.16...
    INFO: configure completed successfully
    /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -C out BUILDTYPE=Release V=0
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/lib.host:/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/lib.target:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; cd ../.; mkdir -p /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj/gen; dtrace -h -xnolibs -s src/node_provider.d -o "/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj/gen/node_provider.h"
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/lib.host:/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/lib.target:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; cd ../.; mkdir -p /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release; tools/specialize_node_d.py "/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/node.d" src/node.d mac arm64
      touch /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/tools/icu/icu_implementation.stamp
      touch /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/tools/icu/icu_uconfig.stamp
      touch /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/tools/icu/icu_uconfig_target.stamp
      touch /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.host/tools/icu/icu_implementation.stamp
      touch /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.host/tools/icu/icu_uconfig.stamp
      cc CXX=c++ -o /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/bio_ssl.o ../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/bio_ssl.c '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-DV8_IMMINENT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE=1' '-DOPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED' '-DOPENSSL_THREADS' '-DOPENSSL_NO_HW' '-DOPENSSL_NO_QUIC=1' '-DNDEBUG' '-DL_ENDIAN' '-DOPENSSL_PIC' '-DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ' '-DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT' '-DSHA1_ASM' '-DSHA256_ASM' '-DSHA512_ASM' '-DKECCAK1600_ASM' '-DVPAES_ASM' '-DECP_NISTZ256_ASM' '-DPOLY1305_ASM' '-DOPENSSLDIR="/System/Library/OpenSSL/"' '-DENGINESDIR="/dev/null"' -I../deps/openssl/openssl -I../deps/openssl/openssl/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448 -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32 -I../deps/openssl/config -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2 -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/include -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto/include/internal  -O3 -gdwarf-2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -arch arm64 -Wall -Wendif-labels -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fno-strict-aliasing -MMD -MF /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/.deps//Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/bio_ssl.o.d.raw   -c
      cc CXX=c++ -o /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_lib.o ../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_lib.c '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-DV8_IMMINENT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE=1' '-DOPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED' '-DOPENSSL_THREADS' '-DOPENSSL_NO_HW' '-DOPENSSL_NO_QUIC=1' '-DNDEBUG' '-DL_ENDIAN' '-DOPENSSL_PIC' '-DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ' '-DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT' '-DSHA1_ASM' '-DSHA256_ASM' '-DSHA512_ASM' '-DKECCAK1600_ASM' '-DVPAES_ASM' '-DECP_NISTZ256_ASM' '-DPOLY1305_ASM' '-DOPENSSLDIR="/System/Library/OpenSSL/"' '-DENGINESDIR="/dev/null"' -I../deps/openssl/openssl -I../deps/openssl/openssl/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448 -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32 -I../deps/openssl/config -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2 -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/include -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto/include/internal  -O3 -gdwarf-2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -arch arm64 -Wall -Wendif-labels -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fno-strict-aliasing -MMD -MF /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/.deps//Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_lib.o.d.raw   -c
      cc CXX=c++ -o /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_msg.o ../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_msg.c '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-DV8_IMMINENT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE=1' '-DOPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED' '-DOPENSSL_THREADS' '-DOPENSSL_NO_HW' '-DOPENSSL_NO_QUIC=1' '-DNDEBUG' '-DL_ENDIAN' '-DOPENSSL_PIC' '-DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ' '-DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT' '-DSHA1_ASM' '-DSHA256_ASM' '-DSHA512_ASM' '-DKECCAK1600_ASM' '-DVPAES_ASM' '-DECP_NISTZ256_ASM' '-DPOLY1305_ASM' '-DOPENSSLDIR="/System/Library/OpenSSL/"' '-DENGINESDIR="/dev/null"' -I../deps/openssl/openssl -I../deps/openssl/openssl/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448 -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32 -I../deps/openssl/config -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2 -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/include -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto/include/internal  -O3 -gdwarf-2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -arch arm64 -Wall -Wendif-labels -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fno-strict-aliasing -MMD -MF /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/.deps//Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_msg.o.d.raw   -c
      cc CXX=c++ -o /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_srtp.o ../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_srtp.c '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-DV8_IMMINENT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE=1' '-DOPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED' '-DOPENSSL_THREADS' '-DOPENSSL_NO_HW' '-DOPENSSL_NO_QUIC=1' '-DNDEBUG' '-DL_ENDIAN' '-DOPENSSL_PIC' '-DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ' '-DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT' '-DSHA1_ASM' '-DSHA256_ASM' '-DSHA512_ASM' '-DKECCAK1600_ASM' '-DVPAES_ASM' '-DECP_NISTZ256_ASM' '-DPOLY1305_ASM' '-DOPENSSLDIR="/System/Library/OpenSSL/"' '-DENGINESDIR="/dev/null"' -I../deps/openssl/openssl -I../deps/openssl/openssl/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448 -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32 -I../deps/openssl/config -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2 -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/include -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto/include/internal  -O3 -gdwarf-2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -arch arm64 -Wall -Wendif-labels -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fno-strict-aliasing -MMD -MF /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/.deps//Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_srtp.o.d.raw   -c
      cc CXX=c++ -o /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/methods.o ../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/methods.c '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-DV8_IMMINENT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS' '-D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE=1' '-DOPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED' '-DOPENSSL_THREADS' '-DOPENSSL_NO_HW' '-DOPENSSL_NO_QUIC=1' '-DNDEBUG' '-DL_ENDIAN' '-DOPENSSL_PIC' '-DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ' '-DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT' '-DSHA1_ASM' '-DSHA256_ASM' '-DSHA512_ASM' '-DKECCAK1600_ASM' '-DVPAES_ASM' '-DECP_NISTZ256_ASM' '-DPOLY1305_ASM' '-DOPENSSLDIR="/System/Library/OpenSSL/"' '-DENGINESDIR="/dev/null"' -I../deps/openssl/openssl -I../deps/openssl/openssl/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/include -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448 -I../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32 -I../deps/openssl/config -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2 -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/include -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto -I../deps/openssl/config/archs/darwin64-arm64-cc/asm_avx2/crypto/include/internal  -O3 -gdwarf-2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -arch arm64 -Wall -Wendif-labels -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fno-strict-aliasing -MMD -MF /Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/.deps//Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/methods.o.d.raw   -c
    clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CXX=c++'
    clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CXX=c++'
    clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CXX=c++'
    make[1]: *** [/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_msg.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    make[1]: *** [/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/bio_ssl.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_lib.o] Error 1
    clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CXX=c++'
    clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CXX=c++'
    make[1]: *** [/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/methods.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [/Users/andy/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v15.2.1/files/out/Release/obj.target/openssl/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_srtp.o] Error 1
    make: *** [node] Error 2
    nvm: install v15.2.1 failed!
    installing node OS: Mac OS pull request wanted 
    opened by andyaccelerate 62
  • Cannot install node

    Cannot install node

    Operating system and version: macOS Ventura 13.1

    nvm debug output:

    nvm --version: v0.39.2
    $TERM_PROGRAM: Apple_Terminal
    $SHELL: /bin/zsh
    $SHLVL: 1
    whoami: 'omid'
    ${HOME}: /Users/omid
    ${NVM_DIR}: '${HOME}/.nvm'
    ${PATH}: /usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin
    $PREFIX: ''
    shell version: 'zsh 5.8.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin22.0)'
    uname -a: 'Darwin 22.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.2.0: Fri Nov 11 02:08:47 PST 2022; root:xnu-8792.61.2~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64'
    checksum binary: 'shasum'
    OS version: macOS 13.1 22C65
    curl: /usr/bin/curl, curl 7.85.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin22.0) libcurl/7.85.0 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/3.3.6 zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.47.0
    wget: not found
    sed: /usr/bin/sed
    cut: /usr/bin/cut
    basename: /usr/bin/basename
    rm: /bin/rm
    mkdir: /bin/mkdir
    xargs: /usr/bin/xargs
    git: /usr/bin/git, git version 2.37.1 (Apple Git-137.1)
    grep: /usr/bin/grep, grep (BSD grep, GNU compatible) 2.6.0-FreeBSD
    awk: /usr/bin/awk, awk version 20200816
    nvm current: none
    which node: node not found
    which iojs: iojs not found
    which npm: npm not found
    npm config get prefix: nvm:298: command not found: npm
    npm root -g: nvm:298: command not found: npm

    nvm ls output:

    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/alias: Permission denied
    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/alias: Permission denied
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    node -> stable (-> N/A) (default)
    unstable -> N/A (default)

    How did you install nvm? install script in readme.

    What steps did you perform?

    nvm install node

    What happened?

    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/alias: Permission denied
    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/alias: Permission denied
    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/alias: Permission denied
    Downloading and installing node v19.3.0...
    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache: Permission denied
    creating directory /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v19.3.0-darwin-x64/files failed
    Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0-darwin-x64.tar.xz...
    Warning: Failed to open the file                                                                                                 
    Warning: /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v19.3.0-darwin-x64/node-v19.3.0-darwi
    Warning: n-x64.tar.xz: No such file or directory
    curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
    Binary download from https://nodejs.org/dist/v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0-darwin-x64.tar.xz failed, trying source.
    grep: /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v19.3.0-darwin-x64/node-v19.3.0-darwin-x64.tar.xz: No such file or directory
    Provided file to checksum does not exist.
    Binary download failed, trying source.
    Detected that you have 8 CPU core(s)
    Running with 7 threads to speed up the build
    Clang v3.5+ detected! CC or CXX not specified, will use Clang as C/C++ compiler!
    mkdir: /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache: Permission denied
    creating directory /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v19.3.0/files failed
    Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0.tar.xz...
    Warning: Failed to open the file                                                                                                 
    Warning: /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0.tar.xz: No such 
    Warning: file or directory
                                                                                                                                  0.0%curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
    Binary download from https://nodejs.org/dist/v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0.tar.xz failed, trying source.
    grep: /Users/omid/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0.tar.xz: No such file or directory
    Provided file to checksum does not exist.

    What did you expect to happen?

    Is there anything in any of your profile files that modifies the PATH? No.

    If you are having installation issues, or getting "N/A", what does curl -I --compressed -v https://nodejs.org/dist/ print out?

    installing node OS: Mac OS needs followup 
    opened by omidshojaee 3
  • node: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by node)

    node: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by node)

    Operating system and version:

    Linux xxx 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 31 23:36:51 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Centos 7

    nvm debug output:

    nvm --version: v0.39.2 $SHELL: /bin/bash $SHLVL: 1 whoami: 'root' ${HOME}: /root ${NVM_DIR}: '${HOME}/.nvm' ${PATH}: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v19.2.0/bin:/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/path-bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/cpanel/composer/bin:${HOME}/bin $PREFIX: '' ${NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX}: '' $NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR: '' $NVM_IOJS_ORG_MIRROR: '' shell version: 'GNU bash, version 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)' uname -a: 'Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 31 23:36:51 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux' checksum binary: 'sha256sum' OS version: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) curl: /usr/bin/curl, curl 7.29.0 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.29.0 NSS/3.53.1 zlib/1.2.7 libidn/1.28 libssh2/1.8.0 wget: /usr/bin/wget, GNU Wget 1.14 built on linux-gnu. git: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/path-bin/git, git version 2.37.4 ls: cannot access alias /usr/bin/grep: No such file or directory grep: alias grep='grep --color=auto' /usr/bin/grep (grep --color=auto), grep (GNU grep) 2.20 awk: /usr/bin/awk, GNU Awk 4.0.2 sed: /usr/bin/sed, sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2 cut: /usr/bin/cut, cut (GNU coreutils) 8.22 basename: /usr/bin/basename, basename (GNU coreutils) 8.22 ls: cannot access alias /usr/bin/rm: No such file or directory rm: alias rm='rm -i' /usr/bin/rm (rm -i), rm (GNU coreutils) 8.22 mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir, mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.22 xargs: /usr/bin/xargs, xargs (GNU findutils) 4.5.11 nvm current: which node: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v19.2.0/bin/node which iojs: which: no iojs in (${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v19.2.0/bin:/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/path-bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/cpanel/composer/bin:${HOME}/bin) which npm: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v19.2.0/bin/npm npm config get prefix: node: /lib64/libm.so.6: version GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libc.so.6: versionGLIBC_2.25' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionCXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionGLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by node) npm root -g: node: /lib64/libm.so.6: version GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libc.so.6: versionGLIBC_2.25' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionCXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionGLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by node)


    nvm ls output:

    default -> node (-> v19.2.0)
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    unstable -> N/A (default)
    node -> stable (-> v19.2.0) (default)
    stable -> 19.2 (-> v19.2.0) (default)
    lts/* -> lts/hydrogen (-> v18.12.1)
    lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/dubnium -> v10.24.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/erbium -> v12.22.12 (-> N/A)
    lts/fermium -> v14.21.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/gallium -> v16.18.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/hydrogen -> v18.12.1

    How did you install nvm?

    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash

    What steps did you perform?

    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash

    What happened?

    node: /lib64/libm.so.6: version GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libc.so.6: versionGLIBC_2.25' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionCXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionGLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by node)

    What did you expect to happen?

    node working

    Is there anything in any of your profile files that modifies the PATH?

    If you are having installation issues, or getting "N/A", what does curl -I --compressed -v https://nodejs.org/dist/ print out?

    installing node needs followup 
    opened by lexavey 6
  • `nvm install --lts -b` fails in zsh

    `nvm install --lts -b` fails in zsh

    Operating system and version:

    nvm debug output:

    nvm --version: v0.39.2
    $SHELL: /usr/bin/zsh
    $SHLVL: 1
    whoami: 'nicholas'
    ${HOME}: /home/nicholas
    ${NVM_DIR}: '${HOME}/.nvm'
    ${PATH}: ${HOME}/.local/bin:${HOME}/bin:${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/Windows/system32:/mnt/c/Windows:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA NvDLISR:/mnt/c/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin:/mnt/c/Users/Nicholas/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps
    $PREFIX: ''
    shell version: 'zsh 5.8 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)'
    uname -a: 'Linux #1 SMP Wed Nov 2 19:50:29 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux'
    checksum binary: 'sha256sum'
    OS version: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
    curl: /usr/bin/curl, curl 7.68.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.7 libidn2/2.2.0 libpsl/0.21.0 (+libidn2/2.2.0) libssh/0.9.3/openssl/zlib nghttp2/1.40.0 librtmp/2.3
    wget: /usr/bin/wget, GNU Wget 1.20.3 built on linux-gnu.
    git: /usr/bin/git, git version 2.25.1
    ls: cannot access 'grep:': No such file or directory
    grep: grep: aliased to grep --color (grep --color), grep (GNU grep) 3.4
    awk: /usr/bin/awk, GNU Awk 5.0.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.2.0)
    sed: /usr/bin/sed, sed (GNU sed) 4.7
    cut: /usr/bin/cut, cut (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    basename: /usr/bin/basename, basename (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    ls: cannot access 'rm:': No such file or directory
    rm: rm: aliased to rm -i (rm -i), rm (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir, mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.30
    xargs: /usr/bin/xargs, xargs (GNU findutils) 4.7.0
    nvm current: v18.12.1
    which node: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin/node
    which iojs: iojs not found
    which npm: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin/npm
    npm config get prefix: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v18.12.1
    npm root -g: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v18.12.1/lib/node_modules

    nvm ls output:

    ->     v18.12.1
    default -> lts/* (-> v18.12.1)
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    unstable -> N/A (default)
    node -> stable (-> v19.2.0) (default)
    stable -> 19.2 (-> v19.2.0) (default)
    lts/* -> lts/hydrogen (-> v18.12.1)
    lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/dubnium -> v10.24.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/erbium -> v12.22.12 (-> N/A)
    lts/fermium -> v14.21.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/gallium -> v16.18.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/hydrogen -> v18.12.1

    How did you install nvm?

    install script in readme

    What steps did you perform?

    nvm install --lts -b

    What happened?

    ZSH install fails:

    • awk: cmd. line:1: ^ unterminated string error
    • awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error error
    • mkdir: cannot create directory ... File name too long error
    >> nvm install --lts -b                                                                                                                                                                                  
    Installing latest LTS version.
    Downloading and installing node v18.12.1...
    awk: cmd. line:1: { if ("node-v18.12.1-linux-integer 10 readonly '!'=252
    awk: cmd. line:1:       ^ unterminated string
    awk: cmd. line:1: { if ("node-v18.12.1-linux-integer 10 readonly '!'=252
    awk: cmd. line:1:       ^ syntax error
    (23) Failed writing body
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/nicholas/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v18.12.1-linux-integer 10 readonly '!'=252\ninteger 10 readonly '#'=0\ninteger 10 readonly '$'=10\narray readonly '*'=(  )\nreadonly -=569JNRXghikls\n0=nvm_get_arch\ninteger 10 readonly '?'=0\narray readonly @=(  )\nlocal ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS=''\nlocal ALIAS=''\ninteger 10 readonly ARGC=0\nassociation BG\ntied cdpath CDPATH=''\ninteger 10 COLUMNS=252\nlocal COMMAND=install\nCPUTYPE=x86_64\nlocal DEFAULT_IFS=$' \\t\\n'\nDISPLAY=:0\nEDITOR=code\ninteger 10 EGID=1000\nfloat readonly EPOCHREALTIME\ninteger readonly EPOCHSECONDS\ninteger 10 EUID=1000\nlocal EXIT_CODE=''\nassociation FG\ntied fignore FIGNORE=''\nlocal FLAVOR=node\ntied fpath FPATH=’: File name too long
    creating directory /home/nicholas/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v18.12.1-linux-integer 10 readonly '!'=252
    integer 10 readonly '#'=0
    integer 10 readonly '$'=10
    array readonly '*'=(  )
    readonly -=569JNRXghikls
    integer 10 readonly '?'=0
    array readonly @=(  )
    local ALIAS=''
    integer 10 readonly ARGC=0
    association BG
    tied cdpath CDPATH=''
    integer 10 COLUMNS=252
    local COMMAND=install
    local DEFAULT_IFS=$' \t\n'
    integer 10 EGID=1000
    float readonly EPOCHREALTIME
    integer readonly EPOCHSECONDS
    integer 10 EUID=1000
    local EXIT_CODE=''
    association FG
    tied fignore FIGNORE=''
    local FLAVOR=node
    tied fpath FPATH=/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/extract:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/alias-tips:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/common-aliases:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/functions:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/completions:/home/nicholas/.oh-my-zsh/cache/completions:/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions:/usr/share/zsh/vendor-functions:/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Calendar:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Chpwd:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/AIX:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/BSD:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Base:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Cygwin:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Darwin:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Debian:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Linux:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Mandriva:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Redhat:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Solaris:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/X:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Zsh:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/openSUSE:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Exceptions:/usr/share/zsh/functions/MIME:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Math:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Misc:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Newuser:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Prompts:/usr/share/zsh/functions/TCP:/usr/share/zsh/functions/VCS_Info:/usr/share/zsh/functions/VCS_Info/Backends:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Zftp:/usr/share/zsh/functions/Zle
    integer 10 FUNCNEST=500
    association FX
    integer 10 GID=1000
    integer 10 readonly HISTCMD=193
    integer 10 HISTSIZE=50000
    local HOST_ARCH=x86_64
    IFS=$' \t\n'
    integer KEYTIMEOUT=40
    local KIND=binary
    integer 10 readonly LINENO=32
    integer 10 LINES=67
    integer LISTMAX=100
    integer LOGCHECK=60

    What did you expect to happen?

    Successful install.

    Switching to BASH works:

    >> nvm install --lts -b
    Installing latest LTS version.
    Downloading and installing node v18.12.1...
    Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.12.1/node-v18.12.1-linux-x64.tar.xz...
    ##################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
    Computing checksum with sha256sum
    Checksums matched!
    Now using node v18.12.1 (npm v8.19.2)
    Creating default alias: default -> lts/* (-> v18.12.1)
    opened by engnadeau 11
  • Update nvm without appending into bashrc

    Update nvm without appending into bashrc

    I can't find a document on this. I wrote a little script that updates my local nvm and it already manages the loading of nvm, thus I wont need the install script to append to my bashrc anymore.

    opened by cevhyruz 1
  • nvm install not respecting umask

    nvm install not respecting umask

    Operating system and version:

    Centos 7

    nvm debug output:

    nvm --version: v0.39.2
    $SHELL: /bin/bash
    $SHLVL: 1
    whoami: 'root'
    ${HOME}: /root
    ${NVM_DIR}: '/opt/nvm'
    ${PATH}: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
    $PREFIX: ''
    shell version: 'GNU bash, version 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)'
    uname -a: 'Linux 3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 7 14:49:57 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux'
    checksum binary: 'sha256sum'
    OS version: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
    curl: /usr/bin/curl, curl 7.29.0 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.29.0 NSS/3.44 zlib/1.2.7 libidn/1.28 libssh2/1.8.0
    wget: not found
    git: not found
    grep: /usr/bin/grep (grep --color=auto), grep (GNU grep) 2.20
    awk: /usr/bin/awk, GNU Awk 4.0.2
    sed: /usr/bin/sed, sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2
    cut: /usr/bin/cut, cut (GNU coreutils) 8.22
    basename: /usr/bin/basename, basename (GNU coreutils) 8.22
    rm: /usr/bin/rm (rm -i), rm (GNU coreutils) 8.22
    mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir, mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.22
    xargs: /usr/bin/xargs, xargs (GNU findutils) 4.5.11
    nvm current: v16.18.1
    which node: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin/node
    which iojs: which: no iojs in (${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin)
    which npm: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin/npm
    npm config get prefix: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v16.18.1
    npm root -g: ${NVM_DIR}/versions/node/v16.18.1/lib/node_modules

    nvm ls output:

    # nvm ls
    ->     v16.18.1
    default -> 16.18.1 (-> v16.18.1)
    iojs -> N/A (default)
    unstable -> N/A (default)
    node -> stable (-> v16.18.1) (default)
    stable -> 16.18 (-> v16.18.1) (default)
    lts/* -> lts/hydrogen (-> N/A)
    lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A)
    lts/dubnium -> v10.24.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/erbium -> v12.22.12 (-> N/A)
    lts/fermium -> v14.21.1 (-> N/A)
    lts/gallium -> v16.18.1
    lts/hydrogen -> v18.12.1 (-> N/A)

    How did you install nvm?


    What steps did you perform?

    $ docker run --rm it centos:7 bash
    # export NVM_DIR=/opt/nvm
    # export NODE_VERSION=16.18.1
    # umask 0000 \
        && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh -o /tmp/nvm.sh \
        && mkdir -p $NVM_DIR \
        && bash /tmp/nvm.sh \
        && rm -f /tmp/nvm.sh \
        && source $NVM_DIR/nvm.sh \
        && nvm install $NODE_VERSION \
        && nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION \
        && nvm use default
    # ls -lh /opt/ | grep nvm
    drwxrwxrwx. 5 root root 102 Nov 24 03:24 nvm
    # ls -lh /opt/nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/
    total 804K
    -rw-r--r--. 1 1001 1001 678K Nov  4 11:33 CHANGELOG.md
    -rw-r--r--. 1 1001 1001  87K Nov  4 11:33 LICENSE
    -rw-r--r--. 1 1001 1001  35K Nov  4 11:33 README.md
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 1001 1001   56 Nov  4 11:33 bin
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 1001 1001   18 Nov  4 11:33 include
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 1001 1001   26 Nov  4 11:33 lib
    drwxr-xr-x. 4 1001 1001   28 Nov  4 11:33 share

    What happened?

    nvm got installed, node also got installed successfully. But the permissions were not what I expected

    What did you expect to happen?

    I was expecting all files to be created with the umask 0000 (i.e. files should have permission rwx rwx rwx) - but the nvm install command does not seem to respect it (and the files have rwx r-x r-x) i.e. I was expecting my group to be able to write to all folders in /opt/nvm

    Is there anything in any of your profile files that modifies the PATH?


    root / multiuser issues 
    opened by AbdealiLoKo 6
  • v0.39.3(Dec 23, 2022)


    • nvm install-latest-npm: npm v6.14.18 can not be installed from npm < v4.4.4
    • ensure this variable is bound
    • debug: correct mistaken -V to --version from #2922
    • debug: awk: not an option: --version (#2922)
    • grep: warning: stray \ before / (#2919)
    • improve backward compatibility for non-gnu awk (#2917)
    • fix nvm install error unknown condition: -ne (#2915)


    • update test mocks (#2933)
    • move installation_node tests back to xenial
    • move tests that fail on focal to a separate suite that runs on xenial
    • update travis to use focal
    • [actions] fix latest-npm tests so they use this repo’s nvm instead of the last published one
    • fix nvm_list_aliases test to use mocks for LTS aliases


    • [meta] Improve contributors documentation (#2791)
    • [Docs] added WSL troubleshooting with solution to (6) Could not resolve host: raw.githubusercontent.com (#2961)


    • add nvm_wrap_with_color_code; allow no color code
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.39.2(Oct 13, 2022)


    • --help: proper default NVM_COLORS info
    • nvm install-latest-npm: ensure npm 9 does not install on unsupported nodes
    • install.sh: support ~/.zprofile (#2892, #2868, #2232)
    • Don't override Mac M1 architecture for node ^14.17 (#2777)
    • nvm install: show proper version in .nvmrc install instructions (#2770)
    • install.sh: error out if the install instructions are not followed (#2742)
    • install: better error message when xcode command line tools are needed
    • avoid OpenBSD nvm install error when /sbin/init doesn't exist (#2698)
    • set -E: Add test for node install on Bash with an ERR trap and set -E
    • add missing local (handle nonexisting /sbin/init a bit more cleanly) (#2678)
    • Update nvm_extract_tarball to support OpenBSD (#2693)


    • nvm_print_versions: re-implement using awk


    • avoid a clobbered ls (#2727)


    • nvm install/nvm_install_default_packages: move "get" logic inside helper
    • add nvm_extract_tarball to consolidate extraction logic

    Docs / Read Me

    • Update Alpine Linux Section (#2896)
    • optimize calling of nvm version in zsh (#2874)
    • Fix Ansible Linting Errors (#2861)
    • cdnvm(): handle failed dir change (#2840)
    • Fix Git Install instruction list structure (#2823)
    • add logo
    • minor cleanup
    • Add note about creating .bashrc file as well as .bash_profile (#2729)
    • fish: send output from load_nvm to /dev/stderr (#2783)
    • fix fish load_nvm variable interpolations (#2776)
    • Correct typos in "Macs with M1 chip" section (#2760)
    • HTTP => HTTPS (#2735, #2713)
    • clarify instructions for running Node on M1 Mac (#2675)


    • Update base image from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, cc #2877 (#2882)


    • [meta] Update CODE_OF_CONDUCT to current version (#2790)


    • update test mocks
    • github actions removed homebrew and broke shellcheck (#2907)
    • node 18 no longer builds in travis-ci (#2907)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.39.1(Dec 17, 2021)

    New Stuff

    • Add OpenBSD support (#1062)


    • ls-remote/install: support lts/-X patterns in installs
    • ls-remote/install: properly handle lts/x patterns
    • nvm alias/nvm_list_aliases: support lts/ aliases
    • nvm_get_download_slug: better architecture selection for M1 Macs
    • install: fix method=script install condition (#2668)
    • install: properly check for curl/wget
    • install script: Add --no-pager option to git branch (#2637)


    • create nvm_normalize_lts helper
    • [shellcheck] apply v0.8.0 updates


    • [readme] Balance the if statement in bash example (#2658)
    • [readme] Describe another failure case for installing node versions from source on mac arm64 machines (#2653)


    • [actions] add step security runner (#2659)
    • [Tests] update test mocks
    • [Tests] nvm_get_download_slug: add unit tests (#2657, #2232)
    • [Tests] fix windows WSL tests
    • [Dev Deps] update doctoc, markdown-link-check
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.39.0(Oct 7, 2021)

    New Stuff

    • maybe support Windows with WSL, MSYS, Cygwin (#2391)


    • nvm install-latest-npm: ensure npm 8 does not install on unsupported nodes
    • nvm_die_on_prefix: filter prefixed env vars on name only, ignoring values (#2368)
    • set -a: when this option is set, some sh shells break
    • bash_completion: be robust when cd is overridden (#2585)
    • nvm_die_on_prefix: avoid grepping env functions in bash (2dad0455ec61e2842f8d0820bae40114a343ae3b, #2606)
    • reinstall-packages: handle global symlink locations properly
    • nvm_ls_remote_index_tab: handle long version lists (#2581)
    • nvm ls/nvm alias/nvm_list_aliases: zsh: when no LTS aliases, no error
    • install: Detect correct profile based on $SHELL var (#2556)
    • nvm_get_arch: suppress error output if /sbin does not exist
    • bash_completion: check if compinit is called before calling it (#2490)
    • nvm_get_arch: Rasbperry Pi: armv7l with arm64 kernel, get correct arch (#2469)
    • install script: check the proper version; fetch tags also (#9)


    • avoid IFS shenanigans: quote arg count/return codes


    • Use awk for path stripping (#1360)
    • [shellcheck] disable additional -x warning from v0.7.2
    • [shellcheck] update for new warnings in v0.7.2


    • Update dated base image from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 (#2571)


    • [readme] link "Windows WSL" down to the "important notes" section (#2502)
    • [readme] Add bash_completion in "manual install" section (#2620)
    • [readme] Use absolute URL for #606 in README.md (#1656)
    • [readme] Add quick intro to nvm (#1343)
    • [readme] Add info to restart bash if verification not working in verification section (#1749)
    • [readme] Avoid infinite loop in cdnvm() (#2605)
    • [readme] remove duplicate word 'run' (#2609)
    • [readme] updated automatic call script for bash (#2604)
    • [readme] fixed small typo afew to a few (#2517)
    • [readme] fix typo regarding docker image base in Dockerfile (#2573)
    • [readme] move License and Copyright notice sections to the bottom
    • [readme] remove redundant "license" section text in favor of LICENSE.md
    • [readme] Improve README about Macs with M1 chips (#2479)

    Meta Stuff

    • add project charter and governance
    • add OpenJS Foundation copyright notices/links
    • add SECURITY.md


    • use a matrix on the nvm install-latest-npm tests
    • blacklist expired LetsEncrypt CA (#2623)
    • Add markdown-link-check script
    • nvm install-latest-npm: node < 0.10 breaks with npm with dropped support for TLS < 1.2
    • Print shell version in Travis CI (#1471)
    • [actions] restrict permissions for GITHUB_TOKEN (#2584)
    • postcss v7.0.36 stopped working on node 0.10; downgrade to v4
    • update mocks
    • disable fail-fast
    • [actions] fix typo in dockerfile_lint job
    • [actions] use node/install instead of node/run
    • [actions] adjust shellcheck/windows tests to9 have a final "done" job
    • Add unit tests for nvm_is_version_installed
    • node-gyp v8 breaks a test

    New Contributors

    • @Botspot made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2469
    • @leafac made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2479
    • @akefirad made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2490
    • @tg90nor made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2556
    • @IYaksha made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2573
    • @kstolp made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2581
    • @varunsh-coder made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2584
    • @giladbarnea made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2585
    • @donnikitos made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2604
    • @GeorgiChochov made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2609
    • @svenssonaxel made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2606
    • @tim-connolly made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2605
    • @strouja made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2517
    • @asab-se made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/1749
    • @alisternorris made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/1343
    • @umireon made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/1360
    • @Igot953 made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2624
    • @rickbutton made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2623
    • @felipear89 made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2620
    • @SimonEast made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/pull/2502
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.38.0(Mar 29, 2021)

    New Stuff

    • install: add parallel build support for openbsd (#2390)
    • install: add -b flag to skip building from source (#2439)
    • install script: Allow installation from other repository also for git method (#2401)
    • install script: Allow installation from other repository (#2394)


    • exec: -- should stop argument parsing (#2354)
    • nvm_alias: ensure lts/-1 returns the one before lts/* (#2462)
    • install script: define nvm_echo
    • Fix potential unbound var error on nvm install (#2421)
    • avoid parse error with common omz global aliases, in nvm_print_color_code (#2365)
    • install script: sync nvm_download implementation from nvm.sh (#2406)
    • remove nvm_supports_source_options (#2402)
    • bash_completion: move compinit before bashcompinit (#2393)
    • relax $PREFIX checking, to accomodate npm exec
    • Use local variable when looping over args (#2377)
    • install: Ignore npm command under $NVM_DIR when checking for global modules (#2348)


    • add nvm_install_binary_extract
    • add nvm_get_artifact_compression
    • fix silly shellcheck complaint


    • Add macOS troubleshooting instructions for M1 chip (#2416, #2436, #2232)
    • Update source command to include s in zsh (#2466)
    • Add nvs as one of the Windows alternatives (#2454)
    • add headings to certain sections (#2457)
    • add commands to help troubleshoot without closing the current shell (#2202)
    • update cdnvm implementation (#2442)
    • add install error tips (#2400)
    • quote asterisk in shell command on --latest-npm example (#2431)
    • Updated README.md to include homebrew unsecure dirs warning (#2388)
    • source ./nvm.sh instead of nvm.sh, for zsh (#2205)
    • add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md


    • Rename some files to be more cross platform (#2397)
    • [actions] update workflows (#2427)
    • [Dev Deps] update dockerfile_lint, doctoc, eclint, replace, semver
    • ensure doctoc action fails when it should
    • update mocks
    • Add unit test for nvm_download
    • add nvm_grep to install script, fix tests (#2403
    • .npm is now cached by default (#2104)
    • release: clobber local tags
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.37.2(Nov 28, 2020)

  • v0.37.1(Nov 25, 2020)

    New Stuff

    • Added set-colors command (#2291, #2232)


    • nvm_die_on_prefix: only grep lines starting with env var name (#2347)


    • Run fast test suite in clean environment (#2336)
    • partially migrate to Github Actions
    • Add shellcheck workflow (#2351)
    • Add release test workflow (#2355)
    • add "Allow Edits" workflow
    • switch Automatic Rebase workflow to pull_request_target event
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.37.0(Nov 6, 2020)

    Major Performance Enhancement

    • use/nvm_die_on_prefix: replicate npm config algorithm and remove npm config call (#2317)


    • nvm ls-remote: accept versions that end with a dot (#2310)
    • nvm_ls: zsh: unset markdirs and local_options (#2316)
    • nvm_die_on_prefix: use directory comparison rather than string (#2316)


    • improve nvm --help output (#2301)
    • [readme] bash shell integration: amend example (#2313)


    • Fix nvm_ls_current fast test (#2322)
    • Fix nvm unload fast test cleanup (#2332)
    • Drop deprecated sudo: option in TravisCI config (#2307)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.36.0(Sep 25, 2020)


    New Stuff

    • add nvm -v as an alias for nvm --version (#2270)
    • nvm deactivate/nvm which: add --silent
    • adding default and alias option to nvm install (#2274, #1929)
    • nvm_supports_xz: Add Mac/FreeBSD xz platform support checks (#2156)
    • add nvm_find_project_dir helper


    • latest-npm: ensure npm 7 is not installed on node < 10
    • nvm_die_on_prefix: check that the prefix is inside the version dir, not just the nvm dir
    • nvm use: fix --silent when version is omitted
    • ensure --help is intercepted on any command (#2277)
    • --help: Add more examples (#2272)
    • install: improved arg parsing around --reinstall-packages-from (#1762)
    • reinstall-packages: do not include unmet peer deps (#1948)
    • --help: explain more clearly that parameter is optional and can be provided by .nvmrc on nvm install, nvm use, nvm exec, and nvm run (#2242)
    • [Robustness] add command to xargs/rm in nvm_get_default_packages (#2281)
    • [debug] add whoami output
    • [performance] nvm_auto: only call nvm_ls_current in use mode (#2286)


    • [Refactor] add nvm_get_checksum_binary; use it in nvm debug
    • [Refactor] remove unused nvm_checksum function
    • [Refactor] Rename solaris and iojs helper functions to be nvm_ prefixed (#2213)
    • [Refactor] nvm run/nvm exec: use NVM_SILENT consistently internally (#2279)


    • [dockerfile] Add missing apt package locales (#2306)
    • [dockerfile] Remove ShellCheck Segmentation fault workaround (#2305)
    • [dockerfile] Update ShellCheck download URL in Dockerfile (#2304, #2232)
    • [dockerfile] Update Dockerfile base image to Ubuntu 16.04, cc #2008 (#2187)


    • [readme] fix LTS upgrade command (#2294)
    • [readme] update autocompletion output examples
    • [readme] Mention problem with windows cmd echo (#2282)
    • [readme] Add documentation for LTS updates which reinstall existing packages (#2271)
    • [readme] Fix fish load_nvm function (#2252)
    • [readme] Update macOS troubleshooting w/ 10.15 zsh default (#2248)
    • [readme] Update install instructions troubleshooting (#2225)
    • [readme] Syntax highlight for Ansible task example in README.md (#2228)
    • [readme] Update README for environment variables (#2159)
    • [readme] Stop removing spaces from nvm_path (#2235)
    • [readme] include deeper integration instructions for fish (#2208)
    • [patch] Update docs and add warning for 'nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option' edgecase error on Mac OS (#2263)


    • pin postcss to v7
    • Source nvm.sh before defining FILE (#2182)

    Meta Stuff

    • fix TOC action
    • add actions: Automatic Rebase for PRs, auto-update-TOC for push
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.35.3(Mar 6, 2020)



    • add lts/-1 etc, to point to an LTS line relative to "latest"
    • use: set NVM_INC to expose the node include path
    • uninstall: add NVM_DEBUG to print out a filename as its permissions are checked


    • nvm ls-remote: properly label latest LTS versions instead of just the latest one in the filter


    • [readme] restore broken anchor
    • [readme] add nvm intro
    • Improve readme clarity and troubleshooting (#2125)
    • Fix small typo in README (#2130)


    • update mocks
    • fix update mocks script
    • update test mocks
    • try to make nvm unload test more robust
    • ensure nvm unload unsets env vars too
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.35.2(Dec 18, 2019)


    • if a prefix env var is set (as in npm run), but is correct, do not fail (#2106)
    • allow nvm unalias x when x is a default alias, but shadowed (#2122)


    • pin david to v11


    • [readme] Fix a typo (#2121)


    • create FUNDING.yml
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.35.1(Nov 3, 2019)


    • install-latest-npm: npm v6.10 breaks on node v6.0, v6.1, and v9.0-v9.2
    • nvm use: improve help output with bare nvm use and no .nvmrc


    • Add description if instructions don't work; make install instructions more readable (#2112)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.35.0(Oct 2, 2019)

    New Stuff

    • nvm ls: add --no-alias to suppress alias output


    • set -u: Add default empty value for $NVM_NO_ALIAS (#2054, #2047)
    • Determine correct sub directory if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set (#2035)
    • Set $NVM_DIR to ".nvm" instead of "nvm" (#2069, #2033)
    • default_packages: work when the file lacks a trailing newline
    • install: Add missing io.js installation message (#1989)
    • Make installation less restrictive when NVM_DIR is set (#1986)
    • Enhance nvm debug for different environments (#1654)
    • nvm_supports_source_options: work around a bug in bash 3.2
    • install: error out when an argument has ---
    • attempt to fix a bug in bash 3.2, fixed in 4.4, that improperly exits on -e in a test.
    • nvm ls: --no-colors: system: print an asterisk


    • add nvm_stdout_is_terminal helper (#2012, #2007)
    • extract “get default packages” logic to nvm_get_default_packages
    • nvm.sh: make coding style more consistent (#1819)


    • Fix bash auto-use nvm command (#2086)
    • Updated note about Windows (#2037)
    • sync node release schedule url (#2001)
    • clarify how to specify default packages (#1981)
    • clean up formatting in readme (#2038)
    • clean up a bit (#1627)
    • Add --latest-npm info to Migrating global packages section (#1970)
    • Set $NVM_DIR to ".nvm" instead of "nvm" (#2069, #2033)
    • update bash cdnvm script to properly handle aliases (#2017)
    • Add note about what version of node new shells run with (#2003)
    • --help: consolidate some help output
    • README.md: mention --no-colors option (#2004)
    • nvm --help: add --no-colors and --no-alias
    • add version number to nvm —help output (#1993)
    • add “update” terminology to installation section
    • unalias: add more specific error message for builtin aliases (#1992)


    • jspm v2 beta started breaking tests; pin to < v2
    • use rimraf over rmdir in teardowns (#2010)
    • update dist from trusty to xenial (#2008)
    • nvm_command_info: make error output more helpful
    • nvm ls: ensure nvm alias is called
    • add more checks to make_fake_* helpers
    • fix fake node versions
    • Improve syntax in "test/installation_iojs/nvm install v1 works" (#1990)
    • [shellcheck] remove unnecessary overrides
    • [shellcheck] add overrides


    • install shellcheck v0.6.0 in Dockerfile (#1836)
    • add libssl-dev to Docker image (#1835)


    • add copyright line to license file
    • update repo links to point to org
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.34.0(Jan 8, 2019)

    New Stuff

    • Support --no-progress for nvm install (#1422)
    • install.sh: allow user to explicitly opt out of nvm adding the source string (#1804)
    • Respect previously nvm-loaded node version when sourcing (#1315)
    • add support for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (#1888)
    • bash_completion: Add support for ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX flag (#1911)


    • Improve .nvmrc reading process (#1740)
    • nvm debug: Fix sed syntax error in nvm_command_info (#1528)
    • Remove $NVM_DIR trailing slash automatically (#1734)
    • install -s: zsh: ensure shwordsplit opt is set (#1719)
    • ls-remote: fix issues in zsh when using a mirror with a ton of entries (#1818)
    • Improve nvm_is_version_installed to check for a node executable instead of root dir (#1824)
    • use: Prepend instead of changing if shadowed by system dirs (#1830)
    • Improve and update Dockerfile (#1861, #1863)
    • install.sh: Print an error and exit the script if $METHOD is set to something unexpected (#1917)
    • Allow zsh users to have the nomatch option set (#1938)
    • avoid unbound variable (#1949)


    • Speedup nvm_list_aliases (#1517)
    • bash_completion: Improve coding style (#1816)
    • [shellcheck] use { …; } instead of (…) to group test commands (#1825)
    • [shellcheck] quote variables in for loops to avoid unintentional expansion
    • [shellcheck] ignore SC2230 errors
    • [shellcheck] Use -n/-z instead of ! -z/! -n condition (#1955)


    • add nvm install-latest-npm tests for all node versions
    • fix failing tests on master due to npm registry SSL changes
    • Enable ccache on Travis CI to speed up compilation (#1947)
    • print out shellcheck version
    • avoid using shopt in zsh


    • add --tags to git fetch in manual upgrade (#1793)
    • fix failing if check in autoload script (#1821)
    • Grammar update (#1822)
    • fix for .nvmrc script (#1823)
    • add --no-use option to installation (#1839, #1840, #1862)
    • add instructions for installing a specific version (#1901)
    • Added fish nvm (#1926)
    • Add section on automatic nvm use in Bash (#1865)
    • improve instructions for manual install (#1930)
    • update README to fix docker run command flag order (#1925)
    • Improve md file syntax (#1864)
    • Add Ansible task example (#1964)
    • Improve indent of output block in GitHub Issue template (#1967)
    • fixing cdnvm on .bashrc (#1971)
    • Improve phrasing of 'nvm current' (#1974)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.11(Apr 25, 2018)

  • v0.33.10(Apr 25, 2018)

  • v0.33.9(Apr 15, 2018)

    New Stuff

    • nvm debug: Print $SHLVL, add $PATH (#1655, #1745)


    • install.sh: detect a defined but nonexistent $NVM_DIR (#1700)
    • install.sh: Don't give detached HEAD advice when installing (#1704)
    • Add missing "command" prefixes for few commands (#1735, #1725, #1736)
    • Use nvm_echo instead of echo directly (#1751)
    • reinstall-packages: Prevent install/link when no packages found (#1750)
    • ensure --reinstall-packages-from has a version number (#1760)
    • bash_completion: Reduce startup time (#1759)
    • installing with an LTS name should lowercase the name before ensuring a default (#1781)
    • Add autocompletion support to zsh (#1707)
    • install.sh: Detect profile with $BASH_VERSION and $ZSH_VERSION (#1780)
    • Turn off wget's output in nvm_get_latest (#1785)
    • nvm debug: Improve OS version detection (#1746)


    • Various style and shellcheck fixes (#1684, #1724, #1747, #1748)
    • Optimize ShellCheck installation in Docker image (#1729)
    • Remove duplicate code in nvm_npm_global_modules() (#1742)
    • Use grep -q parameter instead of redirect to /dev/null (#1741)
    • install.sh: Improve install.sh prompt output, add a newline (#1783)


    • Explain .nvmrc better (#1673)
    • Update minimum git version to v1.17.10
    • Add escape sequences (#1701)
    • add nvm which current to nvm --help output
    • avoid need for future copyright year updates (#1713)
    • Add reminder that NVM_DIR should not contain trailing slash (#1726, #1708)
    • Display FreeBSD and SunOS with correct caps (#1728)
    • Update Docker image build info in README.md (#1733)
    • Various typo fixes (#1756, #1753)
    • removed global install on README.md (#1775, #1773)
    • Add removal instructions to README.md (#1777, #1767)
    • Fix manual install & upgrade guide (#1786, #1772)
    • Add macOS install script note about git (#1787, #1782)


    • add test for aliased . (#1701)
    • fix mirrors in mocks update script, update mocks
    • Add EditorConfig to help maintain part of coding style (#1739)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.8(Dec 12, 2017)

  • v0.33.7(Dec 9, 2017)


    • fix unassigned variable (#1665, #1664)
    • Fix for $path used by zsh (#1669)
    • set -u: ensure NVM_USE_OUTPUT is always set (#1671)
    • install.sh: Fix a bug that block that installation of node in install.sh (#1676)
    • nvm install-latest-npm: fix node 4-4.6


    • Make nvm cache clear message less ambiguous (#1644)
    • Added missing piece (#1658)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.6(Oct 24, 2017)


    • install.sh do not use nonexistent variable (#1605)
    • install-latest-npm: npm v5.4+ breaks on node v4.5 and v4.6


    • Improve git installation instructions (#1636)
    • Fix typos (#1640)


    • [Cleanup] Remove ghc related things in .travis.yml (#1639, #1619)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.5(Oct 24, 2017)

    New Stuff

    • debug: Enhance nvm debug with more tools info (#1613)


    • install-latest-npm: io.js v1.0.x has weird behavior with npm v4.6.x.
    • unset NVM_RC_VERSION when unloading (#1607)
    • Preserve PATH locations order when changing versions (#1316)
    • ensure all grep calls go through nvm_grep (#1615)


    • Update README.md for Alpine linux reference (#1606)


    • retry io.js test runs, since iojs.org is flaky
    • Remove the manual ShellCheck install proecss on Travis CI (#1619)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.4(Sep 5, 2017)

  • v0.33.3(Sep 4, 2017)

    New Stuff

    • nvm install: add --latest-npm option to automatically try to upgrade to the latest working version of npm
    • add support for $NVM_DIR/default-packages file (#1463)
    • Introduce Docker environment for nvm (#1472, #1575)
    • Print $TERM_PROGRAM in nvm debug if it exists (#1578)
    • install.sh: Speedup process to install nvm from git by dropping commit history (#1476)
    • install.sh: Add --auto to git gc to speed up install & upgrade (#1576)
    • install.sh: Clean up git reflog history before git gc (#1579)
    • install.sh: install bash_completion via script method (#1588)


    • set -u: ensure that potentially unbound variables aren’t called unchecked (#1363, #1516)
    • ensure if npm link fails, that $IFS is not improperly set (#1519)
    • set IFS to default for all nvm commands (#1227, #1244, #1514, #1518)
    • set -u: when ALIAS is unset, don’t reference an unbound variable (#1526)
    • Fix --version help text (#1538)
    • enable curl compression only on curl >=7.21.0 (#1550)
    • nvm install -s: properly precompute clang version (#1554)
    • curl should fail if something wrong (#1556, #1557)
    • Adjust $CURL_COMPRESSED_FLAG usage for curl (#1562, #1567)
    • set -u: nvm install/nvm use: fix unbound vars (#1587)
    • [bash completion] add missing install-latest-npm; remove undocumented clear-cache (#1564)


    • move the install script to the top; put the notes in a separate section
    • Install script - Improve installation guide (#1544)
    • bump sample version numbers (#1539)
    • add note about Linux troubleshooting (#1566)
    • updated to reflect current script output (#1574)


    • Fix cache for WITHOUT_CURL tests in Travis (#1529)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.2(Apr 26, 2017)

    New Stuff

    • Enable curl auto compression/decompression (#1437)
    • Supercharge nvm debug output (#1453)
    • Add missing commands in bash_completion (#1467)
    • install.sh: Parallel script download jobs (#1479)


    • ensure MANPATH is not unbound (#1413)
    • checksums: remove libressl command support (#1417)
    • install.sh: NVM_PROFILE bash/zsh detection in installation, bash_completion fixes (#1375)
    • stop setting mirror env vars unnecessarily (#1429)
    • Install failed should return correct exit status (#1347, #1348)
    • nvm install -s: ensure additional params lack a trailing space
    • declare MANPATH if and only if it's not set (#1430)
    • [completions] Remove nospace in bash_completion (#1456)
    • nvm install -s: npm detection
    • nvm_ensure_version_installed: add system support (#1238)
    • confirm curl exists before detecting curl libz feature (#1487, #1497)


    • Introduce doctoc for "Table of Contents" autogeneration (#1408)
    • Various fixes/improvements (#1420, #1427, #1431, #1448, #1452, #1461, #1169, #1464, #1465, #1478, #1485, #1491, #1490, #1500, #1511)
    • README.markdown → README.md (#1492)


    • minor refactors (#1421, #1415, #1447, #1449, #1459, #1468, #1481, #1477, #1486)
    • Add nvm_has_non_aliased (#1443)


    • Improve sed/awk usage (#1442, #1441, #1438, #1480)


    • Add retry on urchin setup which has no built in retry feature (#1439)
    • testing improvements (#1454, #1455, #1424, #1466, #1473, #1494, #1498)
    • Move to Ubuntu 14.04 on Travis CI (#1458, #1470, #1474, #1475)
    • Re-enable WITHOUT_CURL tests (#1489)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.1(Feb 21, 2017)



    • Enable working without tput available (#1403)
    • nvm unload: run nvm deactivate before unsetting everything (#1399)
    • unset NVM_RC_VERSION env var immediately after it’s no longer needed (#1399)
    • install.sh: only un-interpolate $HOME for the profile source string (#1384)
    • set -e: nvm install lts/something: call nvm_ensure_default_set with the proper value (#1394)

    Install script

    • Use $HOME variable in NVM_DIR (#1381)

    nvm debug

    • include mirrors in nvm debug output


    • [Fix] zsh autochange: only nvm install if we can’t nvm use (#1357, #1378)
    • Add CII best practices badge (#1397)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.33.0(Dec 30, 2016)

    Breaking Changes (probably)

    • remove the unused and broken $NVM_PATH (#1353)

    New Stuff

    • install.sh: Install bash programmble completions automatically (#753)
    • nvm install -s: Use clang as C/C++ compiler if detected (#902, #1300)
    • nvm install: Add AIX support (#1295)
    • nvm install: Print the version that is being installed (#1286)
    • nvm install: support external install hook “$NVM_INSTALL_THIRD_PARTY_HOOK” (#1207)


    • [reverted] Also run git gc after nvm upgraded (#1274, #1301)
    • bypass aliased cd in a few places (#1284)
    • Improve nvm_download_artifact() process (#1291, #1294)
    • allow uninstalls when files are nonwritable but self-owned (#1270)
    • nvm install: Handle 'N/A' version instead of asking to install it (#1304, #1305)
    • nvm install -s: aix: detect number of threads on aix and not just number of processors (#1319)
    • nvm unload add missing unloadable functions/vars (#1333, #1335)
    • nvm install -s: nvm should respect CC/CXX env var (#1336)
    • set -u: ensure that potentially unbound variables aren’t called unchecked (#1363)


    • use echo instead of cat in install.sh (#1276)
    • use backslash when sourcing in case of overridden dot (#1278, #1279)
    • fix/retab indent in bash_completion (#1297)
    • add missing "command" prefix call for some commands (#1296)
    • nvm install: Do not remove src dir after compilation succeeds (#1299)
    • Add missing backslash for dots (#1322)
    • Rename NVM_CPU_THREADS to NVM_CPU_CORES (#1326)
    • Use "case" instead of multi "if" (#1332)


    • die() in tests should quote "$@" for echo (#1288)
    • [reverted] Drop manual apt source and package installation (#1311, #1323)
    • switch to use cabal to install shellcheck (#1320)
    • run shellcheck against bash_completion (#1324)
    • run shellcheck against nvm_exec (#1321)
    • cache $HOME/.ghc for cabal (#1327)
    • add test to ensure that nvm unload unloads all functions


    • Link version badge to the release page + cleanup (#1338, #1340)
    • update readme about compile nodejs v0.10+ from src (#1330)
    • update alpine environment installation info (#1330)
    • Auto install not exist version in zsh .nvmrc script (#1306, #1272)
    • Add current version on the top of README (#1309)
    • Bold leading "Note:" in readme for readability (#1275)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.32.1(Oct 18, 2016)


    • ensure that lts/* points to boron/latest, not argon/earliest (#1268)
    • nvm uninstall: work around nomatch zsh option (#1228)
    • Fix trailing whitespace in nvm ls-remote``zsh: when warncreateglobal is set, this line warns for some reason. Use env to suppress it (#1236)
    • Remove un-local var EXIT_CODE (#1236)
    • install: Manually run git gc after nvm installation (#1231, #1226)


    • nvm ls-remote: make the main ls-remote command call into nvm_remote_versions directly
    • nvm_install_source, nvm_install_binary, nvm_download_artifact: ensure a version is provided
    • Use ||: and &&: when appropriate
    • nvm_ls_remote_index_tab: clean up to use nvm_get_mirror
    • nvm_install_binary: remove unused nvm_get_mirror call
    • Fix indentation (#1256)


    • zsh auto-use snippet: improve speed (#1264)
    • Fix "Manual upgrade" link in readme (#1247)
    • add a menu for readme for easier readability (#1234)
    • Remove fin from the readme (#1225)
    • Bump to require git v1.7+ and add docs (#1233, #1232)
    • copyedit readme (#1230)


    • consolidate APT packages (#1260)
    • improve + update test mocks
    • update test mocks (#1248)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.32.0(Sep 15, 2016)

    New Stuff!

    • HUGE rewrite of installation code path! (#1204) This enables:
      • node 4+ source installs
      • io.js source installs
      • downloaded tarballs are cached and reused if they checksum-match
      • nvm cache clear and nvm cache dir
    • expand xz support to more versions


    • show type output for debugging
    • improve travis-ci test matrix
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.31.7(Sep 3, 2016)


    • ensure LTS alias dir exists before writing to it (#1216)
    • when originally installed without git, ensure it can be upgraded to use git (#1212, #1213)


    • add shellcheck
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.31.6(Aug 23, 2016)

nvm - node version manager
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