🦀Rust + Large Language Models - Make AI Services Freely and Easily. Inspired by LangChain


llmchain: Modern Data Transformations with LLM

🦀 + Large Language Models, inspired by LangChain.


  • Models: LLMs & Chat Models & Embedding Models

  • Prompts: LLMs & Chat Prompt Templates

  • Indexes: Documents Loaders & Text Splitters & Vector Store & Retrievers

    • Documents Loaders: MarkdownLoader/DirectoryLoader/TextLoader/GithubPullRequestLoader
    • Documents Splitters: MarkdownSplitter, TextSplitter
    • Vector Store: DatabendCloud
  • Chains: Seamlessly combines multiple actions to create unified, coherent AI services

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  • feat: make github pr better

    feat: make github pr better


    • Improved Summary Format Added a new line to the final summary format to include a summary generated by llmchain.rs and changed the format to include the number of tokens in the summary.
    • Imported Function Imported the chat_tokens function from llmchain_common.
    • Changed Prompt Template Changed the prompt template to ask for a summarized text bullet list of all code changes in the diff grouped by file, removed unnecessary text, and changed the format of the final summary to remove the "====" separator. Added the number of tokens in the prompt and final summary to the log output.
    • Updated Prompt Guidelines Changed the prompt template to ask for a clear and concise summary of the main changes made in a pull request and added guidelines for summarizing the changes. Changed the format of the output example to include titles and descriptions for each point.
    opened by BohuTANG 1
  • chore: improve the github pr summary

    chore: improve the github pr summary


    • Added "github_pr_summary_prompt" library
    • Includes "GithubPRSummaryPrompt" struct with methods for creating and formatting prompts
    • "create" method returns formatted prompt string
    • "variables" method returns list of variables used in prompt
    • "format" method takes in hashmap of variables and returns formatted prompt string
    • Updated Cargo.toml to include "colored" library
    • Updated "repl.rs" to print colored output
    • Improved readability with comments throughout the codebase

    Closes #issue

    opened by BohuTANG 1
  • feat: github pr loader

    feat: github pr loader


    EXPORT GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-personal-github-token>
    EXPORT DATABEND_DSN=<your-databend-dsn>
    cargo run --bin example_github_inspect

    Closes #34

    opened by BohuTANG 0
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