A BASIC language interpreter. Does not conform to existing standards. Mostly a toy.





A toy language that is somewhat like QBasic.


  • Graphics: 160x96 (255 colors & transparent)
  • Text: 32x16 (4x5 font)
  • Character set: ASCII (32-127)
  • Keyboard input
  • Multidimensional arrays


  • Parses tokens using nom and nom_locate
  • Syntax & expression tree parsed with from tokens
  • Assembly-like instructions emitted from syntax
  • Instructions executed using a register-based virtual machine
  • Graphics & text output using Screen-13
  • Operates as a library or command-line program

Language demonstration:

' This is a comment! Types you may use:
'  ?: Boolean
'  @: Unsigned byte
'  %: Signed 32-bit integer
'  !: Single-precision float
'  $: String

DIM myVar$ = "Variable initialization is optional"
DIM answer% = 42, question? = TRUE
DIM latitude!

' Type specifiers are not required:
latitude = 100.0

IF question THEN
    latitude! = -100.0!

PRINT "Hello, there!", myVar

' A diagonal red line
LINE (0, 13) - (159, 21), 4@

' Some colorful boxes
FOR c = 25 TO 95 STEP 3
    RECTANGLE (c - 5, c - 3) - (159, c), CBYTE(c), TRUE

See full specification below

Example Programs

This repository contains several example programs. Access the helpfile with --help:

A BASIC language interpreter. Does not conform to existing standards. Mostly a toy.

Usage: jw-basic [OPTIONS] <PATH>

          File to load and interpret (.bas format)

  -d, --debug
          Display debugging information
          NOTE: Set `RUST_LOG=debug` environment variable to display output

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Hello, world!


cargo run examples/hello_world.bas




cargo run examples/raycast.bas


Language Specifications

ABS[! | %](expr) | COS[!](expr) | SIN[!](expr)

    Math functions.

    expr: Any expression.


        ABS(-1.0) + COS(4.5) ' Radians of course!


    CLS clears the screen of text and graphics. Color 0 is used.

COLOR foreground@[, background@]

    COLOR sets text and graphics colors.

    foreground: The color of characters and any lines or rectangles which do not specify a color.
    backround:  The backgroud of text characters or the fill-color of rectangles which do not
                specify a color.


        COLOR 4, 14 ' Red on yellow, danger!

CBOOLEAN[?](expr) | CBYTE[@](expr) | CFLOAT[!](expr) | CINT[%](expr) | CSTR[$](expr)

    Converts an expression to another type.

    expr: Any expression.



DIM var[type][(subscripts)] [= value] [, var[type][(subscripts)]] [= value] ...

    DIM declares variables and arrays. Variables may also be simply assigned without DIM.

    var:        The name of a variable.
    type:       Type of data which may be stored:
                    ? (boolean)
                    @ (byte)
                    ! (float)
                    % (integer)
                    $ (string)
    subscripts: [lower% TO] upper% [, [lower% TO] upper%] ...
                lower: Lower bound of the array. The default bound is zero.
                upper: Upper bound of the array. Inclusive.
    value:      Any expression. Not supported with arrays yet.


        DIM name$, myMatrix!(2, -2 TO 2)
        DIM total% = 5
        myMatrix(2, -2) = 10.0

FOR var = start TO end [STEP step]
NEXT [var]

    Loop where `var` is incremented (or decremented) from `start` to `end` in `step` increments.

    var:   A byte, float, or integer variable defined for the body of the FOR..NEXT statement.
    start: Any expression evaluated to become the initial value of `var`.
    end:   Any expression evaluated to become the inclusive final value of `var`.
    step:  Any expression evaluated to be added to `var` for each iteration.


        FOR temperature = 96.0 to 104.5 STEP 0.1
            PRINT temperature

GOTO [label | line number]

    Jumps directly to a given labelled or numbered line. Fun at parties.


        PRINT "Dance!"
        GOTO Again

IF expr THEN

    Branching logic tree.

    expr: Any expression which evaluates to a boolean.


    Returns TRUE when a given key is pressed.

    expr: Any expression which evaluates to a byte, see source code for the keys which have
          been setup.

LINE [(x0, y0) -] (x1, y1), color

    Draws a line between two points.

    x0, y0, x1, y1: Any expression which evaluates to an integer.
    color:          Any expression which evaluates to a byte.

LOCATE row[, col]

    Moves the text output location of the following PRINT statements.

PALETTE color, r, g, b

    Changes the currently active palette allowing for colorful animation without re-drawing the

    color:   Any expression which evaluates to a byte in the 0-254 range. 255 (&hFF@) is
    r, g, b: Any expression which evaluates to a byte.

PRINT [expr][; expr][, expr]

    PRINT displays text using the current foreground and background colors at the current cursor

    expr:       Any expression.
    semicolon:  Prints the following expression with zero additional spaces.
    comma:      Prints the following expression with one additional space.


        PRINT "Hello " + name$ + ". Nice to meet you!", "Welcome to day ", dayOfWeek%; "!"

RECTANGLE [(x0, y0) -] (x1, y1), color[, filled]

    Draws a rectangle between two points.

    x0, y0, x1, y1: Any expression which evaluates to an integer.
    color:          Any expression which evaluates to a byte.
    filled:         Any expression which evaluates to a boolean.


    Returns the number of microseconds since the program began execution.

WHILE expr

    Loop which begins if `expr` is TRUE and continues until it is FALSE.

    expr: Any expression which evaluates to a boolean.


    Pause execution of a program until the next update of the interpreter. Without calling this
    execution will continue until the final statement is executed.


In addition to the test programs, there are unit and integration tests of the language. When something goes wrong you should receive an error indicating the line and column number which caused the issue.

Running the tests:

cargo test


This project was designed completely for fun and to learn how a language might be developed. I hope you find something useful that you can bring to your projects, just like I was able to find sources of inspiration for JW-Basic.

Feel free to submit PRs if you would like to enhance this code or fill out remaining features.

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