Rust-based interpreter for the Dreamberd ( language


Rust-based interpreter for the Dreamberd language.

The full specification for Dreamberd is available at This file only contains the segments of the specification that are implemented in dreamberd-rs.


Every statement ends with an exclamation mark! If you're feeling extra, you can even use multiple!!!

print("Hello World!")!


If you're unsure, that's okay too! You can also use question marks? This will print debug information to the console? The more question marks, the more detailed the information?

print("uh... hi??")???


You might be wondering what DreamBerd uses for its negation operator, since most languages use !. Don't worry! ; and - both negate the value in front of them.

;"hello there"? // "ereht olleh"
-true? // false
;1 // -1
-1 // -1


There are four types of declarations. Constant constants can't be changed at all.

const const name = "Ava"!
name += "?"! // does nothing
name = "John"! // does nothing

Constant variables can be edited but not reassigned.

const var age = 1!
age += 1!
age? // 2

Variable constants can be reassigned but not edited.

var const id = "main"!
id = "no thank you"!
id? // "no thank you"

Variable variables can be reassigned and edited.

var var count = 0!
count += 1!
count = 2!


DreamBerd is a weakly-typed language. However, type annotations can be added to declarations and functions.

var const name: String = "Gary"!
const var age: i32 = 22!

const const mul: Fn<i32, i32> = (lhs: i32, rhs: i32)->{
    lhs * rhs
Technical Info

Type annotations don't actually do anything, but they help people feel more comfortable


Both variables and constants can be named with any Unicode character or string that isn't interpreted as another feature.

const const firstAlphabetLetter = 'A'!
var const 👍 = true!
var var 1️⃣ = 1!

This includes numbers, and other language constructs.

const const 5 = 4!
const const true = false!
2 + 2 ==== 5? // true
true ==== false? // true


Booleans can be true, false, or maybe, as current events have shown that reducing complex facts to simple dichotomies can unhelpfully flatten nuance. All values in DreamBerd are thus either truthy, falsey, or maybeyey.

Numbers greater than or equal to one, non-empty strings, non-empty objects, and true are truthey.

Numbers less than or equal to zero, empty strings, empty objects, undefined, and false are falsey.

Numbers between 0 and 1, numbers that are not a number, keywords, functions, and maybe are maybeyey.


Strings can be declared with backticks, single quotes, double quotes, zero quotes, or even french quotes!

const const name: String = `Jeremy`!
const const name: String = 'Lu'!
const const name: String = "Luke"!
const const name: String = L!
const const name: String = «antoine»!

String Interpolation

Please remember to use your regional currency when interpolating strings.

const const name: String = "world"!
print("Hello ${name}!")!
print("Hello £{name}!")!
print("Hello ¥{name}!")!


DreamBerd has significant whitespace. Use spacing to specify the order of arithmetic operations.

1 + 2*3? // 7
1+2 * 3? // 9

For operations with the same amount of whitespace, grouping is poorly defined.

1+1*1+1? // 4

You can add strings together and multiply them by numbers. Negating a string reverses it.

"he" + "l"*2 "o" + " " + "world"? // "hello world"
"johnny"*1.5? // "johnnyjoh"
"no lemon " + -"no lemon"? // "no lemon nomel on"

Dividing by Zero

Dividing by zero returns undefined.

3 / 0? // undefined


JavaScript lets you do different levels of comparison. == for loose comparison, and === for a more precise check. DreamBerd takes this to another level.

You can use === to do a loose check.

3.14 === "3.14"? // true

You can use ==== to do a more precise check.

3.14 ==== "3.14"? // false

You can use ===== to be EVEN MORE precise!

const const pi = 3.14!
pi ===== pi? // true
3.14 ===== 3.14? // false (this differs from the official DreamBerd specification)
3.14 ===== pi? // false

Finally, if you want to be much less precise, you can use ==.

3 == 3.14? // true
🥧 == 22/7? // true


To declare a function, you can use any letters from the word function (as long as they're in order):

function(add, (a, b),  (a + b))!
func(multiply, (a, b), (a * b))!
fun(subtract, (a, b), (a - b))!
fn(divide, (a, b), (a / b))!
functi(power, (a, b), (a ** b))!
union(inverse, (a), (1/a))!

Alternatively, you can use the arrow syntax

const const does_she_really_like_you = ()->{maybe}!


To avoid confusion, the delete statement only works with identifiers like variables, numbers, strings, and booleans.

2+1 === 3? // false

DreamBerd is a multi-paradigm programming language, which means that you can delete the keywords and paradigms you don't like.

const const is_raining = maybe!
is_raining? // undefined

When perfection is achieved and there is nothing left to delete, you can do this:



To create an object, start with the empty object and add values to it.

const var my_object = {}! = "Samuel"!

You can also set the call keyword to a function, which can use the self keyword to access attributes of the class. = ()->{"hello, my name is "}!

Zero-Abstraction Abstractions

Lots of popular languages use so-called "zero-cost abstractions". DreamBerd instead has zero-abstraction abstractions, which are features that provide runtime costs for little-to-no utility.


To use a signal, use use.

const var score = use(0)!

In DreamBerd, you can set (and get) signals with just one function:

const var score = use(0)!

score(9)! // Set the value
score()? // Get the value (and print it)

Standard Library

Dreamberd has a fast-growing standard library. Due to the limitations of the file system, it must be copied and pasted into every file that uses it.

const const use: Fn<T> = (v: T) -> {
    var var o = {}! = (v: T)->{
        var var r: T = self.value!
    o.value: T = v!

const const print: Fn<String> = (t: String) -> {t?}!

const const str: Fn<T> = (t: T)->{`${t}`}!
  • Feature: Types

    Feature: Types


    Type annotations are optional.

    const var age: Int = 28!

    By the way, strings are just arrays of characters.

    String == Char[]!

    Similarly, integers are just arrays of digits.

    Int == Digit[]!

    If you want to use a binary representation for integers, Int9 and Int99 types are also available.

    const var age: Int9 = 28!
    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 1
  • Zero-Abstraction Abstractions

    Zero-Abstraction Abstractions

    People love talking about Zero-Cost Abstractions, but what about these? Includes use and type annotations; for an additional runtime cost, get syntactic "sugar" - come up with a funny synonym for "sugar"

    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Assignment is Pretty Broken

    Assignment is Pretty Broken

    variable = "hello there since the variable thing returns a cloned Pointer, reassignment doesn't propagate up to the actual state. I don't know how to do this without either rewriting a bunch of code or breaking stuff

    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Feature: Signals

    Feature: Signals


    To use a signal, use use.

    const var score = use(0)!

    When it comes to signals, the most important thing to discuss is syntax.

    In DreamBerd, you can set (and get) signals with just one function:

    const var score = use(0)!
    score(9)! // Set the value
    score()?  // Get the value (and print it)

    Alternatively, you can be more explicit with your signal syntax, by splitting it into a getter and setter.

    const var [getScore, setScore] = use(0)!
    setScore(9)! // Set the value
    getScore()?  // Get the value (and print it)

    Technical info: This is pure syntax sugar. The split signal functions are exactly the same as before.

    const var [getScore, setScore] = use(0)!
    getScore(9)! // Set the value
    setScore()?  // Get the value (and print it)

    This means that you can carry on splitting as much as you like.

    const var [[[getScore, setScore], setScore], setScore] = use(0)!
    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Ternary Operator

    Ternary Operator

    condition ~? is_true ~; isnt_true ~: is_maybe
    condition ~? is_true ~; is_false!
    condition ~? is_true ~~ is_maybe!
    condition ~; is_false ~~ is_maybe!
    condition ???
        :: if_true
        ::: if_false
        :::: if_maybe
    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Feature: Async

    Feature: Async

    Asynchronous Functions

    Asynchronous functions synchronise with each other. They take turns running lines of code.

    async funct count() {

    You can use the noop keyword to wait for longer before taking your turn.

    async func count() {

    Note: In the program above, the computer interprets noop as a string and its sole purpose is to take up an extra line. You can use any string you want.

    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Feature: DBX

    Feature: DBX


    You can embed DBX in DreamBerd. It's just DreamBerd, and it's also just HTML.

    funct App() => {
       return <div>Hello world!</div>

    Warning: As you know, class is already a keyword in DreamBerd, so you can't use it within DBX.

    funct App() => {
       // This is not ok
       return <div class="greeting">Hello world!</div>

    className is also a DreamBerd keyword, so you can't use that either.

    funct App() => {
       // This is also not ok
       return <div className="greeting">Hello world!</div>

    Instead, you can use the htmlClassName attribute.

    funct App() => {
       // This is fine
       return <div htmlClassName="greeting">Hello world!</div>

    Please note: Unlike JSX, you are free to freely use the for attribute - because DreamBerd doesn't have loops.

    funct App() => {
       return (
          <label for="name">Name</label>
          <input id="name" />
    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Feature: Classes

    Feature: Classes


    You can make classes, but you can only ever make one instance of them. This shouldn't affect how most object-oriented programmers work.

    class Player {
       const var health = 10!
    const var player1 = new Player()!
    const var player2 = new Player()! //Error: Can't have more than one 'Player' instance!

    This is how you could do this:

    class PlayerMaker {
       function makePlayer() => {
          class Player {
             const var health = 10!
          const const player = new Player()!
          return player!
    const const playerMaker = new PlayerMaker()!
    const var player1 = playerMaker.makePlayer()!
    const var player2 = playerMaker.makePlayer()!

    Class Names

    For maximum compatibility with other languages, you can alternatively use the className keyword when making classes.

    This makes things less complicated.

    className Player {
       const var health = 10!

    In response to some recent criticism about this design decision, we would like to remind you that this is part of the JavaScript specification, and therefore - out of our control.

    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
  • Feature: Files

    Feature: Files

    File Structure

    Write five or more equals signs to start a new file. This removes the need for multiple files or any build process.

    const const score = 5!
    print(score)! //5
    const const score = 3!
    print(score)! //3

    New for 2022!
    Thanks to recent advances in technology, you can now give files names.

    ======= add.db =======
    function add(a, b) => {
       return a + b!


    Many languages allow you to import things from specific files. In DreamBerd, importing is simpler. Instead, you export to specific files!

    ===== add.db ==
    function add(a, b) => {
       return a + b!
    export add to "main.db"!
    ===== main.db ==
    import add!
    add(3, 2)!
    opened by PokeJofeJr4th 0
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