Rust wrapper for gphoto2 (mirror of



Rust bindings to libgphoto2

What about gphoto-rs?

I know about the other crate (gphoto and gphoto2-sys which was created by @dcuddeback, but it is missing a lot of features which make the crate unusable for me, most notably the ability to change camera settings and in memory file download.
The author hasn't been active since 2017 regardless of numerous pull- and feature requests, so I made a new project with a more up to date rust code and all the features from libgphoto2.


  • Camera
    • Capture images
    • Capture preview images
    • Download images
    • Get port information
    • Get abilities (model, driver stability, permissions, ...)
    • Read configuration
    • Set configuration
    • Interact with filesystem on camera
    • Camera events
    • Usb port information
  • Context
    • Autodetect camera
    • Get list of available cameras
    • Get camera by model and port

Gettings started


Run cargo add gphoto2 to add gphoto2 to your project or add this to your Cargo.toml:

gphoto2 = "1"

Install libgphoto2

The libgphoto2 library must be installed on your system to use this library.

To install libgphoto2 on Debian based systems run:

sudo apt install libgphoto2-dev

On Arch systems run:

sudo pacman -S libgphoto2

On MacOS systems with Homebrew run:

homebrew install libgphoto2

There is no official way to install libgphoto2 on windows, but you can install it with MSYS2 (link to the package: mingw-w64-libgphoto2).

Basic Usage

This example takes a picture and saves it to disk

use gphoto2::Context;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
  // Everything starts from a context
  let context = Context::new().expect("Failed to create context");
  // From the context you can detect cameras
  let camera = context.autodetect_camera().expect("Failed to autodetect camera");

  // And take pictures
  let file_path = camera.capture_image().expect("Could not capture image");
    .download(&camera, Path::new(&
    .expect("Failed to download image");

  // For more advanced examples take a look at the examples/ foldeer

You can find more examples here


In general all all APIs should be stable, I've tested the ones my camera supported and found no bugs so far.
If you encounter an error like BAD_PARAMETERS or found a bug, please create an issue on GitHub.


Copyright © 2022 Maxicarlos08 [email protected]

This library uses the libgphoto2 library, which is licensed under the LGPL version 2.1.

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    Investigate encodings and localisation

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    Originally posted by @RReverser in

    opened by RReverser 12
  • 2.0(Oct 3, 2022)

    Breaking changes

    • Many methods now return a String instead of Cow<str>, for safety
    • The way widgets work has completely changes (@RReverser, #13)
    • Some methods that previously returned a Result are now Infallible (they return the value directly) (@RReverser, #17)
    • Some integer types have changed to prevent accuracy errors (@RReverser, #19)
    • Camera file content is now downloaded via CameraFS::download

    I'm sure I forgot some here, just expect your old code to not run with the new version


    • CamreaFS::ls_folder had a copy paste mistake (@RReverser, #14)
    • Bitmask enums where not handled correctly (@RReverser, #15)
    • Large structures have been put in a Box (@RReverser, #16)
    • Lock a mutex when calling libgphoto2 functions that are not thread-safe to work around libtool threading issues (@maxicarlos08, #24)
    • Fix some issues with CameraFile (@maxicarlos08, #21)
    • Fixed order of arguments in gp_camera_file_get_file (@gKodes)

    New features

    • The gphoto2 logging system has been hooked up to the rust one, this should make your debugging life easier (@RReverser, #26 and #29)
    • You can now set gphoto2 context progress functions (@maxicarlos08, #37)

    New Contributors

    • @gKodes made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.0(Sep 20, 2022)

    API changed:

    • InnerPtr/Inner are now AsRef/AsMut #8 (by @RReverser)
    • Some methods now return a String instead of Cow

    Bugs fixed:

    • Incorrect handling of bitfield enums #9 (by @RReverser)
    • C String stack-use-after-return #7
    • Incorrect usage of MaybeUninit #5 (by @RReverser)
    • Segfault in StorageInfo #4 (by @RReverser)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.0(Aug 31, 2022)

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    • Add Windows support by @RReverser in
    • Changed license to LGPL-v2.1 (#3)
    • Added Inner and InnerPtr traits which allow access to the inner libgphoto2 pointers (unsafe)

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    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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