By mirroring traffic to and from your machine, mirrord surrounds your local service with a mirror image of its cloud environment.


mirrord logo dark

mirrord logo light

mirrord lets you easily mirror traffic from your Kubernetes cluster to your development environment. It comes as both Visual Studio Code extension and a CLI tool.

Getting Started

mirrord uses your machine's default kubeconfig for access to the Kubernetes API.

Make sure your local process is listening on the same port as the remote pod.

VSCode Extension


Get the extension here.

How to use

  • Click "Enable mirrord" on the status bar
  • Start debugging your project
  • Choose pod to mirror traffic from
  • The debugged process will start with mirrord, and receive traffic

CLI Tool


curl -fsSL | bash
  • Windows isn't supported currently (you can use WSL)

How to use

mirrord exec <process command> --pod-name <name of the pod to impersonate>


mirrord exec node app.js --pod-name my-pod

How it works

mirrord works by letting you select a pod to mirror traffic from. It launches a privileged pod on the same nodewhich enters the namespace of the selected pod and captures traffic from it.


Contributions are welcome via PRs.

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Join our Discord Server for questions, support and fun.

Code of Conduct

We take our community seriously and we are dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Please take a few minutes to review our Code of Conduct.



  • Using asdf as a version manager fails to find a version of NodeJS/NPM

    Using asdf as a version manager fails to find a version of NodeJS/NPM

    Bug Description

    When using asdf as my version manager for a bunch of languages, I cannot mirror any apps into a local k8s cluster.

    I get the same message as if I had forgotten to set a local or global version for node. I'm sure this is somehow related to running in a different context than if I were running locally... I'm just confused. Running the same command without mirrord exec does work.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. mirrord exec npm run dev --target pod/vs-deployment-<hash>


    ⠇ mirrord cli starting
      ✓ ready to launch process
        ✓ layer extracted
        ✓ agent pod created
        ✓ pod is ready
    No version is set for command npm
    Consider adding one of the following versions in your config file at /home/jim/Sites/ww-guest-site/.tool-versions```

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Your operating system and version

    Linux kernel 6.0.9

    Local process

    npm run dev (which runs astro dev)

    Local process version

    node v18.8.0

    Additional Info

    No response

    opened by nobleach 22
  • dotnet e2e

    dotnet e2e


    Extend e2e coverage to include net6.0 runtime and Kestrel web server.


    I've been running the sanity tests against these environments

    • [X] macos arm64 (local)


    • [X] Make tests
    • [X] Get Feedback on work
    • [X] Update change log after feedback and code updates
    • [ ] Update CI to run tests (In progress)

    Criticism welcome 😄

    opened by IsaacCloos 19
  • "unexpected response - expected env vars response None"

    Bug Description

    I tried to use a binary executable file for testing.

    And the pod crashed:

    mirrord exec --target pod/busybox-58d584f97b-pbtv8 -- ./main
    ✓ layer initialized
    ✓ agent running
      ✓ agent pod created
      ✓ pod is ready
    unexpected response - expected env vars response None

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Deploy a busybox image;
    2. Use mirrord mirrord exec --target pod/busybox-58d584f97b-pbtv8 -- ./main;


    No response

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Your operating system and version

    Centos 7.9

    Local process


    Local process version

    No response

    Additional Info

    No response

    bug user 
    opened by JasonkayZK 18
  • Go programs cannot access environment variables

    Go programs cannot access environment variables

    Bug Description

    Go binaries cannot access environment variables.

    Steps to Reproduce

    // main.go
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    go build main.go
    mirrord exec \
            --pod-namespace some-namespace \
            --pod-name some-pod \
            --override-env-vars-include "*" \

    Compare with

    mirrord exec \
            --pod-namespace some-namespace \
            --pod-name some-pod \
            --override-env-vars-include "*" \


    No response

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Your operating system and version

    macOS 12.5.1 Monterey

    Local process

    main: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 go version go1.19 darwin/amd64

    Local process version

    No response

    Additional Info

    No response

    opened by alexg-axis 18
  • exec panic auth error aws

    exec panic auth error aws

    Bug Description

    Running mirrord exec with kubeconfig set to execute aws command to get token, fails with panic.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Create EKS cluster
    2. Run aws eks update-kubeconfig --name test-cluster --alias test-cluster
    3. Run mirrord exec ...


    thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create agent in k8s: mirrord-layer: Kube failed with error `auth error: auth exec command '"aws" "--region" "us-east-1" "eks" "get-token" "--cluster-name" "development-cluster"' failed with status signal: 6 (SIGABRT) (core dumped): Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(134)), stdout: "", stderr: "thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create agent in k8s: mirrord-layer: Kube failed with error `auth error: auth exec command '\"aws\" \"--region\" \"us-east-1\" \"eks\" \"get-token\" \"--cluster-name\" \"development-cluster\"' failed with status signal: 6 (SIGABRT) (core dumped): Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(134)), stdout: \"\", stderr: \"thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create agent in k8s: mirrord-layer: Kube failed with error `auth error: auth exec command '\\\"aws\\\" \\\"--region\\\" \\\"us-east-1\\\" \\\"eks\\\" \\\"get-token\\\" \\\"--cluster-name\\\" \\\"development-cluster\\\"' failed with status signal: 11 (SIGSEGV) (core dumped): Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(139)), stdout: \\\"\\\", stderr: \\\"\\\\r\\\\nmalloc: unknown:0: assertion botched\\\\r\\\\nmalloc: block on free list clobbered\\\\nAborting...\\\" }`!', mirrord-layer/src/\\nnote: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace\\nfatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5\\n\" }`!', mirrord-layer/src/\nnote: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace\nfatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5\n" }`!', mirrord-layer/src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Your operating system and version

    Manjaro Linux

    Local process

    Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable

    Local process version

    No response

    Additional Info

    mirrord 3.0.19-alpha

    bug user 
    opened by mentos1386 15
  • `ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Unknown error: 111` when debugging a JVM-app

    `ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Unknown error: 111` when debugging a JVM-app

    Bug Description

    I get the following error when I set the MIRRORD_TCP_OUTGOING to true on macOS an and a JVM-based service:

    2022-10-26T18:13:26.498142Z  INFO ThreadId(01) mirrord_layer::go_env: replace -> hooking "runtime.goenvs_unix"
    2022-10-26T18:13:26.688625Z  INFO ThreadId(15) mirrord_layer::socket::hooks: 14
    2022-10-26T18:13:26.718586Z  INFO ThreadId(15) mirrord_layer::error: libc error (doesn't indicate a problem) >> ResponseError(
            RemoteIOError {
                raw_os_error: Some(
                kind: ConnectionRefused,
    ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Unknown error: 111
    ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
    JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [./src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/debugInit.c:735]
    Process finished with exit code 2

    Here are my env vars which I'm using:

    DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Users/jamowei/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.2/plugins/mirrord/libmirrord_layer.dylib
    LD_PRELOAD=/Users/jamowei/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.2/plugins/mirrord/

    When I set MIRRORD_TCP_OUTGOING to false mirroring works as expected.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. set MIRRORD_TCP_OUTGOINGto true
    2. start mirrord exec with the JVM-based server
    3. get the error message


    No response

    Relevant Logs

    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185829Z TRACE ThreadId(11) tungstenite::protocol: Frames still in queue: 0    
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185827Z TRACE ThreadId(02) handle_daemon_message: mirrord_layer: enter daemon_message=TcpOutgoing(Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused }))))
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185831Z TRACE ThreadId(11) tokio_tungstenite::compat: /Users/runner/.cargo/registry/src/    
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185834Z TRACE ThreadId(11) tokio_tungstenite::compat: /Users/runner/.cargo/registry/src/ AllowStd.with_context    
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185836Z TRACE ThreadId(11) tokio_tungstenite::compat: /Users/runner/.cargo/registry/src/ Read.with_context read -> poll_read    
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185839Z TRACE ThreadId(11) tokio_tungstenite::compat: WouldBlock    
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185842Z TRACE ThreadId(02) handle_daemon_message:handle_daemon_message: mirrord_layer::outgoing::tcp: enter daemon_message=TcpOutgoing(Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused })))) response=Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused })))
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185850Z TRACE ThreadId(02) handle_daemon_message:handle_daemon_message: mirrord_layer::outgoing::tcp: Connect -> connect Err(
            RemoteIOError {
                raw_os_error: Some(
                kind: ConnectionRefused,
    ) daemon_message=TcpOutgoing(Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused })))) response=Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused })))
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185866Z TRACE ThreadId(02) handle_daemon_message:handle_daemon_message: mirrord_layer::outgoing::tcp: exit daemon_message=TcpOutgoing(Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused })))) response=Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused })))
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185871Z TRACE ThreadId(02) handle_daemon_message: mirrord_layer: exit daemon_message=TcpOutgoing(Connect(Err(RemoteIO(RemoteIOError { raw_os_error: Some(111), kind: ConnectionRefused }))))
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185876Z TRACE ThreadId(02) actix_codec::framed: attempting to decode a frame    
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185906Z TRACE ThreadId(15) connect: mirrord_layer::socket::ops: exit sockfd=14 raw_address=0x70000bc22590 address_length=16
    2022-10-26T18:22:08.185912Z  INFO ThreadId(15) mirrord_layer::error: libc error (doesn't indicate a problem) >> ResponseError(
            RemoteIOError {
                raw_os_error: Some(
                kind: ConnectionRefused,
    ERROR: transport error 202: connect failed: Unknown error: 111
    ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
    JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [./src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/debugInit.c:735]
    Process finished with exit code 2

    Your operating system and version

    macOS 12.6

    Local process

    /usr/bin/java: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 - Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64e:Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e - Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e]

    Local process version

    openjdk version "11.0.15" 2022-04-19 LTS OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.56+19-CA (build 11.0.15+10-LTS) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.56+19-CA (build 11.0.15+10-LTS, mixed mode)

    Additional Info

    No response

    opened by jamowei 14
  • [Merged by Bors] - Some Improvements to intelliJ extension

    [Merged by Bors] - Some Improvements to intelliJ extension

    • same default options as CLI
    • improved UI layouts
    • fixed not reappearing window after pressing cancel-button
    • separate tcp and udp outgoing option
    • allow only single selection for namespaces and pods
    • refactor UI-creating code to a more Kotlin functional style
    opened by jamowei 12
  • [Merged by Bors] - Override environment variables from the config

    [Merged by Bors] - Override environment variables from the config

    This PR allows overriding environment variables inside config files.

    FOO = "bar"

    The above is equivalent to setting FOO manually before running mirrord and then specifying --exclude "FOO". The pain points of this approach become apparent when there are many environment variables and one has to keep something like a .env file in sync with the excludes passed to mirrord.

    opened by tamasfe 11
  • JetBrain's Plugin does not work on Pycharm

    JetBrain's Plugin does not work on Pycharm

    Bug Description

    Downloaded the plugin via the marketplace. When I try to debug a python script via the IDE's debugger (the mirrord button was already pressed), the procces starts but after couple of seconds I get an error.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Hit the mirrord plugin button
    2. Hit the debug button of Pycahrm
    3. Wait for the debug session to start


    No response

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Your operating system and version

    Darwin roberts-MacBook-Pro.local 22.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.1.0: Sun Oct 9 20:14:54 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.41.9~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

    Local process

    hitting the run / debug button in the ide

    Local process version

    No response

    Additional Info

    No response

    bug user 
    opened by ni-todo-spot 10
  • SIP binaries support on macOS

    SIP binaries support on macOS

    Currently we don't load into sip protected binaries on macOS. We have a way to fix it, need to implement. If you face a use case where mirrord failed to load on macOS, please upvote/comment on this ticket with details so we can prioritize it accordingly.

    opened by aviramha 10
  • Mounted filesystem/configmap/secret not working

    Mounted filesystem/configmap/secret not working

    Bug Description

    Hi, I have golang application running in k8s cluster and it mounted volumes from secrets and configmap, but when I run the application, it fails because it cannot find the path to the directory.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Have running application on k8s with mounted volumes from configmap and secrets.
         - name: token
           mountPath: /etc/github
           readOnly: true
         - name: config
           mountPath: /etc/config
           readOnly: true
        - name: token
            secretName: token
        - name: config
            name: config
    2. Run mirrord exec ./main --target pod/<pod-name>


    No response

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Your operating system and version

    Linux Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

    Local process

    ./main: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=94de9fb4751f32af5cc6a567323cdf5c32b32478, with debug_info, not stripped

    Local process version

    No response

    Additional Info

    No response

    opened by niconatalie 9
  • evaluate go 1.20

    evaluate go 1.20

    Go 1.20 is coming soon (February) We need to check the following (for Linux and macOS):

    1. We can still load using our current techniques in most common cases (i.e still dynamically linked)
    2. Current hooks work, or what work needs to be done.
    3. Open relevant issues with tasks need to be done to support it.
    opened by aviramha 0
  • Reading mounted directory fails

    Reading mounted directory fails

    Bug Description

    When trying to read a mounted directory it fails with fdopendir /tmp/foo: not a directory

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Create a pod with a volume mount (e.g. /tmp/foo/bar)
    2. Try to read the directory foo
    3. See the error


    No response

    Relevant Logs

    Rust Trace Logs Logs are stripped to the dir reading parts.

    Your operating system and version

    MacBook Pro M1 Max; macOS 13.1 (22C65)

    Local process

    /private/var/folders/lb/y5b0sgds5nv7z_vr4y9z68kc0000gn/T/GoLand/___go_build_playground_dir: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

    Local process version

    go version go1.19.4 darwin/arm64

    Additional Info

    I used the GoLand plugin.

    Minimal program example
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	fmt.Println("==== DIR ====")
    	stat, err := os.Stat("/tmp/foo")
    	if err != nil {
    	fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", stat.Name())
    	fmt.Printf("Mode String: %s\n", stat.Mode().String())
    	fmt.Printf("Mode IsDir: %v\n", stat.Mode().IsDir())
    	fmt.Printf("Size: %v\n", stat.Size())
    	dir, err := os.ReadDir("/tmp/foo")
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Printf("Reading dir error: %s\n", err)
    	} else {
    		fmt.Printf("DirEntries: %v\n", dir)
    	fmt.Println("==== FILE ====")
    	stat, err = os.Stat("/tmp/foo/bar")
    	if err != nil {
    	fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", stat.Name())
    	fmt.Printf("Mode String: %s\n", stat.Mode().String())
    	fmt.Printf("Mode IsDir: %v\n", stat.Mode().IsDir())
    	fmt.Printf("Size: %v\n", stat.Size())
    	file, err := os.ReadFile("/tmp/foo/bar")
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Printf("Reading file error: %s\n", err)
    	} else {
    		fmt.Printf("File Content: %s\n", file)
    Minimal program output
    ==== DIR ====
    Name: foo
    Mode String: drwxrwxrwx
    Mode IsDir: true
    Size: 4096
    Reading dir error: fdopendir /tmp/foo: not a directory
    ==== FILE ====
    Name: bar
    Mode String: -rw-r--r--
    Mode IsDir: false
    Size: 6
    File Content: foobar
    enhancement product user 
    opened by f-blass 5
  • Select kubecontext / google cloud project

    Select kubecontext / google cloud project

    I have the same namespace in multiple projects, mirrord only lets me see the namespace, so I have no idea what project I am picking from. Would be great to at least see the context, but optimally also change it directly in the UI.

    opened by Chr1stian 1
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