A pastebin that does just enough to be really useful.

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Command-line rktpb

Rocket Powered Pastebin (rktpb | paste.rs)

A pastebin that does just enough to be really useful.

  • Really fast, really lightweight.
  • Renders markdown like GitHub.
  • Highlights source code.
  • Returns plain text, too.
  • Has a simple API usable via CLI.
  • Has support for CORS.
  • Limits paste upload sizes.
  • No database: uses the file system.
  • Automatically deletes stale pastes.

This pastebin powers paste.rs, a public instance. Further usage details can be found there.


Rocket Powered Pastebin (rktpb) is written in Rust with Rocket. To start the server, use cargo:

# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/SergioBenitez/rktpb

# change into directory: the `static` folder needs to be in CWD before running
cd rktpb

# compile and start the server with the default config
cargo run


Configuration is provided via environment variables or a TOML file. A set of defaults is always provided.

The complete list of configurable parameters is below:

Name Default Value Description
id_length 3 paste ID length
upload_dir "upload" directory to save uploads in
paste_limit "384KiB" maximum paste upload file size
max_age "30 days" how long a paste is considered fresh
reap_interval "5 minutes" how often to reap stale uploads
server_url "http://{address}:{port}" URL server is reachable at
cors.{host} ["{HTTP method}"..] allow CORS {HTTP methods} for {host}
address "" address to listen on
port 8000 port to listen on
keep_alive 5 HTTP keep-alive in seconds
ident "Rocket" server Ident header
ip_header "X-Real-IP" header to inspect for client IP
log_level "normal" console log level
cli_colors true enable (detect TTY) or disable CLI colors
shutdown.ctrlc true whether <ctrl-c> initiates a shutdown
shutdown.signals ["term", "hup"] signals that initiate a shutdown
shutdown.grace 5 grace period length in seconds
shutdown.mercy 5 mercy period length in seconds

You'll definitely want to configure the values in the first two categories, from id_length to cors.

You should likely use the defaults for the rest.

Environment Variables

Use an environment variable name equivalent to the parameter name prefixed with PASTE_:

PASTE_ID_LENGTH=10 PASTE_MAX_AGE="1 year" ./rktpb

To set structured data via environment variables, such as CORS, use TOML-like syntax:

PASTE_CORS='{"http://example.com"=["get", "post"]}' ./rktpb


See Paste.toml.template for a template with all of the defaults set as well as a dummy cors configuration for http://example.com that allows the options, get, post, and delete HTTP methods.

mv Paste.toml.template Paste.toml

By default, the application searches for a file called Paste.toml in the CWD. The path to the file can be overridden by setting PASTE_CONFIG. For example, to use a file named rktpb.toml, use PASTE_CONFIG="rktpb.toml" ./rktpb.


To deploy, build in release mode and ship/run the resulting binary along with static/, templates/, and any config:

# build in release mode for `${TARGET}`
cargo build --release --target ${TARGET}

# create a tarball of everything that's needed
tar -cvzf "rktpb.tar.gz" \
    Paste.toml static templates \
    -C target/${TARGET}/release rktpb

However you choose to deploy, you'll need to ensure that the CWD at the time the server is started contains the static and templates directories as well as the config file, if one is used.

Note that when the server is compiled in release mode, the [release] section of a TOML config file can be used to override config values; the same is true when compiled in debug mode with [debug].


Rocket Powered Pastebin (rktpb | paste.rs)
Copyright © 2020 Sergio Benitez

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (GNU AGPLv3) as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU AGPLv3 LICENSE for more details.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project shall be licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 License, without any additional terms or conditions.

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