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Clipboard (copy/paste) history buffer for terminal emulators, MAC OS gui and VIM* environment usage.
- Python3
NOTE: It's possible to use bash instead of zsh, but it will require manual tweaking of .bashrc file.
Run this command from terminal: ./
Usage modes
There are 3 possible modes of usage:
- Terminal emulator:
You can use this mode when you are inside of the terminal and you want to access CB history directly inside of terminal window, without leaving terminal. - GUI:
You can use this mode from wherever you are in the macos gui currently, for example you are in Chrome, just Double press Left Alt key ... - VIM:
You can use this mode from inside of VIM, with some help of additional vim plugin mentioned in the description below
TERMINAL emulator usage
Open select menu from terminal with <CTRL> + t
Toggle preview of large CB items with key p
Navigate window with VIM like motions: j, k, gg, G, C-u, C-d
Confirm and copy selection to cliboard with Enter key
NOTE: You can customize keybinding for triggering copycat in terminal by editing ~/.zshrc file
GUI usage
Open select menu with Double press Left Alt key
it's not remapable for now
Toggle preview of large CB items with key Mouse right click
or key p
Navigate window with VIM like motions: j, k, gg, G, C-u, C-d
Confirm and copy selection to cliboard with Enter key
or Mouse double left click
*VIM usage
You can use it in VIM with the help of this plugin:
And add something like this into your vim config file:
noremap <C-t> :FloatermNew --title=copycat --width=1.0 --disposable --wintype=float --position=bottom python /usr/local/bin/<CR>