Jumpy is a tool that allows to quickly jump to one of the directory you've visited in the past

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Command-line Jumpy


Jumpy is a tool that allows to quickly jump to one of the directory you've visited in the past.

It is heavily inspired by Zoxide but is more lightweight and a lot faster.

In its current version it is mostly intended for my personal use, if I find to work well enough I'll improve the documentation and add new features.

Updates can be found in the changelog or in the releases.


For ZSH shells:

function z() {
    local result=$(jumpy query "$1" --checked --after "$PWD")

    if [[ -n $result ]]; then
        export __JUMPY_DONT_REGISTER=1
        cd "$result"
        export __JUMPY_DONT_REGISTER=0

function jumpy_handler() {
    if (( $__JUMPY_DONT_REGISTER )); then

    emulate -L zsh
    jumpy inc "$PWD"

chpwd_functions=(${chpwd_functions[@]} "jumpy_handler")

This will allow Jumpy to register each change of directory to add them to its database.

To perform a query and jump to it, just use z .


# Get the most relevant directory from a query
jumpy query <terms>

# Add a new directory to the database, or increment its score
jumpy add <terms>

# List all registered directories, sorted by score
jumpy list

# Clear the database
jumpy clear
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