Terminal UI that allows Alacritty users to quickly and easily shuffle through provided themes ๐Ÿฆ„




If you're like me in that you constantly need to change the colors of your dev environment because visual stagnation really bothers you, then get on Alacritty and download this BlAZiNgLy FAsT color-scheme shuffler. This only works for POSIX-compliant systems... sorry Windows peeps.


Unfortunately I am too lazy to do releases and compile this for various systems so you'll have to do this manually for now.

  1. Make sure you have Rust and its toolchain installed.
  2. $ cargo install --git https://github.com/solidiquis/alac-pretty
  3. Stick the resultant binary somewhere in your path.

Essential pre-requisites before using

The official Alacritty docs requires that you have your Alacritty config at one of the following locations:

  1. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml
  2. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty.yml
  3. $HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
  4. $HOME/.alacritty.yml

To use this program, you'll need to stick this additional file in one of the following locations as well:

  1. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty_color_schemes.yml
  2. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty_color_schemes.yml
  3. $HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty_color_schemes.yml
  4. $HOME/.alacritty_color_schemes.yml

Lastly, your alacritty.yml file's scheme and colors settings will need to be formatted exactly like this file.

How to use

  • Scrolling up: k or โ†‘
  • Scrolling down: j or โ†“
  • Exiting: Ctrl-c


  • Better test coverage.
  • Incorporate Github workflows + do releases
  • Handle SIGWINCH signal.


Thanks to eendroroy for putting together all the colorschemes which I used to put together this bad boy.

Author notes

I made another version of this project in Go but wasn't very happy with it. Decided to make a skinnier version in Rust for fun that only handled colorschemes and didn't leverage any Terminal UI libs.

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  • Compiling this package, produces warnings

    Compiling this package, produces warnings

    warning: unreachable expression
       --> src/ui.rs:120:9
    100 | /         loop {
    101 | |             if let Ok(_) = self.stdin.read(&mut bytes_buffer) {
    102 | |                 match bytes_buffer[0] {
    103 | |                     10 => self.act_on_selection(&mut func)?,
    ...   |
    117 | |             bytes_buffer = [0; 3]
    118 | |         }
        | |_________- any code following this expression is unreachable
    119 |
    120 |           Ok(())
        |           ^^^^^^ unreachable expression
        = note: `#[warn(unreachable_code)]` on by default
    warning: unused `Result` that must be used
      --> src/main.rs:79:5
    79 | /     list.event_loop( move |selection: &str| -> Result<(), ui::Error> {
    80 | |         if false { return Err(ui::Error::CmdError) }
    81 | |
    82 | |         let new_scheme = match color_schemes.get_scheme(&selection) {
    ...  |
    90 | |         Ok(())
    91 | |     });
       | |_______^
       = note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default
       = note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
    warning: unused `Result` that must be used
      --> src/main.rs:88:9
    88 |         alacritty_conf.apply_scheme();
       |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
    warning: unused `Result` that must be used
       --> src/main.rs:100:5
    100 |     alacritty_conf.apply_scheme();
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
    warning: `alac-pretty` (bin "alac-pretty") generated 4 warnings
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    thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Ensure your config and/or colorschemes are at one of the following: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml
    ', src/main.rs:59:19
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