A simple (but really fast!) CLI tool to convert an epub into a text file.



A simple (but really fast!) CLI tool written in Rust to convert an epub into a text file (in Markdown format).


epub_to_txt filename.epub > output.txt


To build the tool, use cargo.

cargo build --release

The resulting binary will be in ./target/release/epub_to_txt (~ 4.2M).


Time taken to convert some example epub books (on my MacBook Pro):

  • Simple 248K text only epub = 0.02s
  • 1.9M software engineering book = 0.03s
  • More complex 37.1M computer science textbook = 0.15s

Compare with ebook-convert CLI tool from Calibre:

  • Simple 248K text only epub = 1.28s
  • 1.9M software engineering book = 135.98s
  • More complex 37.1M computer science textbook = 11.32s

That second book had lots of errors in the formatting, that this tool ignores, but slows down the Calibre conversion significantly.

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