A simple CLI tool to convert the images to ASCII art with rust πŸ¦€πŸ’™


aarty: A simple CLI tool to convert images to ASCII art with Rust πŸ¦€

srceenshots/anime_2_colored_scale_4.gif money mouth face colored scale 2 money mouth face normal scale 2

More screenshots

crab colored scale 1 Original image crap colored scale Original image nerd face colored scale Original image nerd face normal scale Original image srceenshots/anime_2_colored_scale_4.gif Original image anime colored scale 3 Original image

           ~~~~~~~!!!!~!!~                ~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~           
         ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!           !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~        
       ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~      
      ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~    ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~     
     ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~    


  • from crates.io
    cargo install aarty
  • From aur:
    yay -S aarty

Options and arguments

aarty --help
A simple CLI tool to convert the images to ASCII art

Usage: aarty [OPTIONS] <IMAGE>

          The image to convert to ASCII art

  -m, --mode <MODE>
          The art mode to use
          [default: normal-ascii]

          Possible values:
          - normal-ascii: Normal ASCII art
          - colored:      Colored ASCII art, the colors are based on the terminal colors

      --output-method <OUTPUT_METHOD>
          [default: stdout]

          Possible values:
          - file:   Save the ascii art to a file
          - stdout: Print the ascii art to the terminal

  -c, --characters <CHARACTERS>
          The character to use for drawing the image (lighter to darker) You can user one character if you uses the color mode
          [default: " .,-~!;:=*&%$@#"]

  -s, --scale <SCALE>
          The output scale (1 is the original size)
          [default: 4]

  -w, --width <WIDTH>
          Enstablish how much wide is the output images, in columns. Overrides `scale`

  -b, --background <BACKGROUND>
          The background color to use

  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          The output file to write to (if output_method is file)
          [default: ascii_image.txt]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)

  -V, --version
          Print version information


aarty -m images/airplane.png
   ~~!!!~~~~~~~ ~~~   =*****=     
            ;:===::   ~!~         
          ;:;~:::     ~!!~~       
     ~~!!;~~:;         !!~        
        ~~!!~          ~!~        
          ~!~           !~        
           ~~           ~~        
aarty -m colored images/airplane.png

airplane colored scale 4

aarty -m colored images/airplane.png -s 2

airplane colored scale 2

aarty -c " ~okOK#\$%" images/ok_hand.png
              O#$$#O    KKK$$$$#        
       #$K OO     OK#$$$$$$$$$$###      
      #$$$$#         OO##$$$$$$$$$#     
      O#$$$$#          #$$$$$$$$$$KO    
       K#$$$$#       K#$$$$$$$$$$KO     
aarty -c " ~okOK#\$%" images/ok_hand.png -m colored

ok hand colored scale 4 custome chars

aarty -c " ~okOK#\$%" images/ok_hand.png -m colored --output-method file -o ok_ascii.txt

ok hand colored scale 4 custome chars in file

If you get here, don't forget the star yooo ⭐

License MIT

  • Feature: `width` argument to calculate scale from number of available columns

    Feature: `width` argument to calculate scale from number of available columns

    Hello, its me again :smiley:

    I'm using your converter and found myself in this situation: I wanted to aartyze a bunch of pics from different size, all to an ascii file the same width. This feature come out naturally and gave the occasion of testing a small part of the code.

    Do you think this could help you?

    enhancement hacktoberfest-accepted 
    opened by giulio-Joshi 3
  • Use `std::io::BufWriter` to achieve more flexibility

    Use `std::io::BufWriter` to achieve more flexibility

    Hello everyone!

    I found your awesome project in the Hacktoberfest Discord, I hope my contribution can be of help.

    I'm unsure in which direction the project can be expanded, so I attempted at making it more flexible in general: using a BufWriter to apply Inversion of Control on the generate_ascii function.

    You can check the code on my branch: https://github.com/giulio-Joshi/aarty/tree/bufferedOutput

    Before barging in with a PR directly, I opted for asking some feedback about it.

    Thanks a lot for your time πŸ‘πŸ»

    enhancement good first issue hacktoberfest-accepted 
    opened by giulio-Joshi 2
  • chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v3

    chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v3

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | actions/checkout | action | major | v2 -> v3 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Configure Renovate

    Configure Renovate

    Mend Renovate

    Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

    🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

    Detected Package Files

    • Cargo.toml (cargo)
    • .github/workflows/aur-release.yml (github-actions)

    Configuration Summary

    Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

    • Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
    • Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation.
    • If Renovate detects semantic commits, it will use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others.
    • Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories.
    • Automatically detect the best rangeStrategy to use.
    • Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour.
    • Limit to maximum 10 open PRs at any time.
    • Group known monorepo packages together.
    • Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings.
    • A collection of workarounds for known problems with packages.

    πŸ”‘ Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.

    What to Expect

    With your current configuration, Renovate will create 3 Pull Requests:

    Update Rust crate image to 0.24.5
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/image-0.x
    • Merge into: master
    • Upgrade image to 0.24.5
    Update Rust crate clap to 4.1.4
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/clap-4.x
    • Merge into: master
    • Upgrade clap to 4.1.4
    Update actions/checkout action to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/actions-checkout-3.x
    • Merge into: master
    • Upgrade actions/checkout to v3

    🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or overwhelm the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.

    ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced by 11% πŸŽ‰


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /srceenshots/heart_normal_scale_2.png | 14.98kb | 3.59kb | 76.05% | | /srceenshots/airplane_normal_scale_2.png | 32.85kb | 7.93kb | 75.86% | | /srceenshots/penguin_normal_scale_2.png | 35.39kb | 8.90kb | 74.85% | | /srceenshots/money_mouth_face_normal_scale_2.png | 42.65kb | 10.94kb | 74.34% | | /srceenshots/nerd_face_normal_scale_2.png | 34.72kb | 10.08kb | 70.97% | | /srceenshots/crap_normal_scale_2.png | 26.30kb | 7.91kb | 69.92% | | /srceenshots/penguin_colored_scale_2.png | 36.38kb | 28.46kb | 21.75% | | /srceenshots/nerd_face_colored_scale_2.png | 39.83kb | 32.47kb | 18.47% | | /srceenshots/airplane_colored_scale_2.png | 49.23kb | 40.60kb | 17.53% | | /srceenshots/crap_colored_scale_2.png | 34.35kb | 28.65kb | 16.60% | | /srceenshots/money_mouth_face_colored_scale_2.png | 56.34kb | 47.11kb | 16.39% | | /srceenshots/red_heart_colored_scale_2.png | 26.32kb | 22.17kb | 15.79% | | /srceenshots/airplane_colored_scale_4.png | 17.50kb | 14.75kb | 15.72% | | /srceenshots/crap_colored_scale_1.png | 82.96kb | 70.20kb | 15.38% | | /images/image.png | 59.54kb | 50.70kb | 14.85% | | /srceenshots/blue_heart_colored_scale_2.png | 49.70kb | 44.00kb | 11.46% | | /srceenshots/anime_colored_scale_3.gif | 3,318.20kb | 3,018.90kb | 9.02% | | /srceenshots/ok_hand_colored_scale_4_custome_chars.png | 91.92kb | 83.66kb | 8.99% | | /srceenshots/anime_2_colored_scale_4.gif | 1,646.40kb | 1,501.38kb | 8.81% | | /srceenshots/ok_hand_colored_scale_4_custome_chars_in_file.png | 104.54kb | 95.61kb | 8.54% | | /images/anime_2.jpg | 40.88kb | 39.42kb | 3.57% | | /images/anime.jpg | 28.17kb | 28.09kb | 0.27% | | | | | | | Total : | 5,869.14kb | 5,195.53kb | 11.48% |

    πŸ“ docs | :octocat: repo | πŸ™‹πŸΎ issues | πŸͺ marketplace

    ~Imgbot - Part of Optimole family

    opened by imgbot[bot] 0
  • Dependency Dashboard

    Dependency Dashboard

    This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


    These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

    Detected dependencies

    • clap 4.0.12-rc.3
    • colored 2.0.0
    • image 0.24.4
    • log 0.4.17
    • pretty_env_logger 0.4.0
    • actions/checkout v3
    • anas-elgarhy/aur-release-action v4.1

    • [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
    dependency tracking 
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • fix(deps): update rust crate clap to 4.1.4

    fix(deps): update rust crate clap to 4.1.4

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | clap | dependencies | minor | 4.0.12-rc.3 -> 4.1.4 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • (help) Respect disable_colored_help when using arg_required_else_help
    • Speed up compiling arg! macro


    Compare Source

    • (error) Improve suggested flag/value/subcommand when two share a long preifx
    • (error) When suggesting one of several subcommands, use the plural subcommands, rather than subcommand


    Compare Source

    • In documentation, refer to get_flag, rather than get_one::<bool>


    Compare Source

    • (error) Small softening attempt for "unexpected argument" error


    Compare Source


    MSRV changed to 1.64.0

    For apps with custom --help and --version flags:

    • Descriptions for --help and --version changed

    When apps have errors imitating clap's error style:

    • Error message style was changed, including
      • Moving away from "did you mean" to tips
      • Leading letter is lower case
      • "For more" added some punctuation
    • ArgMatches::get_occurrences support for argument values to be grouped by their occurrence
    • (derive) Allow upgrade_from when arguments / subcommands are explicitly marked as required
    • (help) Try be more clearer and succinct with --help and --version (also helps with overflow)
    • (error) Try to be more clearer and succinct with error messages
    • (error) Officially adopt an error style guide


    Compare Source

    • (parser) When overriding required(true), consider args that conflict with its group


    Compare Source

    • Speed up parsing when a lot of different flags are present (100 unique flags)


    Compare Source

    • (error) Improve error for args_conflicts_with_subcommand


    Compare Source


    Compare Source

    • Fix wasm support which was broken in 4.0.27


    Compare Source

    • Have Arg::value_parser accept Vec<impl Into<PossibleValue>>
    • Implement Display and FromStr for ColorChoice
    • Remove soundness issue by switching from atty to is-terminal


    Compare Source

    • (error) Fix typos in ContextKind::as_str


    Compare Source

    • (error) Report available subcommands when required subcommand is missing


    Compare Source

    • Avoid panic when printing an argument that isn't built


    Compare Source

    • Don't panic on reporting invalid-long errors when followed by invalid UTF8
    • (help) Clarified argument to help subcommand


    Compare Source

    • (help) Don't overflow into next-line-help early due to stale (pre-v4) padding calculations


    Compare Source

    • (derive) long_about and long_help attributes, without a value, force using doc comment (before it wouldn't be set if there wasn't anything different than the short help)


    Compare Source

    • (derive) Allow defaulted value parser for '()' fields


    Compare Source

    • ColorChoice now implements ValueEnum


    Compare Source

    • (derive) Allow #[command(skip)] to also work with enum variants with a value


    Compare Source

    • Allow using Arg::last(true) with Arg::value_hint(ValueHint::CommandWithArguments)


    Compare Source

    • Arg::exclusive(true) should not be exclusive with the argument's own ArgGroup


    Compare Source

    • (error) Don't suggest -- when it doesn't help
    • (error) Be more consistent in quoting, punctuation, and indentation in errors


    Compare Source

    • Only put ArgGroup in ArgMatches whenΒ explicitly specified, fixing derives handling of option-flattened fields (#​4375)


    Compare Source

    • (derive) Allow () for fields to mean "don't read" (#​4371)


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    size/XS patch version need to testing 
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • fix(deps): update rust crate image to 0.24.5

    fix(deps): update rust crate image to 0.24.5

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | image | dependencies | patch | 0.24.4 -> 0.24.5 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    Structural changes:

    • Increased the minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.61.
    • Increased the version requirement for the tiff crate to 0.8.0.
    • Increased the version requirement for the jpeg crate to 0.3.0.

    Bug fixes:

    • The as_rgb32f function of DynamicImage is now correctly documented.
    • Fixed a crash when decoding ICO images. Added a regression test.
    • Fixed a panic when transforming webp images. Added a regression test.
    • Added a check to prevent integer overflow when calculating file size for BMP images. The missing check could panic in debug mode or else set an incorrect file size in release mode.
    • Upgraded the PNG image encoder to use the newer PngEncoder::write_image instead of the deprecated PngEncoder::encode which did not account for byte order and could result in images with incorrect colors.
    • Fixed InsufficientMemory error when trying to decode a PNG image.
    • Fix warnings and CI issues.
    • Typos and links in the documentation have been corrected.


    • Added check for dynamic image dimensions before resizing. This improves performance in cases where the image does not need to be resized or has already been resized.


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    size/XS patch version need to testing 
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • 0.4.7(Nov 14, 2022)

    The Only purpose for this release is to test the AUR release action

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.4.5...0.4.7

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.5(Nov 13, 2022)

    The Ony perpus from this releses is to test the aur elease action

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.4.4...0.4.5

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.4(Nov 13, 2022)

    The Ony perpus from this releses is to test the aur elease action

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.4.3...0.4.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.3(Nov 13, 2022)

    The Ony perpus from this releses is to test the aur elease action

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.4.2...0.4.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.2(Nov 13, 2022)

    The Ony perpus from this releses is to test the aur elease action

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.4.1...0.4.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.1(Nov 13, 2022)

    The Only purpose for this release is to test the AUR release action

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.4.0...0.4.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Nov 12, 2022)

  • 0.3.9(Nov 12, 2022)

  • 0.3.8(Nov 12, 2022)

  • 0.3.7(Nov 12, 2022)

  • 0.3.6(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.3.5(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.3.4(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.3.3(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.3.2(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.3.1(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.3.0(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.2.7(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.2.6(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.2.5(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.2.4(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.2.3(Nov 9, 2022)

  • 0.2.2(Nov 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix action configration by @anas-elgarhy in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/8

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.2.1...0.2.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.1(Nov 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Feature: width argument to calculate scale from number of available columns by @giulio-Joshi in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/6
    • Create the aur-release action yoo ;D by @anas-elgarhy in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/7

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.2.0...0.2.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Oct 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/1
    • Fixed typo error in installation instruction by @Ashish-Abraham in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/3
    • Modular output methods by @giulio-Joshi in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/5

    New Contributors

    • @Ashish-Abraham made their first contribution in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/3
    • @giulio-Joshi made their first contribution in https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/pull/5

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/aarty/compare/0.1.0...0.2.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Oct 3, 2022)

Anas Elgarhy
he/him, 19, Software Engineer. PC hardware enthusiast and tinkerer. Silly boy doing silly things in a silly world.
Anas Elgarhy
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