repl / scripting language / namespaced command line aliases



Toy project with the following goals in mind:

  • Making something concrete with rust
  • Learning more about parser combinator
  • Use the minimum amount of libraries
  • Making a scripting language
  • Making a REPL
  • No tutorials, best practices, design patterns, clean architecture, fancy frameworks

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Programming language
  4. Namespaced aliases


  • alias commands in separate namespaces (dump, merge namespaces, backup, run,...)
  • calculator
  • simple scripting language


  1. if(age
    • From docker hub:
      • docker run -it nbittich/adana
    • Manually:
      • clone the repo
      • build the docker image: docker build -t adana .
      • docker run -it adana
  2. Cargo
    • From
      • cargo install adana
      • adana
    • Manually:
      • cargo build --release
      • ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/adana

Programming language


First we start with the traditional hello world:

>> println("hello world!") # prints hello world 

In the repl, you could also simply write:

>> "hello world!" # prints hello world 


Comments are defined like in python, starting with #. You can put them after the last statement or before any useful code, for example:

>> # to go to the next line in the repl, press CTRL+x

>> # this will be ignored by the repl

>> println("hello world!") # this is also ok


Semicolons are not needed, if you need multiline statements, you can use a multiline block:

fancy_string = multiline {
    "this string" +
    "is " +
    "on several " +

Operators and constants

There are 14 operators & 3 constants:

operator description
+ add
- subtract
/ divide
* multiply
% modulo
^ pow
< less than
> greater than
<= less or equal
>= greater or equal
&& and
|| or
== equal
() parenthesis
π PI number
γ EULER number
τ TAU number
>> 5 + 5 # 10
>> 5 + 5.5 # 10.5
>> 5 / 5 # 1
>> 5 / 6 # 0
>> 5 / 6. # 0.8333333333333334 -- we force it to make a float division by adding "." 
>> 5 % 6 # 5 -- modulo on int 
>> 5 % 4.1 # 0.9000000000000004 modulo on double
>> 5 ^ 5 # 3125
>> 5 * 5 # 25
>> 5 * 5.1 # 25.5
>> 5 * (5+ 1/ (3.1 ^2) * 9) ^3. # 1046.084549281999

Variable definition

To define a variable, simply type the name of the variable followed by "=". Variable must always start by a letter and can have numerics or "_" in it. Add and assign(+=), subtract and assign (-=), etc are not supported.

>> vat = 1.21 # 1.21
>> sub_total1 = 10000
>> total = vat * sub_total1 # 12100
>> sub_total2 = 500 * vat # 605
>> sub_total1 = sub_total1 + sub_total2 # 10605


There's only one loop, the while loop. Just like in plain old C:

count = 0

while(count < 10) {
    count = count + 1

You can break if you match a certain condition:

while(count < 10) {
     count = count + 1
     if(count % 3 ==0) {


Same as C:

if(age > 12) {
    println("age > 12")
} else if(age <9) {
    println("age < 9")
}else {


There are no type checking in the language. You can add a string to an array, nothing will stop you!

In some cases though, you might get an error.

Below, a list of types and how you declare them. You cannot define (yet) your own structure.

type examples
null null
bool true / false
int 5
double 12. / 12.2
string "hello"
array [1,2,"3", true]
function () => "hello"
(name) => "hello" + name
(n) => {

Manipulate arrays

Arrays are declared like in javascript but are "immutable". After declaration, you cannot (yet) push new data in them. in order to that, you have to concat them with another array using the "+" operator.

>> arr = [] # declare an empty array
>> arr[0] = "kl" # Err: index out of range
>> arr = arr + ["kl"] # arr now is ["kl"]

You can update a value in the array with the syntax above, as long as the array is greater than the index provided, e.g:

arr = ["this", "is", "ax", "array", true, 1, 2.3] 
arr[2] = "an" #fix the typo
print(arr[2]) # an

To get the length of an array, you can use the built-in function length

>> arr_len = length(arr) # 7

Characters within a string can be accessed & updated just like an array:

>> s = "this is a strink"
>> s[2] # i
>> length(s) # 16
>> s[15] = "g" # fix the typo
>> s # this is a string

Here are some other examples of what you can do with arrays:

count = 9
arr = null
# arr = [1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6, [7, [8, [9, null]]]]]]]]]
while(count > 0) {
    arr = [count, arr]
    count = count -1
# prints 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,done
while(arr != null) {
    print(arr[0] +",")


Function can be declared inline or as a block, with the exception of anonymous function parameters that cannot be inlined (yet). In case of a function parameter, you either assign the function to a variable or you use an anymous function block.

Parameters cannot be modified within a function. if you want to update something, you have to return it and reassign.

# no parameters
hello = () => println("hello, world!")

# one parameter
hello_name = (name) => println("hello "+name)

# takes an array and a function as a parameter
for_each = (arr, consumer) => {
    count = 0
    len = length(arr)
    while(count < len) {
        count = count + 1
    return ""  # do not print the count as the repl will print the latest statement

for_each(["Mohamed", "Hakim", "Sarah", "Yasmine", "Noah", "Sofia", "Sami"], hello_name)

Parameters cannot be modified within a function. if you want to update something, you have to return it and reassign. Everything that changes within the scope of a function won't have any effect on the outer scope.

Some other examples of what you can do with functions:

arr  = ["Mohamed", "Hakim", "Sarah", "Yasmine", "Noah", "Sofia", "Sami"]

acc  = (arr, v) => arr + [v] # arr is immutable, thus you have to reassign it if you call that function

arr = acc(arr, "Malika")

find_first = (arr, predicate) => {
    len = length(arr)
    count = 0
    while(count < len) {
        temp = arr[count]
        if(predicate(temp)) {
            return temp
        count = count + 1
    return null

find_first(arr, (v) => {
    v[0] == "S" || v[0] == "s"

# recursive
fact = (n) => {
   if(n>=1) {
    n * fact(n-1)
   }else {


Include a script file

You can dynamically load a script in the repl. Assuming you've cloned the repo and you use docker, here's an example of how to do it.

Note that the extension can be anything.

  • map the example directory as a docker volume:
docker run -v $PWD/file_tests:/scripts -it adana
include("scripts/test_fn.adana") # the built-in function to include
m = map()
m = push_v("nordine", 34, m)
get_v("nordine", m)

Builtin functions

There are several built-in functions available.

You already have seen length to find the length of an array or string, include to include a script inside the repl and println to print something.

Here are a list of built in functions available:

name description example
sqrt square root sqrt(2)
abs absolute value abs(-2)
log logarithm log(2)
ln natural logarithm ln(2)
length length of an array or string length("azert")
sin sine of a number sin(2)
cos cosine of a number cos(2)
tan tangent of a number tan(2.2)
print print without a newline print("hello")
println print with a newline println("hello")
include include a script include("scripts/test_fn.adana")
read_lines read a file and returns an array
of each lines
to_int cast to int to_int("2")
to_double cast to double to_double("2.2")
drop drop a variable from context drop("myvar")

Note that you can use the repl command script_ctx to see what variables are stored in the context.

Namespaced aliases

You can alias useful commands in a separate namespace (e.g: "work", "git", "docker").

You can then run that command through the repl. They will be save in disk so you can backup them, restore them etc.

You can also add any kind of values (e.g, ssh keys) to store them.

There is no possible interaction with the scripting language yet.



Try it

docker run -it -v $PWD/sample.json:/adanadb.json adana --inmemory


use misc



Available commands

name alt description
put N/A Put a new value to current namespace. can have multiple aliases with option '-a'. e.g put -a drc -a drcomp docker-compose
describe ds List values within the current namespace.
listns lsns List available namespaces.
currentns currentns Print current namespace.
backup bckp Backup the database of namespaces to the current directory
restore N/A Restore the database from current directory
deletens delns Delete namespace or clear current namespace values.
mergens merge Merge current with a given namespace
delete del Remove value from namespace. Accept either a hashkey or an alias. e.g del drc
get Get value from namespace. Accept either a hashkey or an alias. e.g get drc
exec Run a value from the namespace as an OS command. Accept either a hashkey or an alias. It is completely optional, if you just write the alias, it will also works e.g exec drc or simply drc
cd Navigate to a directory in the filesystem
use Switch to another namespace. default ns is DEFAULT. e.g use linux
dump Dump namespace(s) as json. Take an optional parameter, the namespace name. e.g dump linux
clear cls Clear the terminal.
print_script_ctx script_ctx Print script context
help Display help.


CTRL + x => new line in the repl
CTRL + d => quit
CTRL + c => undo
CTRL + l => clear screen
CTRL + r => history search

Environment variables

RUST_LOG=info adana


# open an in memory db

adana --inmemory

# override db path & history path + fallback in memory in case of an error (default to false)
# path must exist! file doesn't have to.

adana --dbpath /tmp/mydb.db --historypath /tmp/myhistory.txt --fallback

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  • 0.10.1(Sep 5, 2022)

  • 0.10.0(Jul 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • conditions, booleans by @nbittich in
    • while loop, if / else statement, comments, strings, arrays etc by @nbittich in
    • scripting phase 2 by @nbittich in
    • phase 3 by @nbittich in
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    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.0(Jul 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

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    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.6.0(Jun 19, 2022)

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    New Contributors

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