516 Repositories
Rust substrate-blockchain-framework Libraries
A fuzzer framework built in Rust
lain This crate provides functionality one may find useful while developing a fuzzer. A recent nightly Rust build is required for the specialization f
Rust implementation of The Update Framework (TUF)
rust-tuf A Rust implementation of The Update Framework (TUF). Full documentation is hosted at docs.rs. Warning: Beta Software This is under active dev
Black-box integration tests for your REST API using the Rust and its test framework
restest Black-box integration test for REST APIs in Rust. This crate provides the [assert_api] macro that allows to declaratively test, given a certai
Emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.
Emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.
Blazingly fast framework for in-process microservices on top of Tower ecosystem
norpc = not remote procedure call Motivation Developing an async application is often a very difficult task but building an async application as a set
Multy-party threshold ECDSA Substrate node
Webb DKG 🕸️ The Webb DKG 🧑✈️ ⚠️ Beta Software ⚠️ Running the DKG Currently the easiest way to run the DKG is to use a 3-node local testnet using dk
Simple example for building a blockchain in Rust
rust-blockchain-example Simple example for building a blockchain in Rust Start using RUST_LOG=info cargo run This starts the client locally. The block
interactcli-rs is a command-line program framework used to solve the problem of the integration of command-line and interactive modes, including functions such as unification of command-line interactive modes and sub-command prompts. The framework integrates clap and shellwords.
interactcli-rs 简体中文 interactcli-rs is a command-line program framework used to solve the problem of the integration of command-line and interactive mo
Rust implementation of the Edge IoT framework
A Rust-based implementation of Edge-rs for the Raspberry Pi Pico Getting started For more details see the following article on getting started for get
rkyv (archive) is a zero-copy deserialization framework for Rust
rkyv (archive) is a zero-copy deserialization framework for Rust Resources Learning Materials The rkyv book covers the motivation, architecture, and m
A type-safe, high performance ORM framework
A type-safe, high performance ORM framework
Node implementation for aleph blockchain built with Substrate framework
This repository contains the Rust implementation of Aleph Zero blockchain node based on the Substrate framework. Aleph Zero is an open-source layer 1
The Decentralized and Scaled Blockchain
Massa: The Decentralized and Scaled Blockchain Massa is a truly decentralized blockchain controlled by thousands of people. With the breakthrough mult
An Ethereum compatible Substrate blockchain for bounties and governance for the Devcash community.
Substrate Node Template A fresh FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started Follow the steps below to get started with the Node T
Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper
axum axum is a web application framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity. More information about this crate can be found in the crate docume
Rust-native building blocks for the Cardano blockchain ecosystem
Pallas Rust-native building blocks for the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. Introduction Pallas is an expanding collection of modules that re-implements
Subsocial full node with Substrate/Polkadot pallets for decentralized communities: blogs, posts, comments, likes, reputation.
Subsocial Node by DappForce Subsocial is a set of Substrate pallets with web UI that allows anyone to launch their own decentralized censorship-resist
Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
Building 1. Install rustc, cargo and rustfmt. $ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh $ source $HOME/.cargo/env $ rustup component add rustfmt When buil
End-to-end encryption and mutual authentication for distributed applications.
✨ Hands-on Introduction: Build end-to-end encrypted, mutually-authenticated, secure messaging in Rust ✨ Rust and Elixir libraries for end-to-end encry
🔥 Unit testing framework for Subgraph development on The Graph protocol. ⚙️
👋 Welcome to Matchstick - a unit testing framework for The Graph protocol. Try out your mapping logic in a sandboxed environment and ensure your hand
A lightweight framework for building WebSocket-based application backends.
Jamsocket Jamsocket is a lightweight framework for building services that are accessed through WebSocket connections. Services can either be native Ru
Simple WIP GPGPU framework for Rust built on top of wgpu
gpgpu A simple GPU compute library based on wgpu. It is meant to be used alongside wgpu if desired. To start using gpgpu, just create a Framework inst
nAssets are Nova Finance’s framework for building programmable assets.
nAssets are Nova Finance’s framework for building programmable assets. nAssets can be used to tokenize and store collective forms of value while also instructing assets to yield, exchange or rebalance.
High performance distributed framework for training deep learning recommendation models based on PyTorch.
PERSIA (Parallel rEcommendation tRaining System with hybrId Acceleration) is developed by AI platform@Kuaishou Technology, collaborating with ETH. It
Hotham is a framework for quickly and easily creating amazing standalone VR experiences.
🚧 Under construction! Please mind the mess! 🚧 Introduction G'day, and welcome to Hotham! 👋 Hotham is an attempt to create a lightweight, high perfo
A framework independent animation library for rust, works nicely with Iced and the others
anim A framework independent animation library for rust, works nicely with Iced and the others. Showcase How to install? Include anim in your Cargo.to
New generation decentralized data warehouse and streaming data pipeline
World's first decentralized real-time data warehouse, on your laptop Docs | Demo | Tutorials | Examples | FAQ | Chat Get Started Watch this introducto
zenoh-flow aims at providing a zenoh-based data-flow programming framework for computations that span from the cloud to the device.
Eclipse Zenoh-Flow Zenoh-Flow provides a zenoh-based dataflow programming framework for computations that span from the cloud to the device. ⚠️ This s
A template with cookie cutter CLI, Program and Integration tests for Solana blockchain
About solana-cli-program template is a sample app demonstrating the creation of a minimal CLI application written in Rust to interact with Solana and
Axum web framework tutorial for beginners.
Axum Tutorial For Beginners Hello web developers! This tutorial will cover how to write simple web applications in rust with axum framework. If you ar
Substrate Node Template Generator
Substrate Node Template Generator A tool to generate stand-alone node templates of a customized Substrate clients used in "Substrate Library Extension
A cli tool to automate the building and deployment of Bitcoin nodes
ℹ️ Automate Bitcoin builds, speed up deployment Shran is an open-source cli tool being developed to address the needs of DMG Blockchain Solutions. It
🤖 Autonomous Twitter bot that posts analytics of the APYs available on the Solend Protocol.
Solend APY Twitter Bot Solana Ignition Hackathon 2021 View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Motivation Challeng
Experiments with Rust CRDTs using Tokio web application framework Axum.
crdt-genome Synopsis Experiments with Rust CRDTs using Tokio web application framework Axum. Background Exploring some ideas of Martin Kleppmann, part
Heavy - an opinionated, efficient, relatively lightweight, and tightly Lua-integrated game framework for Rust
Heavy - an opinionated, efficient, relatively lightweight, and tightly Lua-integrated game framework for Rust Slow down, upon the teeth of Orange Heav
A Rust framework for building context-sensitive type conversion.
Xylem is a stateful type conversion framework for Rust.
Blockchain in indian Country
Substrate Node Template A fresh FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started Follow the steps below to get started with the Node T
Solana Escrow Program
Environment Setup Install Rust from https://rustup.rs/ Install Solana from https://docs.solana.com/cli/install-solana-cli-tools#use-solanas-install-to
Substrate blockchain generated with Substrate Startkit
Substrate Node Template A new FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started This project contains some configuration files to help
Filecoin to substrate bridge
filecoindot A Substrate pallet to bridge from Filecoin to any blockchain built using the Substrate framework, including Polkadot parachains. How to in
A generic framework for on-demand, incrementalized computation. Inspired by adapton, glimmer, and rustc's query system.
salsa A generic framework for on-demand, incrementalized computation. Obligatory warning Very much a WORK IN PROGRESS at this point. Ready for experim
Nimbus is a framework for building parachain consensus systems on cumulus-based parachains.
Cumulo -- Nimbus ⛈️ Nimbus is a framework for building parachain consensus systems on cumulus-based parachains. Given the regular six-second pulse-lik
A "Hello, world!" template of a Rust binary crate for the ESP-IDF framework.
Rust on ESP-IDF "Hello, World" template A "Hello, world!" template of a Rust binary crate for the ESP-IDF framework. This is the crate you get when ru
clockchain is a system for benchmarking smart contract execution times across blockchains.
Clockchain Clockchain is a research tool for benchmarking smart contract execution times across blockchains using Arcesco-- a block-chain agnostic ins
Rust implementation of PRECIS Framework: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings in Application Protocols
Rust PRECIS Framework libray PRECIS Framework: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings in Application Protocols as descr
This is the Repo used to learn blockchain development in conjusction with the CyberGen NFT Project.
Environment Setup Install Rust from https://rustup.rs/ Install Solana from https://docs.solana.com/cli/install-solana-cli-tools#use-solanas-install-to
Testing a smart contract on the Solana blockchain
Environment Setup Install Rust from https://rustup.rs/ Install Solana from https://docs.solana.com/cli/install-solana-cli-tools#use-solanas-install-to
An implementation of the CESS network supported by CESS LAB.
--------- 🌌 ---------An infrastructure of decentralized cloud data network built with Substrate-------- 🌌 -------- ---------------- 🌌 -------------
sandbox to play around numerous functionalities on Solana
Solana Sandbox This sandbox is for verifying smart contracts(programs) implemented on Solana for a self-study purpose. Programs Currently implemented
Substrate Pallet for chaotic experimentations
Chaos Pallet The Chaos module is used to inject chaos into a Substrate Runtime and intentionally break things. Overview The Chaos module provides func
A super-lightweight Lua microservice (toy) framework.
Hive A super-lightweight microservice (toy) framework written in Rust. It uses Lua as interface to provide simple, fun developing experience and fast
This is a port in the arkwork framework of the original implementation in bellperson of Snarkpack.
Snarpack on arkwork This is a port in the arkwork framework of the original implementation in bellperson of Snarkpack. Note both works are derived fro
flow-rust-sdk utilizes the Flow gRPC AccessAPI to make requests on the flow blockchain.
Welcome to the Flow-Rust-SDK! We're glad to have you here. There are a few important items that we should cover real quick before you dive in. Version
A lightweight and flexible framework to build your tailored blockchain applications.
TRINCI Blockchain Core A lightweight and flexible framework to build your tailored blockchain applications. Requirements The required dependencies to
Trinci blockchain node
TRINCI TRINCI Blockchain Node. Requirements The required dependencies to build correctly the project are the following: clang libclang-dev (ver. 11 su
The Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana + Anchor framework.
The Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana + Anchor framework.
A (flash) message framework for actix-web. A port to Rust of Django's message framework.
actix-web-flash-messages Flash messages for actix-web Web applications sometimes need to show a one-time notification to the user - e.g. an error mess
Creative Coding Framework based on Entity Component System (ECS) written in Rust
creativity creativity is Creative Coding Framework based on Entity Component System (ECS) written in Rust. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Con
Better error messages for axum framework.
axum-debug This is a debugging crate that provides better error messages for axum framework. axum is a great framework for developing web applications
The 峨眉 (EMei) JIT/AOT backend framework.
emei The 峨眉 (EMei) JIT/AOT backend framework. Support Instructions x86_64 mov mov mov_zero_extend_bit8/16 mov_sign_extend_bit8/16/32 mov_rev movs(is m
Substrate blockchain generated with Substrate Startkit
Substrate Node Template A new FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started This project contains some configuration files to help
Substrate blockchain generated with Substrate Startkit
Substrate Node Template A new FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started This project contains some configuration files to help
Blockchain written with educational purpose
Blockchain written with educational purpose
Subspace Monorepo
Subspace Network Monorepo This is a mono repository for Subspace Network implementation, primarily containing Subspace node/client using Substrate fra
A native stateless cache implementation.
fBNC fBNC, Blockchain Native Cache. A native stateless storage library for block chain. Its value is to improve the stability and security of online s
Microunit is a decentralized unit orchestration framework.
Microunit is a decentralized unit orchestration framework.
A framework for creating PoC's for Solana Smart Contracts in a painless and intuitive way
Solana PoC Framework DISCLAIMER: any illegal usage of this framework is heavily discouraged. Most projects on Solana offer a more than generous bug bo
High Performance Blockchain Deserializer
bitcoin-explorer bitcoin_explorer is an efficient library for reading bitcoin-core binary blockchain file as a database (utilising multi-threading). D
A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features suitable for various use cases.
A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features suitable for various use cases.
Bespoke toolkit for Non-fungible token (NFT) technology 🚀
Bespoke toolkit for Non-fungible token (NFT) technology 🚀 What is Onft? Instead of forcing a consensus algorithm or peer networking on you, Onft prov
The Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana.
Voting example The Rust-only Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana. MoonZoon is a Rust Fullstack Framework. Solana is a decentralized blockchain
Fullstack development framework for UTXO-based dapps on Nervos Network
Trampoline-rs The framework for building powerful dApps on the number one UTXO chain, Nervos Network CKB. This is an early-stage, currently very incom
CLI toolkit for GTD framework.
GTDF_Crabby CLI toolkit for GTD framework. How to use crabby 0. Parameters Crabby is a CLI toolkit and gets parameters as input. All the main options
Another Async IO Framework based on io_uring
kbio, the Async IO Framework based on io_uring, is used in KuiBaDB to implement async io. Features Support multi-threading concurrent task submission.
InvArch Pallet Library - IP Infrastructure for Substrate
InvArch-Pallet-Library Intro This repository should contains the Pallets used in the InvArch blockchain, and reviews their relationships and functions
Minimal Substrate node configured for smart contracts via pallet-contracts.
substrate-contracts-node This repository contains Substrate's node-template configured to include Substrate's pallet-contracts ‒ a smart contract modu
Seed is a Rust front-end framework for creating fast and reliable web apps with an Elm-like architecture.
Seed is a Rust front-end framework for creating fast and reliable web apps with an Elm-like architecture.
🌍 The Earth Blockchain on Polkadot (archived)
Social Network Blockchain · The Social Network blockchain is a next-generation governance, economic, and social system for humanity built on Polkadot
Perseus is a blazingly fast frontend web development framework built in Rust with support for major rendering strategies
Perseus is a blazingly fast frontend web development framework built in Rust with support for major rendering strategies, reactivity without a virtual DOM, and extreme customizability
simple static file server written in Rust based on axum framework
static-server simple static file server written in Rust based on axum framework I'm learning Rust and axum. My thought is simple. axum has a static-fi
A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
Poem Framework A program is like a poem, you cannot write a poem without writing it. --- Dijkstra A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with t
An RPC framework developing tutorial
Mini Lust 系列教程 好奇如何从零造出来一个 RPC 框架?本教程将带你一步一步写出来一个 Rust 版 Thrift RPC 框架。 教程说明 从第二章开始每章节都会附带代码。 这个代码是在上一章节的基础上写的,文档里一般会告诉你增加了哪些东西,但是如果你想详细地对比到底哪里变动了,可以自
HyperCube is a free and open source blockchain project for everyone to use.
XPZ Public Chain HyperCube is a free and open source blockchain project for everyone to use. 日本語 简体中文 正體中文 HyperCube Wiki Wha is HyperCube HyperCube i
Engine / framework for creating highly customizable and user modable action RPG's
Rust RPG Toolkit PLEASE NOTE: this in early and very heavy development. API is subject to constant change, as it has newly transitioned from being a g
axum-server is a hyper server implementation designed to be used with axum framework.
axum-server axum-server is a hyper server implementation designed to be used with axum framework. Features Conveniently bind to any number of addresse
Bashly - Bash CLI Framework and Generator
Bashly - Bash CLI Framework and Generator Create feature-rich bash scripts using simple YAML configuration
Jamsocket is a lightweight framework for building WebSocket-based application backends.
Jamsocket is a lightweight framework for building services that are accessed through WebSocket connections.
Computational Component of Polkadot Network
Gear is a new Polkadot/Kusama parachain and most advanced L2 smart-contract engine allowing anyone to launch any dApp for networks with untrusted code.
Crunch is a command-line interface (CLI) to claim staking rewards every X hours for Substrate-based chains
crunch · crunch is a command-line interface (CLI) to claim staking rewards every X hours for Substrate-based chains. Why use crunch To automate payout
A Machine Learning Framework for High Performance written in Rust
polarlight polarlight is a machine learning framework for high performance written in Rust. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Contribute Contrib
Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
Declarative Testing Framework
Demonstrate allows tests to be written without as a much repetitive code within the demonstrate! macro, which will generate the corresponding full tests.
Thruster - An fast and intuitive rust web framework
A fast, middleware based, web framework written in Rust
Doku is a framework for building documentation with code-as-data methodology in mind.
Doku is a framework for building documentation with code-as-data methodology in mind. Say goodbye to stale, hand-written documentation - with D
Uclicious is a flexible reduced boilerplate configuration framework.
Uclicious What is Uclicious Usage Raw API Derive-driven Validators Type Mapping Supported attributes (#[ucl(..)]) Structure level Field level Addition
Serde is a framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures efficiently and generically.
Serde is a framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures efficiently and generically.
Binary Analysis Framework in Rust
Welcome to Falcon Falcon is a formal binary analysis framework in Rust. Expression-based IL with strong influences from RREIL and Binary Ninja's LLIL.
A fuzzer framework built in Rust
lain This crate provides functionality one may find useful while developing a fuzzer. A recent nightly Rust build is required for the specialization f
Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way.
genevo genevo provides building blocks to run simulations of optimization and search problems using genetic algorithms (GA). The vision for genevo is
Xaynet represents an agnostic Federated Machine Learning framework to build privacy-preserving AI applications.
xaynet Xaynet: Train on the Edge with Federated Learning Want a framework that supports federated learning on the edge, in desktop browsers, integrate