Uclicious is a flexible reduced boilerplate configuration framework.


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What is Uclicious

Uclicious is a flexible reduced boilerplate configuration framework.

Uclicious is built on top of libucl. If you ever wrote an nginx configurtion and though "Damn, I wish all configuration files were like this" this is the library for you. Internal parser supports both: nginx-like and json-like formats. JSON parser is a little bit more permissive than - every json file is a valid UCL file, but not other way around. It is much more complex than json or TOML, so I recommend reading documentaiton about it. Author of UCL did a great job documenting it. This library provides both: derive-driven and raw-api driven usage patterns.



Raw API involves interacting with libucl parser via safe api:

use uclicious::*;
let mut parser = Parser::default();
let input = r#"
test_string = "no scope"
a_float = 3.14
an_integer = 69420
is_it_good = yes
buffer_size = 1KB
interval = 1s
parser.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let result = parser.get_object().unwrap();

let lookup_result = result.lookup("test_string").unwrap().as_string().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result.as_str(), "no scope");

let lookup_result = result.lookup("a_float").unwrap().as_f64().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 3.14f64);

let lookup_result = result.lookup("an_integer").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 69420i64);

let lookup_result = result.lookup("is_it_good").unwrap().as_bool().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, true);

let lookup_result = result.lookup("buffer_size").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 1024);
let lookup_result = result.lookup("interval").unwrap().as_time().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 1.0f64);

In order to get around rust rules library implemets its own trait FromObject for some basic types:

= FromObject::try_from(lookup_result).unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some(true), maybe); ">
use uclicious::*;
let mut parser = Parser::default();
let input = r#"
test_string = "no scope"
a_float = 3.14
an_integer = 69420
is_it_good = yes
buffer_size = 1KB
parser.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let result = parser.get_object().unwrap();

let lookup_result = result.lookup("is_it_good").unwrap();
let maybe: Option<bool> = FromObject::try_from(lookup_result).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(true), maybe);


On top of "raw" interface to libUCL, Uclicious provides an easy way to derive constructor for strucs:

, addr: SocketAddr, extra: Extra, #[ucl(path = "subsection.host")] hosts: Vec, #[ucl(default)] option: Option, gates: HashMap, interval: Duration, } #[derive(Debug,Uclicious)] #[ucl(skip_builder)] struct Extra { enabled: bool } let mut builder = Connection::builder().unwrap(); let input = r#" enabled = yes host = "some.fake.url" buffer = 1mb type = $test locations = "/etc/" addr = "" extra = { enabled = on } subsection { host = [host1, host2] } interval = 10ms gates { feature_1 = on feature_2 = off feature_3 = on }"#; builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap(); let connection: Connection = builder.build().unwrap(); ">
use uclicious::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;

#[ucl(var(name = "test", value = "works"))]
struct Connection {
   enabled: bool,
   host: String,
   #[ucl(default = "420")]
   port: i64,
   buffer: u64,
   #[ucl(path = "type")]
   kind: String,
   locations: Vec<PathBuf>,
   addr: SocketAddr,
   extra: Extra,
   #[ucl(path = "subsection.host")]
   hosts: Vec<String>,
   option: Option<String>,
   gates: HashMap<String, bool>,
   interval: Duration,

struct Extra {
   enabled: bool
let mut builder = Connection::builder().unwrap();

let input = r#"
    enabled = yes
    host = "some.fake.url"
    buffer = 1mb
    type = $test
    locations = "/etc/"
    addr = ""
    extra = {
       enabled = on
    subsection {
       host = [host1, host2]
   interval = 10ms
   gates {
        feature_1 = on
        feature_2 = off
        feature_3 = on

builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let connection: Connection = builder.build().unwrap();

If you choose to derive builder then ::builder() method will be added to target struct.


Library supports running optional validators on values before building the resulting struct:

use uclicious::*;
mod validators {
   use uclicious::ObjectError;
    pub fn is_positive(lookup_path: &str, value: &i64) -> Result<(), ObjectError> {
        if *value > 0 {
        } else {
            Err(ObjectError::other(format!("{} is not a positive number", lookup_path)))
struct Validated {
   #[ucl(default, validate="validators::is_positive")]
    number: i64
let mut builder = Validated::builder().unwrap();

let input = "number = -1";
builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();

Type Mapping

If your target structure has types that don't implement FromObject you can use From or TryFrom via intermediate that does:

Ok(Mode::On), "off" => Ok(Mode::Off), _ => Err(ObjectError::other(format!("{} is not supported value", src))) } } } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] struct WrappedInt(i64); impl From for WrappedInt { fn from(src: i64) -> WrappedInt { WrappedInt(src) } } #[derive(Debug,Uclicious, Eq, PartialEq)] struct Mapped { #[ucl(from="i64")] number: WrappedInt, #[ucl(try_from="String")] mode: Mode } let mut builder = Mapped::builder().unwrap(); let input = r#" number = -1, mode = "on" "#; builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap(); let actual = builder.build().unwrap(); let expected = Mapped { number: WrappedInt(-1), mode: Mode::On }; assert_eq!(expected, actual); ">
use uclicious::*;
use std::convert::{From,TryFrom};

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Mode {

impl TryFrom<String> for Mode {
    type Error = ObjectError;
    fn try_from(src: String) -> Result {
        match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
            "on" => Ok(Mode::On),
            "off" => Ok(Mode::Off),
            _   => Err(ObjectError::other(format!("{} is not supported value", src)))

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct WrappedInt(i64);

impl From<i64> for WrappedInt {
    fn from(src: i64) -> WrappedInt {

#[derive(Debug,Uclicious, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Mapped {
    number: WrappedInt,
    mode: Mode
let mut builder = Mapped::builder().unwrap();

let input = r#"
    number = -1,
    mode = "on"
builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let actual = builder.build().unwrap();
let expected = Mapped {
number: WrappedInt(-1),
mode: Mode::On
assert_eq!(expected, actual);

Additionally you can provide mapping to your type from ObjectRef:

use uclicious::*;

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Mode {

pub fn map_bool(src: ObjectRef) -> Result {
    let bool: bool = src.try_into()?;
    if bool {
    } else {
#[derive(Debug,Uclicious, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Mapped {
    mode: Mode
let mut builder = Mapped::builder().unwrap();

let input = r#"
    mode = on
builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let actual = builder.build().unwrap();
let expected = Mapped {
    mode: Mode::On

Supported attributes (#[ucl(..)])

Structure level

  • skip_builder
    • if set, then builder and builder methods won't be generated.
  • parser(..)
    • Optional attribute to configure inner parser.
    • Has following nested attributes:
      • flags
        • a path to function that returns flags.
      • filevars(..)
        • call set_filevars on a parser.
        • Has following nested attributes:
          • path
            • a string representation of filepath.
          • expand
            • (optional) if set, then variables would be expanded to absolute.
  • pre_source_hook(...)
    • Optional attribute to run a function before sources are added
    • Can be used to register vars handler
    • Must take &mut Parser as argument and return Result<(), Into>
  • var(..)
    • Optional attribute to register string variables with the parser.
    • Has following nested attributes:
      • name
        • A name of the variable without $ part.
      • value
        • A string values for the variable.
        • Onlt string variables are supported by libUCL.
  • include(..)
    • Used to add files into the parser.
    • If file doesn't exist or failed to parse, then error will be returned in a constructor.
    • Must specify exactly one of following sources: path, chunk or chunk_static
    • Has following nested attirbutes:
      • (semi-optional) path = string
        • File path. Can be absolute or relative to CWD.
      • (semi-optional) chunk = string
        • A string that will be added to parser as a chunk.
      • (semi-optional) chunk_static = string
        • A path to a file that will be included into binary with include_str!()
      • (optional) priority = u32
        • 0-15 priority for the source. Consult the libUCL documentation for more information.
      • (optional) strategy = uclicious::DuplicateStrategy
        • Strategy to use for duplicate keys. Consult the libUCL documentation for more information.

Field level

All field level options are optional.

  • default
    • Use Default::default if key not found in object.
  • default = expression
    • Use this expression as value if key not found.
    • Could be a value or a function call.
  • path = string
    • By default field name is used as path.
    • If set that would be used as a key.
    • dot notation for key is supported.
  • validate = path::to_method
    • Fn(key: &str, value: &T) -> Result<(), E>
    • Error needs to be convertable into ObjectError
  • from = Type
    • Try to convert ObjectRef to Type and then use std::convert::From to convert into target type
  • try_from = Type
    • Try to convert ObjectRef to Type and then use std::convert::TryFrom to convert into target type
    • Error will be converted into ObjectError::Other
  • map = path::to_method
    • Fn(src: ObjectRef) -> Result
    • A way to map foreign objects that can't implement From or TryFrom or when error is not convertable into ObjectError

Additional notes

  • If target type is an array, but key is a single value — an implicit list is created.
  • Automatic derive on enums is not supported, but you can implement it yourself.
  • I have a few more features I want to implement before publishing this crate:
    • Ability to add variables.
    • Ability to add macross handlers.
    • (maybe) configure parser that us used for derived builder with atrributes.
    • (done) add sources to parser with attributes.


PRs, feature requests, bug reports are welcome. I won't be adding CoC — be civilized.

Particular Contributions of Interest

  • Optimize derive code.
  • Improve documentation — I often write late and night and some it might look like a word soup.
  • Better tests
  • Glob support in derive parser section
  • Variable handler


  • Provider safe and convient configuration library
  • Automatic derive, so you don't have to think about parser object

Not Goals

  • Providing UCL Object generation tools is not a goal for this project
  • 1:1 interface to libUCL
  • sugar inside raw module

Special thanks

  • draft6 and hauleth
    • libucl-rs was a good starting point
    • Type wrappers pretty much copied from there
  • colin-kiegel
    • Rust-derive-builder was used as a starting point for uclicious-derive
    • Very well documented proc_macro crate, do recommend



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