A template with cookie cutter CLI, Program and Integration tests for Solana blockchain



solana-cli-program template is a sample app demonstrating the creation of a minimal CLI application written in Rust to interact with Solana and programs. It provides multiple pieces of functionality:

  • ping: Creates a transaction sending 0 SOL from the signer's account to the signer's account. Returns the signature of the transaction.
  • mint: Mint a key/value pair to an owning account.
  • transfer: Transfer a key, and it's value, from one owning account to another.
  • burn: Burn (delete) a key, and it's value, from an owning account.
  • balance: Returns an account's balance.
  • help: Tips for using the app. This is an off-chain operation.

solana-cli-program template is a derived work inspired by @mvines solana-cli-template


A functional macro level view


Quick start

  1. Install Rust from https://rustup.rs/
  2. Clone this repo
  3. If running the integration tests or Mint, Transfer, Burn instructions:
cd program
cargo build-bpf
cd ..
  1. cargo run help

Sample keys

The repo includes sample keys for 'owners'. There are two owner accounts predefined User1 and User2, each with two keypairs defined:

  1. An owners 'wallet' account. This is funded by the Solana configurations default account and is used to fund program accounts.
  2. An owners program 'account' which is used by the sample program for mint, transfer and burn operations
  • There is a third account called Service which is used for program instructions that exact a fee for the instruction execution. These are executed as part of the integration tests only

Running locally step-by-step

  1. If not running Mint, Transfer and/or Burn:
  • Start a local node: run solana-test-validator.
  • Optionally generate a keypair: solana-keygen new -o test.json.
  • Optionally add 100 SOL to the corresponding account solana airdrop --url --keypair test.json 100.
  1. For running Mint, Transfer and/or Burn:
  • Start a local node and load the sample program solana-test-validator --bpf-program SampGgdt3wioaoMZhC6LTSbg4pnuvQnSfJpDYeuXQBv ~/solana-cli-program-template/program/target/bpfel-unknown-unknown/release/solana_cli_template_program_bpf.so --ledger ~/solana-cli-program-template/.ledger --reset
  1. Build app: cargo run.

  2. Ping:

$ cargo run -- ping --url --keypair test.json
Signature: 2Y863JX96RTqbeGfcvQowVt1V91Dgs2LZfVgQ3mGJPmYu24sUTYmfkArHAAgj4uFqP75bm9GXU9DYjiMFxahQJUC
  1. Mint (no fee):
cargo run -- mint --url -t User1 -k AKey --value Minted key value pair
User1 to account key/value store {"AKey": "Minted key value pair"}
  1. Transfer (no fee):
cargo run -- transfer --url -f User1 -t User2 -k AKey
User1 from account key/value store {}
User2 to account key/value store {"AKey": "Minted key value pair"}
  1. Burn (no fee):
cargo run -- burn --url -f User2 -k AKey
User2 from account key/value store {}
  1. Balance:
$ cargo run -- balance --url --keypair test.json
3dSRGE3wYCcGWFrxAsQs5PaBqtJzzxdTzY2ypXNFUji9 has a balance of ◎99.999995000 // balance less than 100 because of ping operation above
$ cargo run -- balance --url --keypair keys/accounts/user1_account.json
A94wMjV54C8f8wn7zL8TxNCdNiGoq7XSN7vWGrtd4vwU has a balance of ◎0.008017920 // after first running 'mint'
  1. Run help for the complete list of options:
$ cargo run -- --help
cli-program-template 0.1.0

    cli-program-template [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] 

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Show additional information

    -C, --config 
             Configuration file to use [default: /Users/user/.config/solana/cli/config.yml]
                  JSON RPC URL for the cluster [default: value from configuration file]
           Filepath or URL to a keypair [default: client keypair]

  balance     Get balance
  burn        Burn (delete) a key/value pair from an account
  help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
  mint        Mint a new key/value pair to an account
  ping        Send a ping transaction
  transfer    Transfer a key/value pair from one account to another

  • Initial review

    Initial review

    @mvines From a testing perspective, I have completed implementation of a sunny day integration test through the program instructions. These are not options in the CLI, yet....

    If you want to take a look and provide any feedback before I continue at this point please feel free. Do not spare the lash :)... still in learning curve and it will help.

    opened by FrankC01 2
  • zeroize issue in Cargo.lock

    zeroize issue in Cargo.lock


    bottlecap97 — Today at 7:03 PM update, broken builds. it appears zerorize latest update, has broken the builds of many solana-labs apps and examples, including solana-cli-program-template, because this zeroize library is referenced often by dependencies in the chain. it was recently upgrade to 1.4.0 a day ago, and linked dependencies will not build & compile as is now. im not sure what a fix would be at this time. simply doing the recommendations inside the cargo.toml solana apps portion does not appear to work - and im not sure how it affects linked dependency chains. should this be officially logged somewhere?

    the only workaround I know of is to use a hard coded referenced version and checksum in the cargo lock of the builds in question. im sure there is a better temp work around or answer to just build.

    [[package]] name = "zeroize" version = "1.3.0" source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" checksum = "4756f7db3f7b5574938c3eb1c117038b8e07f95ee6718c0efad4ac21508f1efd" Tyera — Today at 7:12 PM Yeah, that's correct. I think locking zeroize to the earlier version is the quickest fix atm. We do have a fix for this issue coming in v1.7.7: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/pull/18766

    opened by FrankC01 0
  • Add `ProgramTest` utility for program transaction testing

    Add `ProgramTest` utility for program transaction testing

    The template has integration testing that uses solana-test-validator and exercises RPC to drive the transactions to the program.

    The solana toolbox has a ProgramTest lightweight runtime engine (no ledger, RPC, etc.) that supports driving transactions directly to the program. This change is to add program/test to do rapid program edit/test before advancing to the full blown validator testing.

    opened by FrankC01 0
  • Restructure source so the program memory layout is known between CLI and Program

    Restructure source so the program memory layout is known between CLI and Program

    Currently that knowledge is replicated in both src/util/account_state.rs and program/src/account_state.rs

    This change will require moving just the constants that define the memory mapping to a common file accessible to builds for CLI and Program.

    opened by FrankC01 0
  • Document the touch-points to adopt template into consumers context

    Document the touch-points to adopt template into consumers context

    While the template as is serves the purpose of reducing the time to a reasonably comprehensive framework, it may be confusing and time consuming to identify all the change 'cause and effect' when fitting to needs of the consumer.

    opened by FrankC01 0
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