A high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data. Used as a key dependency of the `barter-rs` project.

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Command-line barter


A high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges - batteries included. It is:

  • Easy: Barter-Data's simple StreamBuilder interface allows for easy & quick setup (see example below!).
  • Normalised: Barter-Data's unified interface for consuming public WebSocket data means every Exchange returns a normalised data model.
  • Real-Time: Barter-Data utilises real-time WebSocket integrations enabling the consumption of normalised tick-by-tick data.
  • Extensible: Barter-Data is highly extensible, and therefore easy to contribute to with coding new integrations!

See: Barter, Barter-Integration, Barter-Execution & Barter-Macro

Crates.io MIT licensed Build Status Discord chat

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Barter-Data is a high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges. It presents an easy-to-use and extensible set of interfaces that can deliver normalised exchange data in real-time.

From a user perspective, the major component is the StreamBuilder structures that assists in initialising an arbitrary number of exchange MarketStreams using input Subscriptions. Simply build your dream set of MarketStreams and Barter-Data will do the rest!

Supported Exchange Subscriptions

Exchange Constructor Code InstrumentKinds SubKinds
BinanceSpot BinanceSpot::default() Spot PublicTrades
BinanceFuturesUsd BinanceFuturesUsd::default() FuturePerpetual PublicTrades
Bitfinex Bitfinex Spot PublicTrades
Coinbase Coinbase Spot PublicTrades
GateioSpot GateioSpot::default() Spot PublicTrades
GateioFuturesUsd GateioFuturesUsd::default() FuturePerpetual PublicTrades
GateioFuturesBtc GateioFuturesBtc::default() FuturePerpetual PublicTrades
Kraken Kraken Spot PublicTrades
Okx Okx Spot


See barter-data-rs/examples for a more comprehensive selection of examples!

Multi Exchange Public Trades

use barter_data::{
        binance::{futures::BinanceFuturesUsd, spot::BinanceSpot},
use barter_integration::model::InstrumentKind;
use futures::StreamExt;

async fn main() {
    // Initialise PublicTrades Streams for various exchanges
    // '--> each call to StreamBuilder::subscribe() initialises a separate WebSocket connection
    let streams = Streams::builder()
            (BinanceSpot::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (BinanceSpot::default(), "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (BinanceFuturesUsd::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::FuturePerpetual, PublicTrades),
            (BinanceFuturesUsd::default(), "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::FuturePerpetual, PublicTrades),
            (Coinbase, "btc", "usd", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (Coinbase, "eth", "usd", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (GateioSpot::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (GateioSpot::default(), "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (Okx, "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (Okx, "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades),
            (Okx, "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::FuturePerpetual, PublicTrades),
            (Okx, "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::FuturePerpetual, PublicTrades),

    // Join all exchange PublicTrades streams into a single tokio_stream::StreamMap
    // Notes:
    //  - Use `streams.select(ExchangeId)` to interact with the individual exchange streams!
    //  - Use `streams.join()` to join all exchange streams into a single mpsc::UnboundedReceiver!
    let mut joined_stream = streams.join_map().await;

    while let Some((exchange, trade)) = joined_stream.next().await {
        println!("Exchange: {exchange}, Market<PublicTrade>: {trade:?}");

Getting Help

Firstly, see if the answer to your question can be found in the API Documentation. If the answer is not there, I'd be happy to help via Chat and try answer your question via Discord.


Thanks in advance for helping to develop the Barter ecosystem! Please do get hesitate to get touch via the Discord Chat to discuss development, new features, and the future roadmap.

Adding A New Exchange Connector

  1. Add a new Connector trait implementation in src/exchange/<exchange_name>.mod.rs (eg/ see exchange::okx::Okx).
  2. Follow on from "Adding A New Subscription Kind For An Existing Exchange Connector" below!

Adding A New Subscription Kind For An Existing Exchange Connector

  1. Add a new SubKind trait implementation in src/subscription/<sub_kind_name>.rs (eg/ see subscription::trade::PublicTrades).
  2. Define the SubKind::Event data model (eg/ see subscription::trade::PublicTrade).
  3. Define the MarketStream type the exchange Connector will initialise for the new SubKind:
    ie/ impl StreamSelector<SubKind> for <ExistingExchangeConnector> { ... }
  4. Try to compile and follow the remaining steps!
  5. Add a barter-data-rs/examples/<sub_kind_name>_streams.rs example in the standard format :)

Related Projects

In addition to the Barter-Execution crate, the Barter project also maintains:

  • Barter: High-performance, extensible & modular trading components with batteries-included. Contains a pre-built trading Engine that can serve as a live-trading or backtesting system.
  • Barter-Integration: High-performance, low-level framework for composing flexible web integrations.
  • Barter-Execution: High-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Barter-Macro: Barter ecosystem macros.


  • Add support for more exchanges (easy to help with!)
  • Add support for more subscription kinds (easy to help with!)


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Barter-Data by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.

  • Confusing variable name and inappropriate value in subscription::OrderBook::mid_price

    Confusing variable name and inappropriate value in subscription::OrderBook::mid_price

    Hi, dear maintainers. Thanks for the great project! I think I have found some problem in the implementation of mid_price and volume_weighed_mid_price, but I am new to rust, please correct me if I am wrong.

      pub fn mid_price(&self) -> f64 {
            match (self.bids.levels.first(), self.asks.levels.first()) {
                (Some(best_bid), Some(best_ask)) => mid_price(best_bid.price, best_ask.price),
                (Some(best_bid), None) => best_bid.price,
                (None, Some(best_bid)) => best_bid.price,
                (None, None) => 0.0,

    Firstly, IIUC, the third arm in the match block, (None, Some(best_bid)), is intended to match the case where only best ask is available and no bids. The matched value should be named best_ask instead of best_bid. The whole arm should be (None, Some(best_ask)) => best_ask.price,

    Secondly, for the (None, None) case. It may not be a good idea to use 0.0 as a default value. price = 0.0 has its meaning in trading: the instrument is for free. In practical use cases, the mid price of order book is typically used to indicate the "fair price" for the associated instrument. There are no quoting does not necessarily mean the instrument has zero price. Moreover, it is dangerous to set an instrument's price as 0.0, especially when some selling signal is generated based on this price, which results in extremely low price as the order price, and may lead to trading loss.

    From my experience, I would rather use nan as mid price in the empty order book case. But I don't know whether rust supports nan. Another option is to use None, but that requires changing the return type to Option<f64>

    opened by HereticSK 4
  • Build error

    Build error

    I'm trying to build the example https://github.com/barter-rs/barter-rs#example and I'm getting a build error:

       Compiling barter-data v0.5.7
    error[E0599]: no variant named `Serde` found for enum `SocketError`
      --> /Users/dave/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/barter-data-0.5.7/src/exchange/kraken/model.rs:65:43
    65 |             .map_err(|error| SocketError::Serde {
       |                                           ^^^^^ variant not found in `SocketError`
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
    error: could not compile `barter-data` due to previous error
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...```
    opened by dclausen 1
  • Add Kraken L1 support

    Add Kraken L1 support

    • Includes new example at examples/order_books_l1_streams_multi_exchange.rs (also added to main lib docs)
    • Refactored Kraken messages to use generic enum
    • Update README
    opened by rdong8 0
  • Feature/kucoin ob

    Feature/kucoin ob

    This depends on feature/kucoin_spot


    • Change SubKind::Orderbook to SubKind::L2OrderBookSnapshot(SnapshotDepth)
    • Implement the orderbook snapshots for kucoin (https://docs.kucoin.com/#level2-5-best-ask-bid-orders)
    opened by Shayansalesi 0
  • Add Liquidation subscription support for Binance

    Add Liquidation subscription support for Binance

    This PR adds support for the user to subscribe to the liquidation websocket stream on Binance and also add a base for adding liquidation support to other exchanges

    opened by Crauzer 0
  • Exchange_time and received_time are the same

    Exchange_time and received_time are the same

    Hi! I am running this example: https://github.com/barter-rs/barter-data-rs/blob/develop/examples/public_trades_streams.rs

    Unfortunately I have rather doubtful results

    MarketEvent<OrderBookL1>: MarketEvent { exchange_time: 2023-02-06T17:52:17.056798Z, received_time: 2023-02-06T17:52:17.056798Z, exchange: binance_futures_usd, instrument: Instrument { base: btc, quote: usdt, kind: FuturePerpetual }, kind: OrderBookL1 { last_update_time: 2023-02-06T17:52:17.056798Z, best_bid: Level { price: 23041.9, amount: 0.205 }, best_ask: Level { price: 23042.0, amount: 17.663 } } }

    Exchange and receive time are the same, I doubt that it is due to hyper fast benefits of this lib, any suggestions? Is this a bug?

    opened by yolonir 0
  • Metatrader Exchange API

    Metatrader Exchange API

    It'd be neat to be able to use Metatrader, because they are broker independant. They already have a ton of implementations for other exchanges, which would make this very useful.

    Backtrader already implemented this here by using the MQL5-JSON-API.

    opened by not-matthias 3
  • `u64` or `DateTime<Utc>` for the data type of timestamps

    `u64` or `DateTime` for the data type of timestamps

    Would it be better to use u64 datatype for timestamps because of better performance when serde deserializes it?

    Candle uses DateTime<Utc> for start_time and end_time for now.


    opened by seongs1024 2
  • Can China Futures CTP interface be supported

    Can China Futures CTP interface be supported

    Similar implementations include vnpy, which supports many exchanges, as well as China's futures market and stock market. Unfortunately, the efficiency of the Python based framework is not very satisfactory. I have been looking for a Rust based framework. I was lucky to find Barter, but only support crypto exchanges.

    Development Documentation:CTP Client Development Guide.pdf CTP_Client_Development_Guide.pdf

    c++ code & dll is:v6.6.8_traderapi.zip (I found the trust encapsulation of the ctp interface, but I don't know how to combine it with barter:https://github.com/WiSaGaN/ctp-rs)

    test account is :https://www.simnow.com.cn/ (MarketPrice not need account)

    opened by kingmo888 3
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