Another Async IO Framework based on io_uring


kbio, the Async IO Framework based on io_uring, is used in KuiBaDB to implement async io.


  • Support multi-threading concurrent task submission.
  • Very Fast.
  • Implement AsyncRead/AsyncWrite trait introduced in tokio.


async fn read_body(stream: &mut Sock, content: &mut Vec<u8>) -> io::Result<()> {
    let len = stream.read_u32().await?;
    let msglen = len as usize - size_of::<u32>();
    unsafe {
    return Ok(());

See examples in examples/ and the source code of KuiBaDB for more details.

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    After thinking about it, it's not a good practice to use kbio alone. In this case, Walker.Wake() occurs in kbio's own thread, and it needs a cross thread communication to submit task to Tokio runtime.

    It is better to directly replace Tokio IO::driver from Mio to io-uring, in this way, IO tasks are directly submitted to the current thread. Iouring and wake() will also occur on the same thread. At this time, cross thread thread communication will generally only occur in the case of work steal.

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        // ...
    } else {
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