flow-rust-sdk utilizes the Flow gRPC AccessAPI to make requests on the flow blockchain.


Welcome to the Flow-Rust-SDK!

We're glad to have you here. There are a few important items that we should cover real quick before you dive in.


  • This project uses Semantic Versioning 2. Please keep this in mind when making public contributions to the project and bump the version appropriately.

Signing Algorithms

  • Only ECDSA_P256 is supported at this time


  • Only SHA3_256 is supported at this time


  • The cryptography in this SDK is sourced from the public RustCrypto repositories. This is a very mature and widely used library, but the elliptic curve arithmetic contained in these crates has never been independently audited. Use at your own risk.
  • Remember that you will be dealing with private keys, which can be more powerful and dangerous than passwords. Please treat them as such.
  • Consider reading this whitepaper by Google.


See the docs.rs for full documentation. Please open an issue in the GitHub repository if you find any bugs. For general questions, please join the Flow Discord. There is a flow-rust channel which is an excellent place for discussion!

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  • Question about Idiomatic Rust.

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    Hello, as someone new to Rust, I have a query about borrowing and method calling syntax for a function that takes a string.

    Should the calling syntax of SDK methods that take strings be simplified from, for example:




    If the function definition is modified as such (change the network_address parameter from &String to &str and use to_owned method instead of clone):

    pub async fn check_availability(network_address: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
        let mut client = AccessApiClient::connect(network_address.to_owned()).await?;
        let request = tonic::Request::new(PingRequest {});

    Thought about posting on SO, but thought I would come here first, because it's easier to ask when there is some code for context.

    opened by 10thfloor 4
  • Cadence breaking changes

    Cadence breaking changes

    Overview A new version of Cadence will cause some breaking changes in this SDK. It's important that those changes are addressed in a timely manner (by the end of the month) or else it will break the software using the SDK.

    Breaking Change This SDK is using a deprecated API for adding keys to the account. DEPRECATED




    Refactor The cadence templates should be changed according to the account key documentation found here. We have already prepared those templates for you and they can be found here.

    If you need any help implementing the changes you can always reach out to me directly on discord or here (both places with sideninja nick).

    opened by sideninja 2
  • Clippy warnings

    Clippy warnings

    When I run the cargo clippy linter program on your repo, the current project has 29 warnings and one error. Clippy detects code style issues, correctness issues and complexity issues. The cargo clippy output as of https://github.com/MarshallBelles/flow-rust-sdk/commit/208d0d0e3a14826cfc3ee3441903c2c79d91e29c is below:

        Checking flow-rust-sdk v3.9.1 (/home/beef/develop/flow-rust-sdk)
    warning: redundant field names in struct initialization
       --> src/lib.rs:665:9
    665 |         arguments: arguments,
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `arguments`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_field_names)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#redundant_field_names
    warning: redundant field names in struct initialization
       --> src/lib.rs:666:9
    666 |         reference_block_id: reference_block_id,
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `reference_block_id`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#redundant_field_names
    warning: redundant field names in struct initialization
       --> src/lib.rs:667:9
    667 |         gas_limit: gas_limit,
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `gas_limit`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#redundant_field_names
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:292:9
    292 |         return Err("Could not produce result")?;
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `Err("Could not produce result")?`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
       --> src/lib.rs:252:13
    252 |             i = i + 1;
        |             ^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `i += 1`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::assign_op_pattern)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#assign_op_pattern
    warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
       --> src/lib.rs:257:21
    257 |                     time = time + 200;
        |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `time += 200`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#assign_op_pattern
    error: identical args used in this `assert_ne!` macro call
       --> src/lib.rs:262:36
    262 |                         assert_ne!(res.error_message, res.error_message);
        |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: `#[deny(clippy::eq_op)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#eq_op
    warning: returning an `Err(_)` with the `?` operator
       --> src/lib.rs:288:28
    288 |                     return Err("Cadence Runtime Error")?;
        |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `Err("Cadence Runtime Error".into())`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::try_err)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#try_err
    warning: returning an `Err(_)` with the `?` operator
       --> src/lib.rs:292:16
    292 |         return Err("Could not produce result")?;
        |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `Err("Could not produce result".into())`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#try_err
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:544:9
    544 | /         return Argument {
    545 | |             r#type: "Array",
    546 | |             value: values,
    547 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    544 ~         Argument {
    545 +             r#type: "Array",
    546 +             value: values,
    547 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:551:9
    551 | /         return Argument {
    552 | |             r#type: "Dictionary",
    553 | |             value: values
    554 | |                 .into_iter()
    555 | |                 .map(|(x, y)| json!({"Key":x, "Value":y}))
    556 | |                 .collect(),
    557 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    551 ~         Argument {
    552 +             r#type: "Dictionary",
    553 +             value: values
    554 +                 .into_iter()
    555 +                 .map(|(x, y)| json!({"Key":x, "Value":y}))
    556 +                 .collect(),
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:561:9
    561 |         return to_vec(&json!(self)).unwrap();
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `to_vec(&json!(self)).unwrap()`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:567:9
    567 | /         return Argument {
    568 | |             r#type: "Bool",
    569 | |             value,
    570 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    567 ~         Argument {
    568 +             r#type: "Bool",
    569 +             value,
    570 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:576:9
    576 | /         return Argument {
    577 | |             r#type: "String",
    578 | |             value,
    579 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    576 ~         Argument {
    577 +             r#type: "String",
    578 +             value,
    579 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:583:9
    583 |         return to_vec(&json!(self)).unwrap();
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `to_vec(&json!(self)).unwrap()`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:590:9
    590 | /         return Argument {
    591 | |             r#type: "String",
    592 | |             value,
    593 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    590 ~         Argument {
    591 +             r#type: "String",
    592 +             value,
    593 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:598:9
    598 | /         return Argument {
    599 | |             r#type: "UFix64",
    600 | |             value: value.to_string(),
    601 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    598 ~         Argument {
    599 +             r#type: "UFix64",
    600 +             value: value.to_string(),
    601 +         }
    warning: used `assert_eq!` with a literal bool
       --> src/lib.rs:597:9
    597 |         assert_eq!(value >= 0.0, true); // cannot have a negative ufix
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `assert!(..)`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::bool_assert_comparison)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#bool_assert_comparison
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:605:9
    605 | /         return Argument {
    606 | |             r#type: "Fix64",
    607 | |             value: value.to_string(),
    608 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    605 ~         Argument {
    606 +             r#type: "Fix64",
    607 +             value: value.to_string(),
    608 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:612:9
    612 | /         return Argument {
    613 | |             r#type: "UInt64",
    614 | |             value: value.to_string(),
    615 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    612 ~         Argument {
    613 +             r#type: "UInt64",
    614 +             value: value.to_string(),
    615 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:619:9
    619 | /         return Argument {
    620 | |             r#type: "Int64",
    621 | |             value: value.to_string(),
    622 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    619 ~         Argument {
    620 +             r#type: "Int64",
    621 +             value: value.to_string(),
    622 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:626:9
    626 | /         return Argument {
    627 | |             r#type: "Address",
    628 | |             value,
    629 | |         };
        | |__________^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    626 ~         Argument {
    627 +             r#type: "Address",
    628 +             value,
    629 +         }
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:633:9
    633 |         return to_vec(&json!(self)).unwrap();
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `to_vec(&json!(self)).unwrap()`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
       --> src/lib.rs:639:5
    639 |     i = i - vec.len();
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `i -= vec.len()`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#assign_op_pattern
    warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
       --> src/lib.rs:642:9
    642 |         i = i - 1;
        |         ^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `i -= 1`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#assign_op_pattern
    warning: writing `&Vec<_>` instead of `&[_]` involves one more reference and cannot be used with non-Vec-based slices
       --> src/lib.rs:681:25
    681 |     payload_signatures: &Vec<TransactionSignature>,
        |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[TransactionSignature]`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::ptr_arg)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#ptr_arg
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:720:5
    720 |     return out;
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `out`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    warning: this `.into_iter()` call is equivalent to `.iter()` and will not consume the `Vec`
       --> src/lib.rs:710:40
    710 |     for (i, sig) in payload_signatures.into_iter().enumerate() {
        |                                        ^^^^^^^^^ help: call directly: `iter`
        = note: `#[warn(clippy::into_iter_on_ref)]` on by default
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#into_iter_on_ref
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:751:5
    751 |     return out;
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `out`
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    warning: unneeded `return` statement
       --> src/lib.rs:766:5
    766 | /     return Argument::array(
    767 | |         account_keys
    768 | |             .into_iter()
    769 | |             .map(|x| json!(Argument::string(format!("f847b840{}02038203e8", x))))
    770 | |             .collect::<Vec<Value>>(),
    771 | |     );
        | |______^
        = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_return
    help: remove `return`
    766 ~     Argument::array(
    767 +         account_keys
    768 +             .into_iter()
    769 +             .map(|x| json!(Argument::string(format!("f847b840{}02038203e8", x))))
    770 +             .collect::<Vec<Value>>(),
    771 +     )
    warning: `flow-rust-sdk` (lib) generated 29 warnings
    error: could not compile `flow-rust-sdk` due to previous error; 29 warnings emitted

    I suggest running clippy and rustfmt in the CI to avoid issues like these from occurring.

    opened by fee1-dead 1
  • Breaking changes in Cadence

    Breaking changes in Cadence

    Hello Flow SDK maintainer! We need your help updating this repository ASAP. Please check the last changein this post about breaking changes coming along with the release of Secure Cadence and read the documentation about this specific change.

    opened by brunogonzales 0
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